And with that, the top 10 is now completed. 项羽 have pulled in at world 10th with 880 pulls on the final boss Queen Ansurek.
It was good to see so many Asian guilds in the top 10 this tier, I do wonder however what the landscape is going to look like once we get towards the tail end of the expansion. Will any of them push into the top 3?
Stay tuned to the RWF app for each race and you will find out! See you next race :)
End Myth have defeated Queen Ansurek, World 9th!
A big well done to FatSharkYes who downed Queen Ansurek in only 454 pulls. A very impressive achievement by a guild that is not a day raiding guild!
Well done to them, only 2 more to go for the top 10 to be completed. There are a lot of guilds pushing on progress now on the spider queen, but there are 2 clear front runners to hit that 9th and 10th spot.
Time will tell who gets them though, there is always a chance someone can skip you in the order!
ZboX have downed Queen Ansurek after 1035 pulls, this puts them at world 7th. This is only the 2nd boss that i can remember had a guild do over 1k pulls. The last one was Tindral last tier!
Well done to them, a well deserved rest is now in order. I wonder if they will dream of the Queen in their sleep???
Instant Dollars have hit world 6th on Queen Ansurek, after only 430 pulls.
They become the 2nd NA guild to have guild the boss so far.
佶天鸿 (Ji Tian Hong) have skipped past ZboX and acquired a world 5th kill on Queen Ansurek. A very well played tier from them on a very challenging final boss.
We never quite got to the 1000 pulls, as they did this in 868. This will be a good springboard for them for the rest of the expansion.
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) have achieved world 4th with a 1st in CN. They pulled the boss a total of 547 times before Queen Ansurek fell down and Xalatath left her to die.
They pushed the NA & EU guilds hard this tier with an incredible performance. regularly the highest item level in the world and starting a day behind EU and 2 behind NA. They still managed to catch up and keep good pace with the top 3.
It may not have been their tier, but over the course of the expansion I can see them continuing to knock on the door of that top 3.
Method have escaped the spiders trap! Queen Ansurek is down after 425 pulls!
With 1 healer down, they pulled through and got the boss down right before the enrage kicked in!
Well done Method, what a tier you played!
Echo have killed Queen Ansurek after 449 pulls. World 2nd, EU 1st
Congratulations to them, they came back today after a very late finish and killed her in under 2 hours after starting raiding.
Method still pushing, it is lunch time soon, will they carry on or stop. I hope they keep pushing as they just had another 5.34% wipe and not the cleanest p3.
It really is blow for blow in this final push!
Method big time pushing yet again, they have dropped the boss down to 5.13% on the 408th pull. They are now knocking at door of a world 2nd.
This is getting super intense, any pull either of the top 2 could kill this boss!
Method Yet again hit a new best pull now down to 11.68%....... they want this bad!
404 pulls and counting.
Another big pull from Method this time going down to 12.54% on the 401st pull, they look focused with a lot of good pulls deep into P3 already. They are really pushing for world 2nd!
Spider Queeny is being Method-ically dismantled......
Method have it a new best only a few pulls into the morning shift. A slight decrease in HP from 17.6% to 15.7%.
Great start to the day for them, they will be hoping it continues as they try to close that gap on 2nd place.
Morning Update
There are currently 8 guilds progressing on Queen Ansurek
Echo sitting pretty on 0.98% after going late into the night to try and get that kill, not sure what time they will be on today, will see how long the boss lives after they restart.
Method have restarted already this morning and are at 17.6% at the moment, will they kill it today?
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) are at 29.2% and are looking to catch up and take one of the remaining top 3 spots.
Ji Tian Hong(佶天鸿) are making good headway, but haven't made it to P3 yet, so a lot of work still to do.
FatSharkYes are currently in P1 still, so they will maybe make better progress on that phase and move into the intermission and P2 today.
ZboX are on the intermission progress at the moment, that is a hectic phase and it shouldn't take too many more pulls to maximise damage and remove the shield.
Instant Dollars the only other NA team in the top 10 have only pulled once on the boss and will likely make headway on waking up again later today.
End Myth have just progressed onto Queen Ansurek and we will see how quickly they get to grips with the
Its going to be a long day for a lot of guilds, we shall see how long it takes the P3 pushers to get the boss down. All the other ones still have a fair bit of progress to do before it goes into a killable area for them.
As i was writing my morning update,End Myth have killed The Silken Court after being on less than 1% for a while. They did this after 247 pulls, they now move onto Queen Ansurek
Instant Dollars now joins the race for Queen Ansurek as they took down The Silken Court becoming World 8th, NA 2nd
Instant Dollars new best of 5.22% P3 with 145 pulls.
- Well the tiredness has come onto Echo as they are calling it.
- Wondering what interesting event will happen tonight towards the race, well we will have to see as Instant Dollars the only NA guild at this time is making their pulls on The Silken Court with their best sitting at 24.2% P3 and 143 pulls.
Echo has decided to stay on for another 25mins, they are really wanting that kill. Will it happen or will the tiredness hinder?
Method has signed off for the night, but Echo is still on pulling.
Almost 2am- Method and Echo neck to neck on percentages ranging in the 30s - 20s of P3.
Echo have had a 0.98% wipe on Queen Ansurek, something tells me they won't be going off tonight until it dies!
Method have a new best attempt for Queen Ansurek of 17.6% on pull 369.
Echo have just had a 3.95% wipe, with a really clean pull up until that point, they wipe to the wave hitting Acolyte's Essences right at the end. They are so incredibly close to a kill!
FatSharkYes has killed The Silken Court, World 7th. They now join the 5 other guilds on Queen Ansurek that are progressing the fight.
Echo has a low percentage on Queen Ansurek of 15.3% P3 on pull 390, they are getting into the zone for a kill!
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) has a new best attempt for Queen Ansurek of 31.3% P3 on pull 350.
Using some bloodlust tech to only lust a few certain players (currently 3), Echo's latest pull has seen a 60.1% boss health at the end of Phase 1, which is their lowest end to Phase 1. They are really squeezing out more damage in Phase 1 to get where they need to be to take off the final 4% from their best attempt.
They do this by using bloodlust before the pull, giving everyone the exhaustion, and the players they want to have bloodlust in phase 1 will die and reset theirs.
Echo have had a huge jump in their best pull of Queen Ansurek, hitting a 4.07% best boss health on pull 366.
Both Echo and Method have had new best attempts for Queen Ansurek in the last 30 minutes:
- Echo have a best of 18.6% P3 on pull 359, with 362 pulls in total
- Method have just hit a best of 20.2% P3 on pull 325, their latest pull
An hour after their previous best of 45.3% P3 (pull 282) on Queen Ansurek, 火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) hits a new best of 38.1% P3 on pull 286. They are pushing hard and continue to get some serious progress on the boss!
ZboX has a new best attempt for The Silken Court of 0.09% P3 on pull 269, so incredibly close!
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) has a new best attempt for Queen Ansurek of 45.3% P3 on pull 282.
Echo have been pushing hard this morning, they have improved their percentage from 25.5% down to 19%.
They will be pushing to get that 2nd place so dont expect them to let up today. They will be determined to finish this raid as quickly as possible!

Liquid have done it!!!!!
Queen Ansurek is dead, Liquid have achieved World First after 404 pulls. That was literally the perfect pull!
Congratulations Liquid they did it, World 1st!
Enjoy the gamer screams.
Liquid still deep into the night of pull 395 and still holding onto best of 1.75% P3 Meanwhile... Echo received a new best with their first pull of the day at 19% P3 and sitting at 316 pulls
New best for Liquid of 1.75% P3 on pull 388
- Liquid at 383 pulls and with few high percentages wipes, they found their grove and started to get the boss down to the sub 40% - 20%.
- Instant Dollars showing more progression on The Silken Court with a new best at 26.8% P3 with 105 pulls
The Nightly Update:
- Liquid is still making pulls upon pulls on Queen Ansurek. They are very hopeful of a kill insight.
- Instant Dollars are making really good progress on The Silken Court with a new best of 37.3% P3 in pull 94
Liquid are back from dinner and pulling...
Liquid is now taking a dinner break, could a well fed buff be the key to get this boss down??
New Best from Liquid 3.43% P3 at pull 366.
Liquid at it again with a 14.01% wipe. They had 7 people dead when they hit 20%.
Liquid follows it up with an 11.28% wipe!
Method also had another low wipe, reaching 31% and have called it for the night.
Liquid had a low wipe pull of 26.8% Still plenty of time for them to prog tonight.
New best for Method! 27.1%
New best for Method! 32.71%! They're currently 277 pulls into the boss
It appears Echo have called it for the night, achieving a 25.5% best on 315 pulls.
FatSharkYes looking to get the quick kill on The Silken Court with a new best of 33.5% after just 91 pulls!
Liquid coming in hot with a 10.44% new best, with a wipe due to enrage. It seems they had 4 dead at around 15%, so with the correct optimization, it could be a kill!
Method are chipping away at Queen Ansurek with a new best of 33.32%!
Ji Tian Hong(佶天鸿) has taken down The Silken Court after 208 pulls! This makes them World 5th CN 2nd!
We have a new best trio coming in from the EU with LAGET, Рак Гейминг and FatSharkYes getting 31.6%, 54.9% and 49.4% respectively on The Silken Court!
Method are getting some good progress in today getting yet another new best of 34.25% after 234 pulls, and just before their dinner break.
Liquid and Echo showing they are both fighting for the top spot with Echo getting a new best of 25.5% and Liquid wiping on 25.04% almost side by side. Liquids best still remains at 15.2% but they are certainly not slowing up! They are having a little bit of a discussion break while Echo get right back into it.
Liquid have started pulling! The pressure has been turned up and we will see how far this boss can be pushed today, especially after a very consistent showing from Liquid yesterday, having a lot of deep Phase 3 pulls.
Method have a new best for Queen Ansurek of 37.6% on pull 230. With bloodlust being moved into Phase 3, this looks very promising for further progress if they can repeat getting into P3 without using lust consistently.
Echo has a new best attempt for Queen Ansurek of 26.2% P3 on pull 281.
Method are getting more best attempts for Queen Ansurek, with a new best of 39.5% P3 on pull 196.
It's worth noting, they are still using Blood Lust in Phase 2 to make getting into P3 more consistent, which means if they can move that successfully to P3 (or P1 if that becomes the play) then that % should drop down further.
Method have had another new best for Queen Ansurek of 42.6% P3 on pull 195 (previously 45.3% P3 on pull 192). This is the level of consistency needed to really build up P3 experience, which they are showing they can do today!
Echo are currently taking their lunch break, their pull before doing so was very close to their current best. With an IRL food buff and the time before Liquid are online later today, Echo will surely feel the pressure to really push forward on Queen Ansurek, and this is where we have seen them thrive in the past; hitting consistent pulls and taking chunks out of their lowest % on a boss.
Method have had a back-to-back new best for Queen Ansurek of 45.3% P3 on pull 192 (previously 46.6% P3).
Method has a new best for Queen Ansurek of 46.6% P3 on pull 191, improving from a previous best of 55.8%. On pull 5 of today, and within their first hour of raiding today, they pushed the boss to 46.6% and starting to get experience on the set of 4 Acolytes. Lets hope this strong start continues!
Echo, Method and 火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) are all active and putting pulls into Queen Ansurek.
Echo has a new best attempt for Queen Ansurek of 27.3% P3 on pull 241.
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) have pushed further in Phase 2, there is a high chance they get themselves into Phase 3 today.
Method have had 2 pulls so far today, with their second getting to platform 3 in Phase 2, so hopefully we see this continue and they hit some earlier new bests with experience in Phase 3.
With Liquid setting the bar at 15.2% P3 before calling their raid night, the other guilds will be really trying to move closer to that progress point before Liquid returns later today. And with the following nerfs to the later part of the fight, it's important that they don't let Liquid push even further ahead having had so many great pulls of experience into that point of the Queen Ansurek boss fight:
- Acolyte's Essence damage reduced by 12.5%
- Royal Condemnation damage reduced by 8%
These changes will primarily make the overlap slightly less deadly in Phase 3.
Today has already had something interesting happen, which we learned about from a social media post by a staple of the CN raiding scene, NasDa. 火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) woke up to find their instance was reset again. They had to have a GM help them get back up to Queen Ansurek.
Hopefully this didn't cause them too much of a delay, so they can continue progress quickly!
You can check out the post from NasDa that has a short video showing this unusual bug:
Late Night Report:
- Liquid are now taking a short break. They are still making very good strides on Queen Ansurek, with 293 pulls and a best of 15.2% P3
- Instant Dollars is really showing how much they want The Silken Court down while still progressing a little at a time with 73.5% P2 best and 49 pulls.
- Liquid new best of 15.2% P3 on Queen Ansurek at pull 288
- Instant Dollars new best of 77.2% P2 on The Silken Court at pull 33
Note: There was a nerf implemented on Queen Ansurek Mythic. With such a big jump in best from Liquid, we're surely all wondering are we gonna see a KILL tonight??
- Liquid on a dinner break but getting consistent in getting to the 35% range of Queen Ansurek
- Instant Dollars now progressing The Silken Court with 85.6% best in 10 pulls
- xD also showing some progress as well on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza with a best of 48.9% in 58 pulls
- Instant Dollars take World 9th on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza with 239 pulls and now onto The Silken Court they go. -Liquid taking a small 5min break as they are still progressing on Queen Ansurek with 278 pulls and holding the best of 25.7% P3.
Method have had their cleanest pull into Phase 3 of Queen Ansurek , dropping the best percent from 61.2% to 55.8% on Pull 182.
Their last few pulls are repeatedly getting further into the fight, and with only 20 minutes left of their raid day today, this is really what they needed. Lets hope that they can do the same tomorrow from the start of their raiding day and really start to get further into P3 of the fight.
NEW BESTS for Queen Ansurek
- Method at 61.2% P3 on the 178th pull
- Liquid at 25.7% P3 on the 266th pull
Liquid has a new best attempt for Queen Ansurek of 30.1% P3 on pull 253!
With only a few hours of raiding so far today, Liquid have already had some very clean pulls, pushing back to where they left off in P3. This is very promising for them to make another big jump in progress today and test whether or not a kill of Queen Ansurek is possible this reset without any nerfs!
FatSharkYes coming in for EU with a kill on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza after 222 pulls, putting them World 8th, EU 3rd!
Echo and Liquid just secured yet more new bests side by side of 33.25 and 30.71 respectively! Method are currently on a dinner break and are looking to come out pumping to reach P3 and see what progress they can make tonight on the boss!
Echo is feeling the heat from the Liquid new best and have managed to shave 1% off their previous best to get their new best of 43.3%!
Liquid coming out strong with a new best on Queen Ansurek of 33.16%!
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) are chipping away at Queen Ansurek and have gotten a new best of 65% on pull 138!
End Myth has defeated Nexus-Princess Ky'veza to claim World 7th, CN 4th in 482 pulls!
Liquid are now back in action and getting some swift pulls on the spooder/crab Queen and have had 244 pulls. Echo has gotten themselves a new best of 44.6% on phase 3 and have had 205 pulls so far. Method has reached the top platform in P2 but are struggling to stay alive at that point, but they are due to go for dinner soon so IRL Well Fed buff might come in once more and we may see some amazing pulls as the night progresses. 火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) has had 136 pulls but have not managed to progress past their best percent.
The active guilds have continued to push on with progress, here are some of the highlights from the last few hours:
- 火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) has a new best attempt for Queen Ansurek of 65.3% P2 on pull 129
- Zbox have a best of 61.4% for The Silken Court with a total of 103 pulls
- Ji Tian Hong (佶天鸿) has a best of 51.3% for The Silken Court, with a total of 93 pulls
Liquid will likely be online and pulling again in the next 1-2 hours, they have yet to have their best attempt bested by another guild so far, and with some great consistency on their raiding yesterday, we should seem them push back to that point more often and hopefully show everyone further into the fight!
Method are getting to grips with P2 now, getting through to the 3rd and final platform a few times now. Heroism has been moved through the platforms and once they start getting through to P3 then it will get moved to there, good to see a good bit of progress!
Echo are still at the same percentage they were at before start this morning they are making good progress and getting a lot of valuable information as the reliably get further into the fight. They are now onto 162 pulls on Queen Ansurek.
Method are getting to P2 more reliably, but aren't getting there flawlessly, which unfortunately is needed to push through P2 as it gets super hectic with the portals that need used or they do massive damage!
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) are getting to the intermission on Queen Ansurek, but struggling to get past that phase, i am sure they will have a breakthrough eventually.
Ji Tian Hong(佶天鸿) have made good progress and have The Silken Court down to 67.5% after just 48 pulls.
ZboX are also making good headway and have The Silken Court down to 76,1% after 53 pulls
The Asian guilds have started progressing again on The Silken Court and Queen Ansurek and are looking to push deeper into those fights!
Only a few pulls in for this morning and we shall see how far they go before calling it tonight.
Morning Update
Queen Ansurek
- Liquid have pushed the boss down to 35.4% p3 after 238 pulls.
- 火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) are still at 64.6% i1 after 34 pulls
The Silken Court
- Ji Tian Hong(佶天鸿) are at 86.6% p1 after 9 pulls
- ZboX are at 94.2% p1 after 4 pulls
Nexus-Princess Ky'veza
- Instant Dollars at 0.75% after 236 pulls
- Fatshark Yes at 1.83% after 210 pulls
The pulls into p3 of Ansurek look crazy, there is so much going on when they get there, Max seems confident that they will see the enrage after they wake up tomorrow.
As america goes to bed, the EU wakes up. Echo look to be in the raid, but some of the raiders aren't online yet, so i would imagine that means team discussions they don't want being aired to everyone.
Method will be around in about an hour and looking to get through p2 as quickly as possible, even if its only with 1 or 2 people alive.
Could we see a kill today from Echo before Liquid wakes up again? I am going with not likely, but we shall see. Get yourself ready, because I do think the boss will die before the end of the weekend.
What are your thoughts on it?
Queen Ansurek Report:
- Echo getting ready to start their day of progressing
- Liquid pulls getting more consistent in hitting deep into P3
Another new best for Liquid. 37.5% on pull 221, down 2% from their previous best
- Liquid strategizing / pushing on Queen sitting at 216 pulls and still holding best at 39.5% P3
- Other NA guilds working on their Mythic progressions of Broodtwister and Princess. Could we see a World 7th of Nexus-Princess Ky'veza, Instant Dollars getting close .75% best at 206 pulls
Liquid is on dinner break with their best attempt still being the 39.5%
On pull 209 Liquid hit another new best at 39.5%, a 5.8% difference from their previous best.
Queen Ansurek Update:
- Method working on last pull for the before calling it a night. Standing at 82 pulls and a 66.9% P2 best.
- Liquid now 200+ in with a best holding 45.3% P3
Liquid are getting the fight down nicely now, they are regularly getting to P3 with all people alive. They recently got a new best of 45.3% on pull 193, which was a reduction of roughly 2.5%.
They are currently sitting at 197 pulls, will this hit the 300 pull region?
Liquid just had a very good pull where everyone was alive going into P3, they did well dealing with all the mechanics, but it looks like the boss did massive damage when it teleported to the middle and one of the adds alive.
They must have seen something in the data though as they have stopped to have a good in depth discussion.
We shall keep eyes on how they progress from here!
Method just hit a new best of 64.3% getting into P2 on pull 54. They shaved a couple of percent off the first phase, however the important thing is that they are getting to P2 as that is going to take a lot of practice to get that down smoothly before hitting P3 on top platform.
Queen Ansurek Spider queen of the crabs (anyone else find that wierd?) is proving to be an interesting puzzle for all the guilds.
Liquid has came in with a huge pull to go neck and neck with Echo with a new best of 47.8% P3! The race is certainly heating up!
ZboX has also came out swinging and have defeated Nexus-Princess Ky'veza after 370 pulls, putting them World 6th, CN 3rd. Congratulations to them!
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) are still going, and pumping as they get a new best of 64.6% on the spooder Queen! How much longer can they stay awake, and will we see some more progression?
佶天鸿 (Ji Tian Hong) have defeated Nexus-Princess Ky'veza after an eyewatering 502 pulls, putting them World 5th, CN 2nd. They now move on to The Silken Court, although it looks like their stream has finished for today. Congratulations to them!
Echo just got their first P3 attempt with a new best of 47.8%, putting them in pole position on Queen Ansurek!
Method are now on a dinner break, but have managed to improve on Queen Ansurek progress with a new best of 67.6% on P2. They unfortunately didn't manage to reach the platforms but with the ol' IRL food buff, we'll see how they perform as the night goes on.
Unfortunately, we have not seen any more Queen Ansurek progress from Echo or Liquid, but they are both consistently getting deep into P2 and I'm sure it's a matter of time before we see new bests from them both.
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) are also progressing on Queen Ansurek, with a new best of 83.1%. They are currently 5 pulls in, however, as it is getting late on the Chinese realms, I wouldn't expect to see them going for much further. Having said that, stranger things have happened during this race, so never say never!
Liquid have hit a new best of 55.4% P3 on Queen Ansurek after 158 pulls!
That was an excellent pull and the top platform has some interesting mechanics once you get there, looking to be mental.
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) have defeated The Silken Court, World 4th!
Small afternoon recap for you!
In Europe, Echo has had numerous P2 pulls on Queen Ansurek but still haven't managed to get a new best (currently at 66.6%) and Methods best is 65.63% P1 on pull 5. In the US, Liquid is currently broadcasting the Rise and Raid segment of the show which means we should see some more pulls from them very soon! On the Chinese realms, 火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) have dropped their percentage by 0.1 to 14.3% after 199 pulls.
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) has a new best attempt for The Silken Court of 14.4% P3 on pull 192. It won't be long until they get this boss down and join the top 3 guilds on Queen Ansurek.
Method has started pulling on Queen Ansurek with a new best on their 2nd pull of the boss giving them a new best of 78.15%! We also see that their ilvl is now 625.4, ahead of Liquids 625.3, and Echos 624.9.
Nexus-Princess Ky'veza has been taken down on the reclear by Huoguo Hero after 6 pulls and are now back at The Silken Court!
Method has completed the reclear and are on Queen Ansurek! They had 5 pulls on the boss which took 40 mins to take down. It looks like they are going for lunch before they progress on the spooder Queen.
Echo slowly chipping away at Queen Ansurek with a new best of 66.6% with an extremely clean P1. It will be interesting to see if they can catch up with Liquid before they come back online. The race is on for sure!
Echo shave 0.1% off their new best to get Queen Ansurek down to 67%!
Method get the reclear of Nexus-Princess Ky'veza and move onto The Silken Court! If they clear this before lunchtime, it means they can get the IRL Well Fed buff for Queen Ansurek progress!
Method has been having some heart-breaking wipes on their Nexus-Princess Ky'veza reclear, with the latest one being 0.5%. Can they power through this and down The Silken Court before lunchtime? Time will tell.
Method are back pulling on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza
Morning Time EU Update
Liquid remain in pole position with a new best of 61.7% P3 with a total of 145 pulls on Queen Ansurek Echo are at 66.9% P1 on 49 pulls on Queen Ansurek Method had about 11 or so pulls last night on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza reclear 火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) are now at 16.9% on The Silken Court after 187 pulls 佶天鸿 (Jitianhong) are at 7.63% after a mammoth 419 pulls on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza
It looks like Liquid squeaked into P3 of Queen Ansurek with Max being quite confident they can make good headway into that phase when they restart in the morning, as they have now finished for the night.
Echo are really wanting to catchup on the leaders today, they have all day to pull into the boss and will hope to surpass them if they want to win this race.
Method need to get past Nexus-Princess Ky'veza and The Silken Court as quickly as possible this morning once they start in around 1hr ish, they do not want to leave it long to start progressing the fight on Queen Ansurek.
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) will be wanting to push past The Silken Court today after the reset for them and then all the splits they will have had to do to get the extra ilvl for Queen Ansurek.
佶天鸿 (Jitianhong) have had a lot of pulls on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza and will be glad to see the back of her once they get that perfect pull!
Liquid takes a small break due to some disconnection issues and needing a bit of a refresher. They are still holding best at 65.1 % P2 at 113 pulls.
Liquid now 103 pulls in and still holding that best of 65.1 P2.
Liquid is now taking a dinner break with 96 pulls in and a best of 65.1% P2
- Method still working in the late night hours of Mythic Re-clear of the Nexus-Princess Ky'veza
- Liquid just back from a small break and now 79 pulls in with 65.3 P2 best holding on Queen Ansurek
Echo have called it for the night, they will be back early tomorrow morning to make more progress on Queen Ansurek. A full day on it we should see further into the fight hopefully!
Its been a pretty quiet evening after resets.
A lot of farming is being done, a lot of splits is being done. Echo has cleared Nexus-Princess Ky'veza after taking longer than they would have liked. They are back to Mythic Queen Ansurek and are pushing towards the end of P1.
Liquid are still pushing towards intermission with the comp, practicing the phase to get cleaner and cleaner.
Method are still doing splits and will be done with them soon apparently.
Liquid are progressing the fight on Queen Ansurek, they arent getting into the intermission by enough, but they are reliably getting to the intermission. The fight looks super hectic and once they reliably get movement down and placement down, they will be able to start progressing through that shield she has appear!
Very little has change in the placement of the rankings. However Liquid are now awake and looking to pull Queen Ansurek.
Echo are just back from a dinner break and are hoping to get Nexus-Princess Ky'veza down sharpish as this is taking a little longer than they would like.
Method continue Heroic splits and will be going back into Mythic soonTM.
The rest of the rankings are the same as the were earlier with a little jostling in percentages. The asian servers reset will be coming at some point soon, so the reclears and gearing will be coming and it will be interesting to see what increases they will get gear wise!!
Splits and Mythic Reclear are still ongoing.
Method are in Heroic Splits and Mythic trash clears. Echo are on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza and have had a few pulls to get it down, with a couple of very low HP wipes.
Its a very tight boss fight still, with no vantus runes and still going down the 1 tank strategy, its just a very tight dps check that will likely get a decent nerf once the RWF is over.
Echo are currently progressing through the reclear of mythic Nerub-ar Palace, they are at Nexus-Princess Ky'veza and as expected this is still a tightly tuned fight even with the gear increases from reclear and splits.
Method are progressing through splits at the moment after having done some mythic reclear. Not sure exactly what the plan is for the rest of the day after a late start from them, but they will be moving as quickly as they can to catch back up and get to Queen Ansurek.
The asian guilds and everyone else working through the choke point are all going to be going hard as posisble to get onto the later sections of the raid.
Echo have moved into Mythic+ before going back into Mythic and doing a re-kill of Nexus-Princess Ky'veza.
Method have cleared the first 4 bosses on Mythic, and move into the Broodtwister Ovi'nax boss room, but they may just be doing some trash farming for the Bind on Pickup gear that has a chance to drop.
Echo have re-killed Broodtwister Ovi'nax, moving onto the next boss after some gear upgrades.
Method have finished completing some of their character prep, and are starting their Mythic re-clear.
Echo are back in Mythic and are preparing to start a pull on Broodtwister Ovi'nax.
Echo have cleared through the first 4 on Mythic re clear and are back into Heroic splits of the raid, as well as Mythic trash farming for BOPs apparently.
I am sure when they push into the next stage of Mythic they wont take long to get back to Silken Court and we shall see how much difference those extra few ilvls make on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza and The Silken Court.
Queen Ansurek will be pushed today, I wonder how far they will get before Liquid wake up.
Liquid have called it at just after midnight there time. They have had a new best at 63.75% on the 22nd pull, they just squeaked the boss at the start of the intermission, however only by a whisker as the shield appeared, but I couldn't see any numbers on it. The boss looks pretty hectic and hopefully it wont be a pushover and will be the most difficult boss in the raid - as it should be!
Echo were doing splits and some gearing but it looks like they are headed to Sikran, Captain of the Sureki now to carry on the Mythic reclear.
Method are still offline after a mammoth session to get The Silken Court down. The loot from that boss being available in the vault will be invaluable IF it appears in there. Lets see if the decision actually pays off when they get back to re-clearing today.
Liquid finishes their Mythic Re-clear and are now setting up to continue their attempts on Queen Ansurek new best at 83.5% P1 with 4 pulls.
Liquid has recleared up to Silken Court so far. They were able to rekill Ky'veza after 12 attempts.

METHOD HAD DONE IT!!! World 3rd!! The Silken Court Congrats!!!
Method are back at it!!! Lets see if they can get the KILL!!
Method couldn't quite get the kill before reset; it currently looks like they are staying awake. Hopefully the servers can come up soon and they can get to 7/8!
Liquid has been reclearing Mythic, taking down Ovi'nax, and are currently doing some M+ before tackling Ky'veza again.
Method has an excruciating low pull of 2.84% on the Silken Court. They are desperately trying to kill this boss before the EU reset.
Method still awake and still pulling. They are wanting, and striving for that KILL.
Liquid working on Heroic Splits.
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) has a new best attempt for The Silken Court of 48.7% P3 on pull 111.
Liquid is back from lunch and are continuing Heroic Ansurek splits. Will we see them go back into Mythic tonight?
Liquid has taken their lunch break after finishing their Heroic Ansurek kills.
Liquid have switched out of their Mythic reclear and gone into Heroic Queen Ansurek.
A quick look at where things stand currently:
- Liquid have just re-killed Rasha'nan and continue on to Broodtwister Ovi'nax
- Echo have gone off for today and will return early tomorrow for EU reset to reclear the raid and start progress on Queen Ansurek
- Method have just returned from a short break and will continue pulling The Silken Court, looking for a kill before finishing raiding today
Liquid have entered the raid on Mythic again for their re-clear, and have just killed Ulgrax the Devourer.
They will set the pace for how quickly the other guilds needs to re-clear the raid, and with the recent nerfs to Broodtwister Ovi'nax, it will be very interesting to see how long that boss and Nexus-Princess Ky'veza take to kill for a second time.
Echo have started having a few attempts on Queen Ansurek, with a best of 77.9% P1 after 3 pulls.
Echo have defeated The Silken Court, World 2nd!
Method are taking a food break before returning to progression on The Silken Court. Echo has already had their final food break for today, and will be blasting the boss until its either dead, or they decide to end raiding today before tomorrow's EU reset.
Echo have had a new best on The Silken Court of 12.7% P3. This boss could go down any pull now, as they looked very clean right up until the boss explosion that wiped the raid. If they can get past that, the boss is very close to going down.
Method have just had a new best attempt of 15.3% P3 for The Silken Court on pull 135, with their previous best being 34.58%. That 20% difference shows how big of a jump can be made when you hit that part of the fight. With 4 out of the last 5 pulls looking stronger, Method is really trying to lock-in and push to get this boss dead as soon as possible.
Echo have had back-to-back new best pulls of 28.46% and 28.33%. With many more pulls reaching this point today; once they break past this point of the fight, as shown with Liquid's progression, their next best % is likely to be much lower.
Guilds have been pushing for more progress on Mythic The Silken Court!
Lets take a look at where guilds are at:
- Echo have a best attempt of 28.7% P3 with 155 pulls in total. They have had multiple pulls that reach this point of the fight, they are really heating up, and you can tell they are locked in! We should expect there to be a new lower best attempt soon.
- Method have a best attempt of 34.6% P3 with a total of 128 pulls.
- 火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) have a best attempt of 86.7% P1, with 16 pulls in total.
Echo has a new best attempt for The Silken Court of 36.7% P3 on pull 139.
Their last cluster of pulls have seen them hit this point quite consistently, which means they will be quite close to making a bigger leap forward in terms of boss progression in Phase 3.
Echo have improved there best yet again, now down to 38.5%
they are really pushing that 3rd phase now, I don't think this boss will last past the end of the day for them!
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) have downed the Nexus-Princess Ky'veza on pull 371, after a lot of very low percentage wipes, they have got Asian 1st, World 4th. They now move on to progress The Silken Court.
How quickly will they catch up with the other 2 guilds who are on here!
Congratulations on this, they have 1 full more day to progress on this before they reset!
Echo have hit a new best and moved back into 2nd place with a 42.6% pull, 123 pulls in and they are hitting a good bit of consistency on this P3
Echo have had a massive new best, hitting 46.8% on pull 116, that was a massive improvement on the 53.4% they had previously.
The race is still on with only 1.2% between 2nd and 3rd place right now!
Method have now broken for lunch, the timer is set to 30 minutes and this comes directly after another sub 50% pull, which puts them in p3 yet again.
The more they see that phase the better they will get at the fight and learning the mechanics!
Method have had a minor increase in a new best, now sitting at 45.55%, it shows they can get to the stage now and it will be a case of optimising and fine tuning the CDs to better suit the pulls
Method have had a new best with 45.79% on pull 100.
After a slow start to pulls, they have had a few good ones in the last little while, hopefully a good bit more will be chunked off the HP before stopping for lunch!
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) have had another wipe at 1.25%, they have been struggling with the last bit of this puzzle for a while!
They are now 345 pulls deep on this boss.
Echo look to be reforming, so are finished with the early morning cosy M+ runs.
Lets see what happens when they get back into the groove on The Silken Court!!
In Asia 火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) have moved the boss a hair width away from a kill with a 0.45%, they are now 321 pulls deep, it will surely go down today.
That wipe must have been heartbreaking to see!

Liquid have downed The Silken Court for a world first, they will obviously pull some Queen Ansurek before bed tonight, to get valuable data for them to progress after reset for them. The cleanest pull they have had on that boss since progging it and it showed, the bosses died very very nicely.
That only took 171 pulls, so maybe a little anti climactic considering the pull numbers for the previous 2 bosses! Or was it just that clean?
Morning from the EU crew!
Echo are up and about and are doing M+.
Liquid are coming close to their normal finish time and pushing a sub 10% best at the moment,
Method are getting close to their start time also and it will be interesting to see if they push the boss lower or doing something else initially.
Echo & Method will be going hard today to take The Silken Court down before EU reset tonight.
- Liquid hits a new best of 9.8% at pull 148.
- Echo is now on.
The Late Night Report: The Silken Court
- Liquid still pushing deep into pulls, at 145 and still holding the 14.1% P3.
WOW! Liquid goes from 35.8% down to a new best of 14.1% P3 at 129 pulls
Instant Dollars is getting close to the race of the Court as they received a new best of 27.4% at 93 pulls on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza
Liquid is currently on dinner break. Still, plenty of time to make good progress tonight.
Liquid with another new best of 35.8% at 106 pulls
Liquid has a new best attempt reaching 43.8%
Method has gone offline for the night and will be back online at 8:30am CEST
Update time!
It appears there has been a 5% nerf to The Silken Court.
Liquid has gone back to a two tank strategy using Guardian Druid, and Brewmaster Monk!
Liquid has a new best attempt for The Silken Court of 50.5% P3 on pull 88, their previous best was 63.45%, which launches them into having the lowest best attempt so far in the RWF, and they still have a lot left of their day to progress further whilst EU sleep.
After a previous new best the pull before (65.2% P2) on The Silken Court, Method decided to drop that best a little further to 59.5% P2 on pull 51.
Method have achieved a new best for The Silken Court of 65.2% P2 on pull 50!
Echo end their raiding day shortly after their latest new best on The Silken Court of 53.4% and will return tomorrow morning bright and early!
Interestingly too, Echo and Liquid are both running a single tank setup for this fight (similar to Nexus-Princess Ky'veza).
Echo made the change around 3 hours ago, and Liquid an hour ago.
Unlike the previous boss, Liquid swapped from a Guardian Druid to a Brewmaster Monk and Echo swapped from Brewmaster Monk to Blood Death Knight. Method continue to pull with 2 tanks, but its very possible they also opt to drop the 2nd tank if the extra DPS is needed.
Echo has a new best attempt for The Silken Court of 53.4% P3 on pull 87 (previously 56% P3). They further their lead on this boss with regards to best attempt!
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) has a new best attempt for Nexus-Princess Ky'veza of 1.72% on pull 290 (previously 3.06%)
In the last hour there hasn't been a lot of action, but here is a quick look at where we're currently at:
- Method are currently on a food break and will return to raiding shortly. Their current best is 70.3% with a total of 42 pulls on The Silken Court.
- Echo continue to pull The Silken Court, with a current best of 56% P3 and a total of 75 pulls
- Liquid have started raiding, and from what we can see currently, their best attempt on The Silken Court is 72.5% P2 with a total of 65 pulls.
- 火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) continue to progress Nexus-Princess Ky'veza, with a 3% new best a few hours ago, and a recent low wipe of 15%, they are on track for a kill.
There have been a few new bests in the last hour:
- Method has a new best for The Silken Court of 73.4% P2 on pull 29 (previously 5.44%)
- Echo has a new best for The Silken Court of 56% P3 on pull 90 (previously 59.4% P3)
Liquid should be coming online soon, and so hopefully we can see where their best attempt and pull count ends up!
Method has a new best attempt for The Silken Court of 78.1% I1 on pull 11 (previously 83.7% P1).
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) has a new best attempt for Nexus-Princess Ky'veza of 3.06% on pull 236 (previously 5.78%).
Echo has a new best attempt for The Silken Court of 68.9% I2, reaching Intermission 2 on pull 36 (previously 73.1% P2).
Method have banished the Nexus-Princess Ky'veza with a world 3rd kill after 232 pulls!!
Very clean kill and they had a few seconds to spare before enrage!! Its been a while coming and that means they aren't too far behind the front runners in terms of time spent on the boss.
So lets round up the rankings as it stands. Its lunch time for many in the EU, so seems like a good place to summarise!
*The Silken Court * 1st Echo with 73.1% after 27 pulls (6/9) 2nd Liquid with 82.8% after 9 pulls (6/9)
Nexus-Princess Ky'veza 3rd Method with 0.81% after 228 pulls (5/9) 4th 火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) with 8.46% after 213 pulls (5/9) 5th Instant Dollars with 33.7% after 91 pulls (5/9) 6th FatSharkYes with 47.4% after 59 pulls (5/9) 7th ZboX with 55.6% after 72 pulls (5/9) 8th End Myth on 56.4% after 125 pulls (5/9) 9th 佶天鸿 (Jitianhong) with 68% after 54 pulls (5/9)
Broodtwister Ovi'nax 10th Banhammer with 9.29% after 157 pulls (4/9)
Its really good to see such a tight grouping of guilds on the 1 boss, and there is even more on the previous boss of Broodtwister Ovi'nax.
The 7th boss, but it looks insanely high damage output on that, again another healing intensive fight to keep healers on there toes!
This looks to be going into week 2, unless The Silken Court falls over, but that isn't likely,
Method had a new best of 0.81%, that was looking super clean until right near the end. That was literally seconds away from a kill.
226 pulls and it has to be imminent??
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) have had multiple low percent pulls 11.99 and 12.22 in the last few pulls, they are starting to put pressure on the other teams again.
Will they need multiple pulls below 5% to get vital information to allow the kill? Maybe, but it looks like they have the dps for the kill.
Echo have moved the The Silken Court below 80%, the boss is down to 79.4% after 17 pulls.
This looks to be a mammoth fight also with a lot of figuring out timings as they push through the phases.
Method have had a heartbreaking pull with 1.28% wipe!!
That would have been a kill, but they were down a dps for 50s..... it literally is a knifes edge to get the kill or not!
Method just had a fantastic pull and hit a new best of 2.75% on pull 194.
The best pull this morning from them by a long shot, down before mid morning break? Before lunch?
Lets get that 3 horse race back on the cards!
Echo have just done it, they focused up this morning and got the kill on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza! It was super clean and that's what's needed on this with such a tight DPS check!
It only took 256 pulls, they will be pumped they got it down so quickly after restarting today. Looks like that early finish yesterday into an early start was a very good idea.
Lets see if Method can get there soon, to keep pressure on the top 2 teams!
Echo have started already and are up and firing hard into the boss, they hit a new best of 2.68% on pull 246. They have had a few pulls since then and are going to be hoping to get this boss down before long!!
A Nightly Winding Down Report:
- Liquid still dark, and seems like this will be for the rest of the night for them.
- Instant Dollars still working on Ky'veza still holding 33.7% with 85 pulls.
Liquid still in dark mode. Instant Dollars with a new best of 33.7% on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza
Liquid's raiders are all off stream, but main stream is still on mentioning "Dinner Break", Humm?? Instant Dollars at 51 pulls and received a new best of 49.7% on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza
Small Nightly Update:
- Liquid still in Mythic +s, no update of when Mythic The Silken Court will begin
- Instant Dollars just got a new best of 60.8% in 40 pulls
Liquid still working in Mythic +s Instant Dollars now working on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza and has got a best of 67.5% on pull 21
After to kill of Ky'veza an hour ago Liquid has done a few pulls of The Silken Court and now has decided to branch off into Mythic +s.

Liquid have had that pull, in the words of Mary Poppins "Practically perfect in every way".
Liquid get the World First Nexus-Princess Ky'veza kill after 304 pulls.
Well played people, well played! Now to see what The Silken Court has to throw at us!
Method have hit a new best at pull 160, getting to 5.45% still leaves them in 3rd, but its inching ever closer to the kill. Not long left on raid night for them, will they manage before the ultimate boss of sleep invades the group????
Echo have called it for the night, they have decided to go to bed early and then wake up refreshed and go hard then!
MASSIVE pull from Liquid 0.6% wipe!!!!!
So after that little blitz of pulls earlier things have died down a little.
Echo and Liquid are going pull for pull, all it will take is 1 good pull and someone is killing it.
Method who are only a couple of percent behind the front runners, are currently on break (looking to start soon going by the jumping around in front of Nexus-Princess Ky'veza), whilst some of the bench warmers are in M+ farming some loot. Maybe another slight tweak to composition incoming? Who knows? Someone there will, I do not!
Echo have just had an agonisingly close pull with 3.9% on the 214th pull. Seems the dinner break has provided the buff they need, its getting close, they move back into 2nd now!
This is one of the tightest mid tier boss race I have seen in a long time!
"what a time to be alive" - Shejkin 2024
Method have just had a massive pull and moved back into 2nd place above Echo. Big drop from 14.7% down to 7.69% after 129 pulls!
Another kill on Broodtwister Ovi'nax making Fat Shark Yes the 9th guild to move on to fully progressing Nexus-Princess Ky'veza.
They work fast, maybe it should be FastSharkYes??? Probably not, but worth a thought!
Mini Dinner Time Round Up
Rankings as it stands 1 - Liquid 3.24% 2 - Echo 8.73% 3 - Method 14.7% 4 - 火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) 24.4% 5 - 火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) 69%
That's a fun looking set of rankings right now, Liquid and Instant Dollars should be up and running within the next hour or so i would imagine. What have they got up there sleave and how fast do you think Liquid will punt the Nexus-Princess Ky'veza back to whence she came!
We shall see how the standings are once the Europeans decide to call it a night. Will Method & Echo get past the Princess tonight?
Ji Tian Hong(佶天鸿) have just downed Broodtwister Ovi'nax after 191 pulls, making them the 4th Asian guild to do so!
Echo have gone to replenish the munchies stock and refuel themselves as they hope to take the boss down before tonight finishes!
火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) are now on a new pull of 24.38%. They are coming for the top spots!!
Echo after being a bit stagnant on progress have just hit a new best on pull 195 after getting 8.73%, it looks like they hit the enrage mechanic where the floor looks like a purple Dance Dance Revolution machine!
Method have just pulled a new best to get a 14.9%pull. It hasn't taken long to adjust to the 1 tank strat, 10 pulls to get a new best!
Onwards they charge, can they get a world 2nd on this one?
End Myth have downed the slug, after multiple sub 1% pulls they have killed it on pull 320 to take Asian 3rd!
OK, so METHOD have switched to the 1 tank strat, however they are going with a monk as opposed to the guardian druid, not sure if that's a conscious choice or a forced, but I do love a good brewmaster in the raid!
As a result the windwalker has been moved out also and are now running double DH and double Arms.
ZboX have downed the slug, salt was spread and it shrivelled and perished! Asian 2nd after 222 pulls!
Method are back to mythic group building, there looks to be some changes in the group setup, once they start pulling we can have a look and see exactly what changes they have made.
Lot of damage, lot of healing, so its big pumper time - but also the glass cannons are really not great, so can only take some of them on this type of a boss!
Echo has just had a new best attempt for Nexus-Princess Ky'veza of 17.8% on pull 178 (previously 20%).
Method are back from their lunch break, and are running a split raid before returning to Mythic progress.
Method has a new best of 17.2% on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza, on pull 96. They hit the enrage for the fight, but also aren't using only 1 tank like Echo and Liquid are, its likely that they will switch to solo tanking as well, but there is still a lot of health to shave off the boss before we see a kill.
With a food break coming up soon, getting a new best % and then coming back refreshed and with an IRL food buff they will be happy with their progress so far today!
End Myth are looking for less than 0.5% boss health to secure the kill on Broodtwister Ovi'nax, with 3 almost back to back sub 1% wipes, and 5 less than 1% wipes in total on this boss, this boss dies any pull for them.
Method just achieved a new best for Nexus-Princess Ky'veza of 19.4% on pull 85 (previously 29% on pull 65).
End Myth are so close to defeating Mythic Broodtwister Ovi'nax, they have just had another under 1% wipe (0.31%) on pull 300, they have now had 3 wipes under 1% and are painfully close to claiming the World 6th.
For a mini round up of this mornings pulls
Method, Echo and Huoguo Hero (火锅英雄) are all progressing on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza.
Echo are progressing a 1 tank strategy, same as Liquid and Method are still doing a 2 tank one, just to reliably reach the later stages so they can fine tune CDs for when they get there, they will likely switch to a 1 tank strategy later on today, just when is the question.
Will these guilds kill the boss before liquid wake up in 8 or so hours?
And Huoguo Hero (火锅英雄) have a new best pull! They are now at 43% after 64pulls, maybe we will see 4 guilds pushing a low Nexus-Princess Ky'veza today, it really is heating up in the raid with 2 choke point bosses!
Morning from the EU crew!!!
Echo are back in and pulling Nexus-Princess Ky'veza, however it looks like they are trying to gear something else via M+ with an almost full druid group.
Method are sitting at the boss and a first pull looks imminent! They have switched to a Guardian druid and brewmaster combination, looks like they are not solo tanking it like Liquid did most of the night.
Is this the final composition or is it just to get used to the fight and push it further before they switch to a solo tank?
We shall find out as the day moves on, stay tuned for more updates!
Echo is live and pulling for the day.
Liquid are just about done for their night, just a few more pulls.
Method is also going live and should be pulling very soon.
Liquid have just gotten an 11.7% wipe on their 257th pull
Late Night Update: Nexus-Princess Ky'veza
- Liquid still plugging away and upping the pull count to 247 with the 3.24% still looming.
- Instant Dollars did about 20 pulls and ended the night with a new best of 69% Broodtwister Ovi'nax
- End Myth 1 is now working on their pulls sitting at 277 with a 9.8% best still.
The Nexus-Princess Ky'veza Update:
- Liquid gets a new best of 3.24% with 227 pulls.
- Instant Dollars has begun their pulls and are 4 pulls in with a 83% best.
Update time!
Liquid is currently sitting at 218 pulls with their best being 5.67%. Max seems to think they have more than enough damage to kill the boss, it's just about surviving the mechanics.
Instant Dollars has claimed world 5th Broodtwister Ovi'nax.
- Liquid is back from their dinner break and getting ready to pull Nexus-Princess Ky'veza
- Instant Dollars receives a new best on Broodtwister Ovi'nax of 1.86%
Liquid is on dinner break now. Expect them to go back into mythic when they come back
And we have a 100th pull new best at 7.79% on Broodtwister Ovi'nax for Instant Dollars Liquid still working in Heroic Splits and talks of going back to Mythic Nexus-Princess Ky'veza after dinner.
Liquid has stopped progress to clear some Heroic splits, and potentially some M+. Max said on stream they would head back into Mythic prog probably after their dinner break.
After pushing up to 196 pulls Liquid got a new best of 5.67% on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza
Just as I typed out that last update Liquid gets a 7.58% wipe!
It appears both Fat Shark Yes and Method have called it for the night. Method's best attempt was 29% and they currently have 77 pulls on Ky'veza. Liquid is still pulling, lots of time left for them in the day.
Liquid has gotten another low percentage pull at 12.6%. They're consistently getting to the enrage. They're currently on their 184th attempt. Their best attempt is still that 7.79% pull.
Method has a new best attempt for Nexus-Princess Ky'veza of 29% on pull 65, improving their previous best by 10%; their previous best was 39.5% on pull 51.
Liquid have achieved a new best attempt for Nexus-Princess Ky'veza of 7.79% on pull 178, their previous best was 8.28% on pull 155, and have had multiple pulls that wiped at around 13% in between those new bests.
They are really pushing closer to a kill and their consistency is showing; you definitely want to be watching their streams, as the next few hours of pulls will show you how they overcome the last 8% of boss health they need to defeat Nexus-Princess Ky'veza.
After that new best pull, they are taking a 30 minute break. Getting an IRL food buff before returning for their next raiding session.
After achieving a number of new bests on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza today, both Echo and Huoguo Hero (火锅英雄) have gone offline and will return to raiding tomorrow morning.
End Myth have another sub 10% pull, pushing their new best to 9.8% (previously 10.7%).
Huoguo Hero (火锅英雄) has a new best attempt of 50.7% on pull 43, with back to back best pulls, as the pull before (pull 42) they had a new best of 59.6% (previously 65.7%). It's currently 3am local time for them, but they haven't stopped and are pulling the boss again, it will be interesting to see how much longer they push on with raiding before going offline.
FatSharkYes has a new best attempt for Broodtwister Ovi'nax of 9.13% on pull 93 (previously 20.5%).
Echo have a new best of 20% for Nexus-Princess Ky'veza on pull 119.
Liquid has just had a new best attempt for Nexus-Princess Ky'veza of 8.28% on pull 155!
Having only recently started raiding today, Liquid has a new best attempt for Nexus-Princess Ky'veza of 11.6% on pull 149, their previous best was 14.7% just a few pulls before (pull 147). Hitting 2 new best attempts today already.
With this performance so far today, and getting the boss under 12% (within the intermission), on-stream they voiced that they are confident they will secure the World First kill of this boss today; with how frequently they have got the boss to close to, or below, 23% in 4 of their last 9 pulls (not all today), it's clear to see why they are so confident.
It's definitely worth watching Liquid progress this boss, as they are getting closer and closer to the "it can die on any pull" stage.
Method continue to make progress on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza, with a new best of 41.7% on pull 44 (previously 49.8%).
There have been an number of new bests in the last 30mins:
- Huoguo Hero (火锅英雄) has a new best attempt for Nexus-Princess Ky'veza of 78.5% on pull 9 (previously 80.1%)
- Ji Tian Hong (佶天鸿) has a new best attempt for Broodtwister Ovi'nax of 28.3% on pull 101 (previously 35.7%)
- FatSharkYes has a new best attempt for Broodtwister Ovi'nax of 38.5% on pull 68 (previously 42.3%)
- Banhammer has a new best attempt for Broodtwister Ovi'nax of 61.9% on pull 41 (previously 63.9%)
End Myth hit another new best for Broodtwister Ovi'nax of 10.7% on pull 233 (previously 21.1%).
Huoguo Hero (火锅英雄) have defeated Broodtwister Ovi'nax World 4th
There have been a number of new bests in the last few hours:
- Ji Tian Hong (佶天鸿) has a new best attempt for Broodtwister Ovi'nax of 37.6% on pull 67
- Echo has a new best attempt for Nexus-Princess Ky'veza of 72.6% on pull 13
- Method has a new best attempt for Nexus-Princess Ky'veza of 70.6% on pull 21
- End Myth has a new best attempt for Broodtwister Ovi'nax of 10.7% on pull 233
Method are now back in the Mythic raid and preparing to get more pulls and progress on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza.
Method have defeated Broodtwister Ovi'nax World 3rd, in 134 pulls.
Method have another incredibly close pull, just 0.23% left on the boss!
Huoguo Hero (火锅英雄) have an incredibly low attempt of 1.4% Broodtwister Ovi'nax. They are very close to a kill, and we have a race between Method and Huoguo Hero for World 3rd Broodtwister Ovi'nax.
Echo has a new best attempt for Nexus-Princess Ky'veza of 44.5% on pull 35 (previously 58.4%).
Method have another painfully close 1% pull on Broodtwister Ovi'nax. They are wasting no time and start a new pull almost immediately!
Echo hit a new best of 58.4% on pull 28 of Nexus-Princess Ky'veza, their previous best was 60.2%. They are making steady progress on this boss so far, and with Liquid going offline somewhat recently, they will be wanting to close the gap on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza progress, learning from what they have seen on Liquid's pulls and getting their own experience and muscle memory locked in.
Method have had a new best attempt of 1% on Broodtwister Ovi'nax, hitting the enrage, meaning with slightly more damage on the boss throughout the fight and the boss is dead.
On their 3rd pull today, Method have a low attempt of 10.9% (pull 117).
Huoguo Hero (火锅英雄) are looking very close to a kill, they just had a new best attempt for Broodtwister Ovi'nax of 5% on pull 66. Their previously 15.7% was just 30mins before, so they are looking primed to get a kill any pull!
Liquid have headed offline for today, finishing with a best of 21% and 146 pulls on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza.
Liquid is doing a Heroic Queen Ansurek kill before calling it for the night. They have 146 pulls on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza with their best attempt being 21%.
Echo is continuing to pull Ky'veza, they should be able to make good progress today.
Method is in the raid and should hopefully take down Ovi'nax soon and start working on Ky'veza.
Liquid with a new best of 21.01% and just 2 pulls after the last best. They are not showing any signs of stopping just yet.
Approaching the midnight hours for NA: Liquid gets a new best of 22.25% at 140 pulls On the side of EU: Its morning time Echo is awake and getting set up for their time with Nexus-Princess Ky'veza Method getting ready to stomp on the awful slug of a boss Broodtwister Ovi'nax and move onto Nexus-Princess Ky'veza
Liquid still plugging away in the late nightly hours with a small comp change, could this get them a new best as they are in 134 pulls.
Nightly News: Still silent around the NA guilds except....
- Instant Dollars slightly broke the silent of this night as they get a new best of 26.7% at 73 pulls! Putting them at World 4th for Broodtwister Ovi'nax
- Liquid on pull 127 and still holding the best of the 25.6%
Silent Nightly Recap: Yes all NA guilds except the following two is silent tonight, a bit strange for a Friday night?..
- Liquid is still progressing at 114 pulls on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza and still holding the 25.6% best
- Instant Dollars slowly and silently chopping at Broodtwister Ovi'nax at 65 pulls and holding the 39.2% best
Liquid is back from dinner, and ready to keep progging.
Nexus-Princess Ky'veza did receive a bit of a nerf tonight. 6% to HP, and a 10% nerf to the dot of the Queensbane ability.
Liquid is heading to dinner. 25.6% still their best pull. Someone chimed in about doing heroic after dinner, and Max shut it down. They should be continuing Mythic prog when they come back.
Wow just after 4 pulls Liquid achieved another best of 25.6% on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza
New best attempt for Liquid! 31.78% on their 98th pull. Most of the raid was dead, but a best is a best
Update time!
It looks like most EU guilds have logged off for the night.
Liquid is still working on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza with some very sporadic pulls. This seems to be another tough wall.
Other NA guilds should be coming online in the next few hours to continue their progress.
Method is calling it a night after 114 pulls and a 5.72% attempt. They should be able to down Broodtwister Ovi'nax early in the morning and start working on Nexus-Princess progression.
Liquid has a new best attempt for Nexus-Princess Ky'veza of 38.3% on pull 68.
Method have another low best attempt of 5.72% on pull 105.
Back to back best pulls for Method on Broodtwister Ovi'nax 6.02%
Method have a new personal best of 6.72% on Broodtwister Ovi'nax after 98 pulls! I smell a kill is close for them and it smells delicious!
Liquid are slicing their way through Ky'veza and are making amazing progress with a best pull of 38.58% after 50 pulls. Method are still playing The Floor is Lava with Broodtwister Ovi'nax. Lets not forget our amazing friends over in Asia who despite starting only yesterday are all on Ovi'nax with tremendous progress: 火鍋英雄 (Huoguo Hero) 28.25% End Myth 29.69% ZboX 42.86% Ji Tian Hong(佶天鸿)65.3%
We have an Echo kill on Broodtwister Ovi'nax after 89 pulls while playing an agonising game of The Floor is Lava they claim EU 1st and world 2nd!
Gigga GG to them.
A new best for Echo! 2.03% on their 85th pull
It appears that Method are taking their dinner break. Their best attempt is 17.44% on 88 pulls.
Echo is still pulling and progressing with their best attempt being 3.79% on 82 pulls
Method have just achieved a new best! 17.44% with 86 pulls in, a small increase but valuable information will be gained from that pull!
So Echo are back and pull Broodtwister Ovi'nax. Liquid are back and making headway into Nexus-Princess Ky'veza. The rest of NA will likely soon be following!
Will liquid get to 6/8 today? or will they need to try and squeeze more gear out of splits or M+? Only time will tell!
Echo are on a break to refuel, recoup, stretch the legs, refocus so they can come back and salt a slug this evening!!!
Echo just hit a 3.78% new best on the 75th pull, a kill is imminent for them.......
Method just had a fantastic pull and got the boss down to 18%, unfortunately timings are really tight at this point and 1 missed interrupt will cause a wipe!
70 pulls in and they are getting closer, now to get this new part down to muscle memory and there will be another drop in boss HP again in a few more pulls!
Echo have had a very good pull and Broodtwister Ovi'nax was down to sub 10%, they have really pushed on now and a kill could come any pull!
Method have a slightly new best pull of 28.5% on pull 67, previously their best was 30.1% on pull 62).
Echo are getting really consistent pulls on Broodtwister Ovi'nax. With 3 of their last 4 pulls at around 25%.
Echo have pushed their best pull to 24%, previously 38.4%, on pull 63.
Method have a new best pull of 30% on pull 62 of Broodtwister Ovi'nax , knocking 10% off their previous best.
They are now reviewing the pull and discussing what they can do better to make even more progress on the boss.
Echo have another improved new best of 38.4% on pull 59, chipping away at Broodtwister Ovi'nax.
They are taking a short break before they continue to pull.
Echo have hit a slightly new best of 40.2% (previously 40.9%).
Also, after 2 pulls back into Broodtwister Ovi'nax, Method have a pull of 49.8%. Not a new best, but a good sign getting close to it 2 pulls after entering the raid for the first time today.
Method are back from lunch and they are lining up for some mythic pulls. A bit of a shake up in team composition, so we shall see how this plays out over the first few pulls!
As Method break for lunch after a morning of Raid splits and M+ (all the fun), it looks like Echo are about to start pulling Broodtwister Ovi'nax again......... lets see if those gearing runs this morning will have paid off!
Honestly are back into the raid and are switching it up by going to Broodtwister Ovi'nax and will are doing well with a total of 20 pulls and 76%!
End Myth have had some good progress and have gotten a new best of 48%, good to see the asian guilds making headway at the same time as the rest of the world!
Echo are taking a lunch break, with what sounds like 2 more Heroic splits to do when they return. After which, their plan is to return to Mythic progress on Broodtwister Ovi'nax!
Taking a look at the CN guilds, we have a few updates:
- End Myth still has a best attempt of 61.5%
- ZboX recently killed Rasha'nan and moved to Broodtwister Ovi'nax, hitting 89.3% on their first pull
- Huoguo Hero recently killed Rasha'nan and now appear to be doing Mythic+ dungeons
The EU guilds are measured in their start to the day, they are currently doing a mix of M+ and Heroic splits. Once they get going they will really make headway into the boss today!
Echo have headed into Heroic splits, the same as Method, so it may be quiet in EU for progress on Broodtwister Ovi'nax for the next couple hours.
Either there are some raid composition changes they are funneling gear towards, or they feel they need a few more item level to make the boss easier. We can keep an eye on that when they both re-enter the Mythic raid later today.
Liquid decide to call it a night and plan to head off for some well deserved sleep after a great day of progress.
Interestingly, Max actually called for the team to wipe during their new best pull, and last pull, ending at 63.2%, but that new best could definitely have been lower if they continued despite half the raid being dead already. As this was their final pull today, they finish the day with 29 pulls on Mythic Nexus-Princess Ky'veza.
Confidence is high, and they hint at an adjusted comp tomorrow, but don't say what specifically. So keep an eye on what changes in their raid setup when they wake up and return to raiding later today.
As EU guilds start to wake up, Echo have decided to start off the day with Mythic+ and Method will kick-off with another Heroic split run. Based on the pacing set by Liquid, we should see multiple Broodtwister Ovi'nax kills today!
Since the last update, Liquid have continued to progress Mythic Nexus-Princess Ky'veza, hitting a few new best attempts, with their lowest attempt being 67.3% on pull 18; they currently have a total of 23 pulls.
Instant Dollars have also made some serious progress on Broodtwister Ovi'nax, with a best attempt of 39.2% on pull 41 (previously 49.2%). They have 46 pulls in total on this boss, but have called it a night and headed offline.
Late Night Recap:
- Liquid is taking a much deserved break after defeating Broodtwister Ovi'nax and working on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza with a best sitting at 76.98% at 3 pulls.
- As for the rest of the NA guilds on Broodtwister Ovi'nax left on:
- Instant Dollars at 52.2% in 37 pulls
- All others have went off into Heroic Splits or called it a night.

Liquid has twisted up and defeated for the World First of Broodtwister Ovi'nax with a total of 120 pulls!
Liquid is getting closer! A .55% wipe on attempt 112 on Broodtwister Ovi'nax
A little update on the battle of Broodtwister Ovi'nax
- Liquid now on a dinner break standing at 108 pulls and a 1.26% best
- Six other NA guilds trying to progress
Liquid has another best attempt on Ovi'nax of 1.25% on their 106th pull. Max said on stream they would be doing one more pull and then take their dinner break.
Melee Mechanics and Instant Dollars are now live progressing Broodtwister.
And there it is a new best 100th Pull from Liquid of 3.91% on Broodtwister Ovi'nax
Liquid on their 100th pull and sitting at the 7.08% best with Broodtwister Ovi'nax . Could this be the pull of another best or the kill?
Liquid is continuing to prog Ovi'nax with their best attempt being the 7.08% wipe.
It appears most other NA guilds are tackling M+ before heading into the raid to keep progging.
Liquid has ANOTHER best attempt! 7.08% on their 91st pull. Kill coming soon???
Liquid has a new best pull at 20.03% on the 88th attempt.
They immediately follow it up with a 17% wipe on the very next pull.
Method have called it for the night with their best attempt being 41.8% with 57 pulls.
Liquid is continuing to pull with their best attempt being 23.8% with 88 pulls.
Liquid are back in the raid and will soon be getting more pulls on Broodtwister Ovi'nax. With a best attempt of 23.8%, and still a lot of raiding time today,
Have they acquired enough extra gear since being on the boss last time to make that last 24% more manageable? With a previous average item level of 619.7, they now face the boss with an average item level of 620.8 and their first pull of the boss today was 37.5%.
Since yesterday, they have also opted for a different tank setup, swapping the 3rd tank (Demon Hunter) from Vengeance (Tank) to Havoc (DPS) spec. As well as this, they swapped their Guardian Druid and Brewmaster Monk for 2x Blood Death Knights.
Echo have headed offline for today, resting up ready for a solid day of Mythic progress tomorrow.
Method have just achieved a new best on Broodtwister Ovi'nax of 41.8% on pull 36, an improvement from a previous best of 57.4% on pull 32.
Here is a look at the race currently:
- Liquid are doing some gear upgrading and Mythic+. They are still the furthest guild ahead on Broodtwister Ovi'nax, with a best attempt of 23.8% with a total of 79 pulls on the boss
- Echo continue working on Mythic Broodtwister Ovi'nax, with a new best of 40.9% on pull 44
- Method have also just had a new best on Broodtwister Ovi'nax of 57.4% on pull 32
Summary Time
So now that Liquid are back on and active again, we can do a round up of how the standings are at the moment. Although Liquid are in M+, maybe just allowing the raiders to wake up and go get some more gear before slamming into the Slug!
- In 1st we have Liquid at 23.8%
- In 2nd is Echo who had a good day moving the boss down to 43.4%
- 3rd is Ethical at 60.6%
- Method are in 4th at 64.6%
- Filling out the 5th position is Honestly who are at 74.5%
The only problem with that top 5 listing is that Honestly are the only ones progressing on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza, all of the other top 4 guilds are progressing Broodtwister Ovi'nax with some various different tactics coming into play.
A few guilds are progressing with 3 tanks due to the adds that spawn mid-fight, where as others still just using 2 tanks, only time will tell how each tactic fairs in the heat of battle. We love a good head to head, and its good to see so many guilds progressing the same boss at the same time especially with a variety of tactics and comps being used!
Roll on the rest of the evening with mythic progress!
Echo are now on a food break and are hoping to come back fully food buffed!!
Method will be hoping to get the boss down a bit more before they break for dinner as well!
Another BIG chunk off Broodtwister Ovi'nax HP, Echo has taken the boss down to 43.4%!!!
Liquid should be online in the next hour or so, I wonder how close Echo will get the boss today!
Method are more pulls in and another few percent are off the bosses HP. Now down to 64%, chip chip chipping!
We have another new best pull of 69% (nice)! for Method and also as I type this Echo are in for another new best with 55%!
These pulls are really starting to get interesting!
Method just hit a new best themselves going down to 76%, the extra gear has definitely helped!
Echo continue to hack away at the boss HP, another new best of 64%
Method are back at the slug and pulling, I wonder if they brought the salt buff with them?
No??? Ok just the normal buffs it is then!!
Echo have already hit a new best just a few pulls into there renewed efforts. 66.5% that's a massive chunk off the bosses HP!
The big 2 in the EU are going back to Mythic Nerub-ar.
Echo are already pulling Broodtwister Ovi'nax and Method are gearing up to head in imminently.
NA will be waking up shortly, time for some progress into these bosses!
So it looks like the Australians are calling it for the night
Honestly have achieved a new best pull in the last hour with a 74% pull on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza Ethical hit 60% on Broodtwister Ovi'nax Crimson achieved a new best of 80% on Broodtwister Ovi'nax
It also appears that End Myth are progressing with an updated percentage of 64%!
While it is still all quiet on the raiding front, there are a few guilds who are currently doing pulls in Nerub-ar Palace.
So to round up our competitors from around the globe, we go to Australia
Honestly are solely focusing on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza and are 17 pulls in with a best of 82%, that boss has some really really spicy mechanics that are hitting exceptionally hard.
Ethical are a 14 pulls in with a best of 83% on Broodtwister Ovi'nax.
Cope are 9 pulls in with a best of 86%.
Crimson are 84% in however they are only at 3 pulls so far.
On the Asian servers there appear to be only 2 guilds that are progressing
End Myth at Broodtwister Ovi'nax with a best of 75% so far.
Born In Shadow who have downed 4/9 and will next be making a choice of which boss to go to.
All in all, the 5th and 6th bosses seem to be a massive step up in difficulty. With most guilds preferring to go sidestep Nexus-Princess Ky'veza for the time being and to focus on Broodtwister Ovi'nax.
Lunch Time
Today's Lunch break is here for Method and Echo. However, there appears to be some splits & M+ going on from some of the raiders in both camps. Min Maxing the lunch break is proper RWF behaviour, but when trying to squeeze all the juice out of drops, they do whatever is necessary to get the job done.
Hopefully we go back into Mythic Progress before to long - the 2 bosses coming up look to be very fun fights and I am sure the raiders are itching to get stuck into a juicy worm kill!
It seems its another slow start to the day, both Echo and Method are doing M+ splits, with the latter now having stopped the Heroic Queen Ansurek splits at least for the time being.
It looks like it could be the same format as yesterday, so spending a good chunk of the morning gearing and trying to squeeze all the gear they can out of the available content.
So in summary as the US goes to bed and EU starts through the day, everyone's favourite past time of splits and M+ is the flava flave today again. Obviously they are all sensing the big spike in difficulty and need more ilvl before being able to make a big dent in the 5th & 6th bosses.
Rumour has it that Nexus-Princess Ky'veza is harder than Broodtwister Ovi'nax, we will hopefully see how this plays out later in the day!
Also interesting to note is Liquid, Echo and DMG were all running a 3 tank setup for Broodtwister Ovi'nax, I didn't see that coming, gives a bit of spice the fights as I don't remember the last time I saw a 3 tank fight!
Liquid have called it for tonight, morale seems good after getting to a best of 29% with 73 total pulls on Broodtwister Ovi'nax.
Good to see a bit of a spike in difficulty after the first 4 bosses fell over.
Morning from the EU side of things today. Both Echo and Method are now up and about and it looks like Echo are starting of with some nice cosy M+.
Whereas Method appear to be doing some splits of Queen Ansurek.
Also interesting to note is that whilst Method chose to progress Nexus-Princess Ky'veza almost everyone else decided to put a lot of effort into Broodtwister Ovi'nax. We shall see if that is still the play when they return to Mythic progress.
The NA guilds are starting to wind down for the evening with only 2 guilds working on Broodtwister Ovi'nax Liquid getting their new best of 29.4% and DMG getting a new best of 78.4% putting them to World 3rd, not to far from Melee Mechanics sitting at 77.3% as World 2nd.
There you have it 10 Guilds now at 4/8
- Liquid still working on Broodtwister Ovi'nax with 48 pulls and still holding at 33.23%
- Most NA guilds that are the 4/8 branching off to Heroic Splits, Mythic +s or just calling it a night.
Excitement in the air tonight!
- Liquid just hit a best pull of 33.23% on Broodtwister Ovi'nax
- 2 Guilds getting close on Rasha'nan for that World 5th spot
- Vesper with a best of 6.93%
- xD with a best of 7.19%
Liquid is back from dinner and continuing to prog Broodtwister Ovi'nax. Their best attempt so far is 42.2%
A MASS of Disconnections forcing early dinner break for Liquid and the waiting of fellow players for other guilds trying to progress in Mythic.
Guilds on NA are starting to show some action. Liquid with 21 pulls and a new best of 42.18% of Broodtwister Ovi'nax. We have promises of Mythic Raid progressions coming soon from Poptart Corndog, xD, Vesper, Instant Dollars, and Spike Flail.
NA guild Instant Dollars is live doing 6 Heroic Queen Ansurek kills and then jumping into Mythic! They made waves the last two tiers, so they could be another NA guild to watch out for.
Looks like a lot of the EU guilds are calling it a night. Lots of good progress made by several guilds. More NA guilds should be starting up soon.
Liquid achieved another best attempt on Ovi'nax, getting the boss down to 65.9%!
Method has officially gone offline for the night after completing some M+ runs. They're currently in 2nd place behind Liquid at 4/8 with them choosing to prog Nexus-Princess Ky'veza instead of Ovi'nax. Their best attempt was 79.2%.
Liquid has a new best attempt on Broodtwister Ovi'nax! They jumped from 87% to 76% after four pulls, and then followed it up with another best attempt of 74% on their next pull.
Liquid are back in the Mythic raid, pulling Broodtwister Ovi'nax, and this time on stream!
Method are working on some Mythic+ before heading offline for today.
Echo have gone offline, and will likely be up bright and early tomorrow!
Reversion entered the raid a few hours ago, and have cleared through the first 4 bosses, killing Rasha'nan World 4th!
They have now gone back into Heroic to get more loot before moving onto the next Mythic bosses.
Since the last update, Method swapped from Broodtwister Ovi'nax to Nexus-Princess Ky'veza. They have had 7 pulls so far, with a best attempt of 79.3%.
Method have decided to jump into Broodtwister Ovi'nax progress, having 2 pulls so far, with a best of 81.7%.
Method have defeated Rasha'nan, World 3rd!
After what appears to be a few pulls, Echo have done a very similar thing to Liquid, avoiding showing anything on stream, they have had a few pulls on both Broodtwister Ovi'nax and Nexus-Princess Ky'veza, presumably to test out if some of their BETA raid testing still works for the live version of the Mythic fight and to get a feel for how much damage and healing they may need before being best suited to defeat those bosses.
Echo are now out of the raid and have players in delves and Mythic+, presumably to start the next phase of their Mythic progress tomorrow with as much gear as they can.
Liquid have split off into groups and are doing Mythic+.
Method have returned from their dinner break and are pulling Rasha'nan!
Method have defeated Sikran, Captain of the Sureki, putting them at 3/9.
They have now made their way to Rasha'nan, cleared the trash and prepare to pull the 4th boss of Nerub-ar Palace.
Advance have defeated Sikran, Captain of the Sureki, putting them at 3/9.
They appear to be now going into Heroic, perhaps to acquire some more gear before taking on Mythic Rasha'nan.
After storming through the first 4 bosses, Echo are taking a guild meeting. What they decide to do afterwards will be interesting, as the bosses that follow, if streamed, would share potential tactics and findings with Liquid who are also likely to return to these bosses on Mythic.
Echo may chose to do pulls off-stream if they believe showing their pulls of the next bosses to Liquid whilst it's still early in Liquid's raid day could be a competitive disadvantage. To begin with at least, the Echo streams have hidden their gameplay and muted audio, similar to Liquid streams last night, allowing them to test some of the fight without disclosing their strategy or findings to the other guilds.
Echo have defeated Rasha'nan, World 2nd, putting them at 4/8 and tied up with Liquid on Mythic kills.
They are now clearing trash towards Broodtwister Ovi'nax. So whether they continue on with progress tonight will be interesting to see!
Method have defeated The Bloodbound Horror, putting them at 2/8 Mythic.
They waste no time and fly towards the next boss, Sikran, Captain of the Sureki .
A quick update on where some of the guilds are at:
- Method has entered Mythic and is pulling Ulgrax the Devourer.
- Echo appear to be sending some of their crafting on certain characters and are preparing to pull Mythic Rasha'nan
- Honolulu are doing more splits before returning to Rasha'nan progress
- Liquid continue to do Heroic splits before returning to Mythic progress
Method have defeated Ulgrax the Devourer and move on to The Bloodbound Horror.
Echo 3/9 world 7th on Sikran, Captain of the Sureki.
Looks to be a food break before going onto Rasha'nan afterwards!
And a 2nd boss down in very quick succession for Echo
Echo are officially on the board with a 1 shot of Ulgrax the Devourer, they charge on towards The Bloodbound Horror
Looks like Echo are forming up for Mythic!
Mid Afternoon Round Up
The theme of today is Splits, Splits and more Splits, not the good kind like Banana splits, or the energetic kind like gymnastic splits, but the necessary kind that are Heroic splits.
Method and Echo are both still in splits not having ventured into mythic at all so far. Liquid remain on 4/8 and are due to be up and around in the next few hours with Max saying he wanted to focus more on Mythic raiding upon restarting.
There have been a good few guilds go into the raid though, with Poptart Corndog, Honolulu (the meme gods), XD, End Myth 1 and just recently Cope all hit 3/8 bosses down.
Meanwhile Melee Mechanics (world 1st on Ulgrax the Devourer & The Bloodbound Horror), vodka, Vesper & Nurfed are all on 2/8.
We look forward to the rest of the day, as there are still a lot of hours left in the day for some big progress once the big 2 in EU make a move!
End Myth have defeated **Sikran, Captain of the Sureki **, World 5th.
Honolulu have defeated Sikran, Captain of the Sureki in 7 pulls, achieving EU 1st.
They continue on to Rasha'nan!
Honolulu are making speedy progress on Sikran, Captain of the Sureki, with a new best of 21.2% on their 4th pull.
Honolulu defeated The Bloodbound Horror roughly 20mins ago, and are wasting no time on Sikran, Captain of the Sureki, hitting a new best of 64% on pull 2 of the boss.
Since the last update, there has been a little movement on the Mythic leaderboard, but most guilds are continuing to work through their many splits, mythic+ and crafting, here are some of the highlights:
- Ethical have defeated The Bloodbound Horror and have decided to go back into more splits
- Honolulu have defeated Ulgrax the Devourer and are preparing to face off against The Bloodbound Horror
It is likely that Echo and Method will be taking food breaks soon, after which we shall see whether the decision is to go into Mythic or continue gearing via splits and Mythic+ to be more prepare for either Broodtwister Ovi'nax or Nexus-Princess Ky'veza, the next bosses that have yet to be defeated on Mythic difficulty by any guild.
We are still yet to see any EU guilds take down Ulgrax the Devourer on Mythic difficulty, with most continuing to work through splits or Mythic+. Its likely this will continue for some time, with a chance of some Mythic EU action later in the day.
With only a few guilds having taken down Sikran on Mythic, and although there is limited information on how well they are doing, End Myth (the guild that earned the World First kill of the first boss in the previous RWF, Amirdrassil) are currently at 2/8; they are a CN guild playing on a US realm. They are making progress through the raid, and will either continue to push Sikran, Captain of the Sureki as far as they can, or, if they can't beat the boss' soft enrage of running out of platform space they may have to return to splits themselves.
Things continue to be quite quiet for EU guilds for now, with the continued extra prep after the reset. Echo and Method are continuing to work through splits and starting to prepare crafting gear.
And just like that Liquid have called it a night, they had a good day today starting off with splits looking for some specific bits of loot. They then knocked out the first 4 bosses pretty easily, before going in and testing Nexus-Princess Ky'veza and Broodtwister Ovi'nax.
That signalled another shift into more splits from Liquid. Max stated he would like to focus on mythic when they restarted, however that will likely depend on the gear they got from their time outside of the raid.
Its been a quiet start to the EU day, Liquid are still doing Heroic Splits of Nerub-ar Palace and pushing a later end to their day.
Method are heading into M+ at the moment. Whereas Echo are doing Heroic Splits.
The grind is real to set up for pulls in the Mythic raid, they need all the iLvls they can get! Looking forward to when they both decide to go in and start squashing some bugs!
As we get towards the end of the raiding day in the US we have a quick round up of the state of play.
In 1st place is Liquid with 4/8 Kills and sitting at 83% on Nexus-Princess Ky'veza and 87% on Broodtwister Ovi'nax.
In 2nd is Poptart Corndog (my personal favourite guild name in RWF) with 2/8 Kills and at 30% so far on Sikran, Captain of the Sureki.
In 3rd so far is XD with 3/8 Kills.
The EU continues to rouse from their slumber, Method and Echo are both doing Heroic splits, so they will hopefully enter the race fully once they are finished looking for those last minute bits of gear.
Splits are carrying on with both Method and Echo trying to get some last minute bits of gear before going into Mythic Nerub-ar Palace.
As the NA guilds wind down for the night by working a bit more on Heroic Splits or Mythic +s the EU guilds (Method and Echo) are ready to begin their Day 1 of RWF with a few Heroic Splits.
Method is now Live!
World 3rd of Sikran, Captain of the Sureki has been secured by Poptart Corndog.
Poptart Corndog picked up World 4th Bloodbound with Vodka following shortly after for World 5th. Poptart Corndog is currently progressing on Silkran with their best pull so far being a 4.8% wipe, while Vodka is moving to Heroic splits.
As most guilds have ventured off to Heroic Splits, two guilds Poptart Corndog and Vodka are neck to neck trying to secure the World 4th of The Bloodbound Horror.
Liquid has gone to dinner after completing a few splits. Max said on stream that they would like to complete all their splits tonight and focus on Mythic all day tomorrow.
xD claims world second Sikran after only two pulls! They're currently sitting in 2nd place behind Liquid. They are heading into Heroic splits after some server issues.
After a while of blacked out / muted streams of players Liquid has tried a few pulls with Nexus-Princess Ky'veza keeping her at 83% with 2 pulls and Broodtwister Ovi'nax at 87% with 1 pull. They have now switched to doing Heroic Splits.

Liquid have one shot Rasha'nan claiming their second World First of the tier!
Mesmerize claim World 3rd Ulgrax after 8 pulls! It looks like they have decided to split off into M+ groups before taking on The Bloodbound Horror

Liquid take down Sikran, Captain of the Sureki with one pull and take World 1st
Liquid make quick work of The Bloodbound Horror, one shotting the boss, and claiming world 2nd. They continue on to Sikran.
Liquid are wasting no time, and one shot Ulgrax the Devourer for world 2nd! They march on towards The Bloodbound Horror.
Liquid are grouping up, and heading through the trash!
First boss pull soonTM!!
Its all quiet on Mythic progress.
Liquid are doing a couple of normal boss checkpoints to get some specific loot, then its into Mythic for them.
Melee Mechanics have called it after 4 pulls for the time being, they will be doing some splits before heading back in later on tonight!
Looking forward to what they can do for the rest of the tier!
Melee Mechanics are now 4 pulls into the 3rd boss and already have it down to 30%!
Liquid have taken a break from splits for lunch, after which it looks like they are doing 1 more split before entering Mythic Nerub-ar Palace.

Melee Mechanics has stormed forward, defeating The Bloodbound Horror World First with 3 pulls.
They now move on to Sikran, Captain of the Sureki!

We have a World First Ulgrax the Devourer Mythic Kill!
Congratulations to Melee Mechanics for wasting no time to get the first boss down, they now move on to The Bloodbound Horror.
The US servers are up, although there does appear to be some lag for some, with the World Servers having some issues.
Most US guilds are logging in and checking their great vaults before, at least for Liquid, more Heroic splits. However, good news, it does sound like there will be some Mythic progress for Liquid after their lunch break, but until then, we can enjoy some more Heroic splits from them.
As for whether any US guilds are opting to jump straight in and go for an early World First Ulgrax the Devourer, we will have to wait to find out!
After a Heroic week of splits, PvP, Delves and Mythic 0 dungeons we have reached the first day of Mythic raiding. Later today, when the US region servers come online, the Mythic progress portion of the Race to World First will turn up the heat and kick-start the race.
Although there will still be more splits being run by most top guilds after the reset, we will definitely see some Mythic bosses fall to US guilds today.
Check back later today for coverage of when the servers come online and we see which guilds start with more splits, and which guilds charge into the Mythic raid to take the first World First boss kill of Nerub'ar Palace!
With Nerub'ar Palace (Heroic and Normal Difficulty), the first raid of The War Within expansion, being released today for the US region, streams of the raid and preparation for the main RWF event will be really heating up.
The re-introduction of "Heroic Week" for Nerub'ar Palace means that this will be a week of Normal and Heroic split raids for all guilds involved. Which has the benefit to viewers next reset that there should be a lot more Mythic boss progress earlier on (unless the guilds decide more splits are needed first).
Our Race to World First coverage will properly commence for Mythic difficulty next week, with the US region on September 17th kicking us off.