Pandaria Remix is going to bring some amazing items to the game with the introduction of Bronze vendors, we are going to show you the locations of these Infinite Bazaars and a quick overview of what each vendor sells.
We also have a more In depth look at what you can purchase for Bronze in our Bronze Vendor Rewards List.
WoW Remix Bronze Vendor Locations
Each major zone of Pandaria, with the exception of Krasarang Wilds, has an Infinite Bazaar, we have included coordinates so you can easily find them in game.
Jade Forest
The Jade Forest Infinite Bazaar is located in the North, near Tian Monastery.
/way #371 41.54 26.77 Jade Forest Infinite Bazaar
Valley of the Four Winds
The Infinite Bazaar in the Valley of the Four Winds is located in the center of the zone, a little south of Halfhill.
/way #376 53.54 50.77 Valley of the Four Winds Infinite Bazaar
Kun-Lai Summit
The Kun-Lai Summit Infinite Bazaar is located just outside the Temple of the White Tiger in the north east of the Kun-Lai Summit zone.
/way #379 68.54 52.77 Kun-Lai Summit Infinite Bazaar
Townlong Steppes
The Townlong Steppes Infinite Bazaar is on the island in the West of the zone, behind the Niuzao Temple.
/way #388 38.22 64.19 Townlong Steppes Infinite Bazaar
Dread Wastes
Dread wastes has an Infinite Bazaar located in the north west, near to the log bridge that goes to Townlong Steppes.
/way #422 41.90 18.41 Dread Wastes Infinite Bazaar
Vale of Eternal Blossom
Vale has two Infinite Bazaars, one located in each of the faction hubs (Shrines). They are where the Profession trainers are usually located on the live version of the game, on the bottom floor and to the left side of the Shrine building.
/way #390 60.41 18.12 Shrine of the Two Moons
/way #390 86.10 64.89 Shrine of The Seven Stars
How to get to the Infinite Bazaar
There are 2 main ways to get to the Infinite Bazaars, the first is to simply enter the area and it will phase around you. The second is to use Nostwin’s Voucher that will teleport you to the Bazaar of the zone you are currently in, it will also give you an extra action button allowing you to teleport back to where you initially used the item.
The Vendors in the Bazaar
Each Bazaar has many vendors, each selling different items.
Armor and Weapon Vendors
- Pythagorus (Heroic and Mythic Raid Apparel): This vendor sells normal sets for all classes that were available during Mists of Pandaria, they are usable by any matching armor type. They also sell the Tusks of Mannoroth and the Heirlooms dropped originally by Garrosh.
- Arturo’s (Dungeon Apparel): This vendor sells dungeon sets having several different colour schemes for most armor types.
- Aeonicus (Raid Finder Apparel): This vendor sells raid finder sets for all classes that were available during Mists of Pandaria, they are usable by any matching armor type.
- Durus (Normal Raid Apparel): This vendor sells normal sets for all classes that were available during Mists of Pandaria, they are usable by any matching armor type.
- Larah Treebender (World Apparel): This vendor sells questing world armor sets for all armor types.
- Grandmaster Jakkus (Class Apparel): This vendor sells Class specific weapons and armor.
Mounts and Toys
- Horos (Rare Collections): This vendor sells toys that are dropped by rares around Pandaria, as well as the Mini Mana Bomb which hasn’t been obtainable in-game for some time.
- Hemet Nesingwary XVII (Beastmaster): Hemet Nesingwary XVII sells Mounts, some are specific to World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria, and others are mounts still in the live version of the game, just very difficult to get.
Other Vendors
- Lidamorrutu (Gem Procurement): This vendor sells gems that are part of the MoP remix experience, we go over them in a lot more detail in our guide for WoW Remix Gems.
- Nostwin (Snacks and Scrolls): This vendor sells consumables specific to Pandaria Remix, they include raid buff scrolls, Heroism Drums and unique potion like effects.
We hope this guide helps you find your way around the Infinite Bazaar and spend all your hard earned Bronze.