Vanilla Release
November 23, 2004Onyxia's Lair
November 23, 2004Molten Core
November 23, 2004Molten Core
Normal 40Molten Core was released with the original game and remained undefeated 154 days, which is still the longest an endboss has survived in WoW's history. It was still too soon if you ask Rag.
- Lucifron Fires of Heaven (US) 18.01.2005
- Magmadar Conquest (US) 26.01.2005
- Gehennas Conquest (US) 29.01.2005
- Garr Conquest (US) 30.01.2005
- Baron Geddon Conquest (US) 30.01.2005
- Shazzrah Conquest (US) 29.01.2005
- Sulfuron Harbinger Conquest (US) 30.01.2005
- Golemagg the Incinerator Afterlife (US)
- Majordomo Executus Afterlife (US) 10.02.2005
- Ragnaros Ascent (US) 25.04.2005

Onyxia's Lair Cleared
January 30, 2005Molten Core Cleared
April 25, 2005Blackwing Lair
July 12, 2005Blackwing Lair
Normal 40BWL was released with patch 1.6 and it took 77 days to down Nefarian. Bosses from all over Azeroth are being kited to Vael's room to this day.

September 13, 2005Blackwing Lair Cleared
September 26, 2005Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
January 3, 2006The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
January 3, 2006The Temple of Ahn’qiraj
Normal 40To open the two Ahn'Qiraj raids the server had to cooperate through a world event which took a very long time to complete on some servers. C'thun is also one of the most memorable bosses from WoW and lived 113 days.
- Prophet Skeram Fury (US) 23.01.2006
- Vem, Yauj & Kri Fury (US) 23.01.2006
- Battleguard Sartura Fury (US) 23.01.2006
- Fankriss the Unyielding Fury (US) 23.01.2006
- Princess Huhuran Fury (US) 27.01.2006
- Twin Emperors Vodka (US) 29.01.2006
- Viscidus Death & Taxes (US) 05.03.2006
- Ouro Retribution (US) 26.04.2006
- C'thun Nihilum (EU) 25.04.2006

Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Cleared
April 26, 2006Naxxramas
June 20, 2006Naxxramas
Normal 40The raid was added in patch 1.11 and was the last 40 man instance. Kel'thuzad stayed alive for 90 days and 52.34% of tanks made the Thaddius jump.
- Anub'rekhan Afterlife (US) 20.06.2006
- Grand Widow Faerlina Afterlife (US) 21.06.2006
- Maexxna Forgotten Heroes (US) 24.06.2006
- Patchwerk Death & Taxes (US) 23.06.2006
- Grobbulus Death & Taxes (US) 23.06.2006
- Gluth Death & Taxes (US) 26.06.2006
- Thaddius Death & Taxes (US) 30.06.2006
- Noth the Plaguebringer Surreal (US) 20.06.2006
- Heigan the Unclean Risen (US) 03.07.2006
- Loatheb Deus Vox (US) 17.07.2006
- Instructor Razuvious Fury (US) 20.06.2006
- Gothik the Harvester Fury (US) 30.06.2006
- The Four Horsemen Death & Taxes (US) 25.08.2006
- Sapphiron Death & Taxes (US) 02.09.2006
- Kel'thuzad Nihilum (EU) 07.09.2006

Naxxaramas Cleared
September 7, 2006Burning Crusade
January 16, 2007All boss kill dates are for the maximum available difficulty and are in GMT.
The days alive stat is counted from when the maximum available difficulty mode opened.