NicHeroes Joins the Method Stream Team

NicHeroes Joins the Method Stream Team

NicHeroes is bringing Heroes of the Storm to the Method Stream Team! A competitive HotS player, Nic has won several community tournaments including Division S, Heroes Hype, MetaMadness and Method Mayhem. He’s also hit #1GM on the EU ladder for multiple seasons and is proud to be streaming full time after just getting started spring of 2020.

When asked why he chose to join Method’s Stream Team, NicHeroes shared: 

“I’ve always been a big fan of Method’s Race to World First coverage and got to see Sco and the team in action at HGC when I played for Method in 2018. I’m excited to join the team as a streamer because I’m hoping to interest more people in HotS and build a joyful community. There’s a lot of high ranked, competitive solo players out there who enjoy themselves in and outside the game. As a streamer, I want to help people better understand the game and showcase as many strategies as I can outside the meta.”

Nic and his interactive community love competition and irony so if you’re ready to take your game play to the next level, check out his stream at!

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