Retribution Paladin Dragonflight 10.2.7 Guide

Patch 10.2.7 Last Updated: 7th May, 2024
Nurseos Author Avatar


Welcome to the Method Retribution Paladin guide, written by Nurseos. I have been playing WoW since WotLK and joined the hardcore scene in Throne of Thunder raid of Mists of Pandaria. I have been playing Paladin since WotLK and was a Ret main through all Cataclysm and MoP raids. During MoP I was turning into a multiclass player and since WoD Ret has turned into one of my high prio alts to play on farm and I brought it through all expansions except BfA till nowadays.

Ret Paladin has always been a niche spec, and you won’t see it often in World First raid setups, however for semi-hardcore and more casual guilds it is a very solid DPS spec. Listed below are some strengths and drawbacks of the spec:



  • Doesn’t have a versatile build for mixed fights. Only ST or only AoE;
  • Low sustain damage outside of the burst windows
  • Low mobility
  • If you are the only paladin in your raid group you might be forced to play with Devotion Aura instead of Retribution Aura

What has changed

Retribution Paladin Changes for Season 4

Updated talents, gearing, stats, races & consumables, playstyle & rotation to account for Season 4 updates.

Retribution Paladin Changes in Patch 10.2.5

These changes will be a ~5% buff for Single Target and ~3% for AoE. However, none of these changes affect rotation, gear choices, enchantments etc.

Retribution Paladin Changes in Patch 10.2

Updated talents, gearing, stats, races & consumables, playstyle & rotation to account for small changes in 10.2