Battle for Azeroth
August 14, 2018Uldir
September 11, 2018Uldir
Mythic 20The first raid of BfA featured the first endboss raid extension in a long time (ever?) and it completely changed the outcome of the race. G'huun managed to just barely make it into the second reset, taking 285 pulls and 8 days to die.
- Taloc the Corrupted Big Dumb Guild (US) 11.09.2018
- Mother Big Dumb Guild (US) 11.09.2018
- Fetid Devourer Limit (US) 14.09.2018
- Zek'voz, Herald of N'zoth Limit (US) 11.09.2018
- Vectis Big Dumb Guild (US) 11.09.2018
- Zul, Reborn Method (EU) 14.09.2018
- Mythrax the Unraveler Limit (US) 16.09.2018
- G'huun Method (EU) 19.09.2018

Uldir Cleared
September 19, 2018Battle of Dazar'alor
January 29, 2019Battle of Dazar'alor
Mythic 20An innovative raid with faction-specific mechanics, the battle lasted only one reset, but the competition was very tight and after 7 days it came down to the last few hours after the US reset. It took 346 wipes to down Jaina.
- Champion of the Light Big Dumb Guild (US) 29.01.2019
- Grong Wildcard Gaming (US) 29.01.2019
- Jadefire Masters Big Dumb Guild (US) 29.01.2019
- Opulence Limit (US) 29.01.2019
- Conclave of the Chosen Limit (US) 29.01.2019
- King Rastakhan Limit (US) 29.01.2019
- High Tinker Mekkatorque Limit (US) 29.01.2019
- Stormwall Blockade Limit (US) 30.01.2019
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore Method (EU) 05.02.2019

Battle of Dazar'alor Cleared
February 05, 2019Crucible of Storms
April 23, 2019Crucible of Storms
Mythic 20Crucible of Storms was expected to be a quick race with only two bosses, but it turned out to be the longest in BfA until that point, with Uu'nat taking over 700 pulls and 9 days.

Crucible of Storms Cleared
May 03, 2019The Eternal Palace
July 16, 2019The Eternal Palace
Mythic 20The Palace turned out to be one of the most exciting races in WoW's history, with the top two guilds streaming the action the whole time. Method and Limit were incredibly close to each other the whole time and ended the race only 8 hours apart. Queen Azshara was a very complex encounter and went undefeated for 12 days (plus or minus 10,000 years, technically) and 359 wipes.
- Abyssal Commander Sivara Limit (US) 16.07.2019
- Blackwater Behemoth Big Dumb Guild (US) 16.07.2019
- Radiance of Azshara Limit (US) 16.07.2019
- Lady Ashvane Method (EU) 17.07.2019
- Orgozoa Limit (US) 18.07.2019
- The Queen’s Court Method (EU) 18.07.2019
- Za’qul Limit (US) 20.07.2019
- Queen Azshara Method (EU) 28.07.2019

The Eternal Palace Cleared
July 28, 2019Ny'alotha, the Waking City
January 28, 2020Ny'alotha, the Waking City
Mythic 20The Ny'alotha RWF was a game-changer, with out-of-raid coaching used on all bosses, and Method getting dethroned by Complexity Limit, who took home the first US end boss WF in 8 years. N'Zoth was slightly disappointing as the expansion's end boss, but still made it to the second week, living 10 days and around 270 wipes.
- Wrathion Midwinter (US) 28.01.2020
- Maut Midwinter (US) 28.01.2020
- The Prophet Skitra Complexity Limit (US) 28.01.2020
- Dark Inquisitor Xanesh Big Dumb Guild (US) 28.01.2020
- The Hivemind Complexity Limit (US) 28.01.2020
- Shad'har the Insatiable Complexity Limit (US) 28.01.2020
- Drest'agath Complexity Limit (US) 29.01.2020
- Il'gynoth Complexity Limit (US) 31.01.2020
- Vexiona Complexity Limit (US) 29.01.2020
- Ra-den the Despoiled Complexity Limit (US) 29.01.2020
- Carapace of N'Zoth Complexity Limit (US) 01.02.2020
- N'Zoth the Corruptor Complexity Limit (US) 06.02.2020
Ny'alotha, the Waking City Cleared
February 06, 2020Shadowlands
November 23, 2020All boss kill dates are for the maximum available difficulty and are in GMT.
The days alive stat is counted from when the maximum available difficulty mode opened.