WoW Remix: The Cloak of Infinite Potential, Experience Gains and how to upgrade it

WoW Remix: The Cloak of Infinite Potential, Experience Gains and how to upgrade it

Written by Roguery - 15th May 2024

In this guide we cover what the Cloak of Infinite Potential does, how you obtain it and how to upgrade it. This cloak will be the first item reward you receive, and the only cloak you will use throughout the WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria event.

What is the Cloak of Infinite Potential?

In Mists of Pandaria Remix there is only one obtainable cloak, the Cloak of Infinite Potential. It is obtained very early by following the introduction quests after creating your Pandaria Remix event character. This cloak is upgradable and to some degree shared between Timerunning characters; when your highest level cloak reaches milestones with collecting Threads, your new Timerunning character’s start with a partially progressed Cloak of Infinite Potential.

When equipped the Cloak of Infinite Potential will grant you an aura buff “Timerunner’s Advantage”. The aura grants all secondary and tertiary stats, with the exception of avoidance. It also grants increased % Experience Gain.

Initially the cloak will be very weak, granting 0 in all of these stats. As you quest, loot treasures, kill rares and defeat bosses there are items called threads that will drop; these threads will automatically apply to the cloak, increasing the stats it grants you. There is no known cap on how far you can upgrade your cloak, meaning the potential is indeed infinite.

The aura is visible on your buffbar, and on other player’s buffbars, if you want to compare how far along they are compared to you.

What are Threads and how do you get them?

As we said earlier, Threads are a drop from Pandaria Remix and drop from pretty much everything you do.

When a thread drops it is tied to one of the stats on the cloak, not all stats. For example, you can find a thread that gives Stamina, which means your cloak automatically gains stamina, but none of the other possible stats. The next thread you find might increase your haste, and the third might increase your leech, etc. There is no way to target a specific stat and it's possible to receive the same stat repeatedly.

The Threads come in four qualities: common, uncommon, rare and epic. The difference in quality is how much of the stat your cloak gains, as shown in the table below. The higher level you are, the better quality threads you receive.

Stat Common Uncommon Rare Epic
Level Requirement to drop 10 to 29 30 to 49 50 to 64 65 to 70
Amount of Stats added to cloak +1 +3 +7 +12
Experience Thread of Experience Temporal Thread of Experience Perpetual Thread of Experience Infinite Thread of Experience
Leech Thread of Leech Temporal Thread of Leech Perpetual Thread of Leech Infinite Thread of Leech
Critical Strike Thread of Critical Strike Temporal Thread of Critical Strike Perpetual Thread of Critical Strike Infinite Thread of Critical Strike
Versatility Thread of Versatility Temporal Thread of Versatility Perpetual Thread of Versatility Infinite Thread of Versatility
Speed Thread of Speed Temporal Thread of Speed Perpetual Thread of Speed Infinite Thread of Speed
Stamina Thread of Stamina Temporal Thread of Stamina Perpetual Thread of Stamina Infinite Thread of Stamina
Mastery Thread of Mastery Temporal Thread of Mastery Perpetual Thread of Mastery Infinite Thread of Mastery
Haste Thread of Haste Temporal Thread of Haste Perpetual Thread of Haste Infinite Thread of Haste
Primary Stat Thread of Power Temporal Thread of Power Perpetual Thread of Power Infinite Thread of Power

Achievements for gaining Threads

In addition to the cloak granting you almost infinite power, there are achievements attached to the amount of threads you have collected. These achievements are the milestones that you need to reach in order to pass on some benefit to the next Timerunning character you create.

Requirement Reward
Infinite Power I Collect 40 threads for your Cloak of Infinite Potential Future Timerunning Characters will begin with more threads collected.
Infinite Power II Collect 100 threads for your Cloak of Infinite Potential Future Timerunning Characters will begin with more threads collected.
Infinite Power III Collect 150 threads for your Cloak of Infinite Potential Future Timerunning Characters will begin with more threads collected.
Infinite Power IV Collect 200 threads for your Cloak of Infinite Potential Future Timerunning Characters will begin with more threads collected.
Infinite Power V Collect 250 threads for your Cloak of Infinite Potential Future Timerunning Characters will begin with more threads collected.
Infinite Power VI Collect 300 threads for your Cloak of Infinite Potential Future Timerunning Characters will begin with more threads collected.
Infinite Power VII Collect 400 threads for your Cloak of Infinite Potential Future Timerunning Characters will begin with more threads collected.
Infinite Power VIII Collect 500 threads for your Cloak of Infinite Potential Future Timerunning Characters will begin with more threads collected.
Infinite Power IX Collect 600 threads for your Cloak of Infinite Potential Future Timerunning Characters will begin with more threads collected.
Infinite Power X Collect 700 threads for your Cloak of Infinite Potential Future Timerunning Characters will begin with more threads collected.
Infinite Power XI Collect 2200 threads for your Cloak of Infinite Potential Future Timerunning Characters will begin with more threads collected.
Infinite Power XII Collect 4200 threads for your Cloak of Infinite Potential Toys: August Celestial Wings (Fury of Xuen, Kindness of Chi-ji, Essence of Yu’lon and Fortitude of Niuzao)

The August Celestial Wings Toys grant the graphical effect of the now removed Legendary Capes from the original Mists of Pandaria.

The Cloak of Infinite Potential feels like a core part of the WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria event, albeit a more uncontrollable and passive one. Now that you have an understanding of how the Cloak works; In contrast to the passive nature of the Cloak, Gems are a more significant and interactive mechanic, which we cover in our What are the Gems in MoP remix guide.

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