Warlords of Draenor
November 13, 2014

Warlords of Draenor
December 2, 2014Highmaul
Mythic 20The first raid to have Mythic 20 man difficulty, it also brought with it the return of Paragon to the main competition and to the No.1 spot. Mar'gok lived for 4 days.

Highmaul Cleared
December 13, 2014Blackrock Foundry
February 3, 2015Blackrock Foundry
Mythic 20The second part of tier 16 and the comeback for Method, the end of this raid was also the end of WF raiding for Blood Legion. Blackhand lived 10 days.
- Oregorger the Devourer Ascension (OC) 10.02.2015
- Gruul Midwinter (US) 10.02.2015
- Blast Furnace Method (EU) 15.02.2015
- Hans'gar & Franzok Blood Legion (US) 10.02.2015
- Flamebender Ka'graz Midwinter (US) 11.02.2015
- Kromog Method (EU) 12.02.2015
- Beastlord Darmac Blood Legion (US) 10.02.2015
- Operator Thogar Blood Legion (US) 11.02.2015
- The Iron Maidens Midwinter (US) 13.02.2015
- Blackhand Method (EU) 20.02.2015

Blackrock Foundry Cleared
February 20, 2015Hellfire Citadel
June 23, 2015Hellfire Citadel
Mythic 20The unexpectedly final raid of WoD, it brought back Archimonde who proved to be a formidable opponent. He was the first boss since Al'akir in Cataclysm to live past the second reset and survived 16 days.
- Hellfire Assault Limit (US) 30.06.2015
- Iron Reaver Limit (US) 30.06.2015
- Kormrok Limit (US) 30.06.2015
- Hellfire High Council Ascension (OC) 01.07.2015
- Kilrogg Deadeye Ascension (OC) 01.07.2015
- Gorefiend Method (EU) 02.07.2015
- Shadow-Lord Iskar Paragon (EU) 02.07.2015
- Socrethar the Eternal Method (EU) 02.07.2015
- Tyrant Velhari Paragon (EU) 04.07.2015
- Fel Lord Zakuun Method (EU) 02.07.2015
- Xhul'horac Method (EU) 05.07.2015
- Mannoroth Method (EU) 07.07.2015
- Archimonde Method (EU) 16.07.2015

Hellfire Citadel Cleared
July 16, 2015Legion
August 30, 2016
All boss kill dates are for the maximum available difficulty and are in GMT.
The days alive stat is counted from when the maximum available difficulty mode opened.