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Scrappy Worldsnail Mount Guide

Written by Leyst - 6th December 2022

For the Worldbreakers, a portable footstool. For you, a hardy mount.

Expansion: Dragonflight
Category: Vendor
Cost: 1,000
Vendor: Dealer Vexil
Zone: The Waking Shores

How to get the Scrappy Worldsnail Mount

In this guide, I will walk you through how to obtain the Scrappy Worldsnail mount in Dragonflight. To buy the mount, you need to collect 1000 Magmotes. You can read about the prerequisites below and where to farm the motes.


  • Step 1: Complete the side quest storyline called The Shadow of His Wings in the Waking Shores
  • Step 2: Obtain a Worldbreaker Membership by turning in Restored Obsidian Keys to Igys the Believer.
  • Step 3: Use the Membership and get the Worldbreaker Buff
  • Step 4: Kill enemies around the Obsidian Citadel and loot 1000 Magmotes
  • Step 5: Pushase the Scrappy Worldsnail mount from Dealer Vexil

Read our detailed guide below.

Scrappy Worldsnail map image Scrappy Worldsnail zone image
/way The Waking Shores  39.43 48.33 Smoldering Perch

One of the prerequisites requires you to complete one of the side quest storylines called The Shadow of His Wings in The Waking Shores. You can find Ingot at the Smoldering Perch to begin a small 4 part questline.

Complete the following quests:

Check if you have completed the quests:

Punching Up:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(65687))

A Cultist's Misgivings:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(65690))

Under Lock and Key:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(65782))

The Shadow of His Wings:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(65691))
Scrappy Worldsnail map image Scrappy Worldsnail zone image
/way The Waking Shores  32.28 52.48 Igys the Believer

To be eligible to farm Magmotes from enemies at the obsidian citadel, you first have to obtain an item called the Worldbreaker Membership. To get your first Worldbreaker Membership, you have to turn in a Restored Obsidian Key to an NPC called Igys the Believer at The Slagmire, which is located at the Obsidian Citadel. Once you turn in a key, the NPC will give you a Twilight Cache, which has a chance to contain an on-use item called the Worldbreaker Membership.

After you have obtained the item, you can click on it to get a temporary title called “The Worldbreaker,” which lasts for 2 days. You need to have this title in order to farm the Magmotes from enemies at the obsidian citadel.

Important note: If you die while you have the title, it will get removed, and you won't be able to farm the motes until you get another one. The good news is that you can purchase an additional Worldbreaker Membership from Dealer Vexil for 20 Magmotes. Just keep in mind that it's a unique item, so you can only carry one at a time.

Restored Obsidian Key

Before you can obtain a Restored Obsidian Key, you need to unlock the Wrathion and Sebellian reputation by reaching level 70. Once you reach the maximum level, you can choose your allegiance for the week, and once you do, both Sabellian and Wrathion will fly down, where you will be asked to gather materials to craft an Obsidian Key.

Crafting an Obsidian Key

To create a key, you need to combine 30 key fragments and 3 key framing, which drops from enemies around the Obsidian Citadel. You can farm as many Obsidian keys as you want and turn them in for a chance to get the Worldbreaker Membership from Igys the Believer at The Slagmire.

Scrappy Worldsnail map image Scrappy Worldsnail zone image
/way The Waking Shores 35.75 47.96 Cave Entrance
/way The Waking Shores 34.74 46.73 Dealer Vexil
/way The Waking Shores 32.20 52.20 Vyzos the Prophet

You can find Dealer Vexil inside a cave at the Smoldering Perch. Before you can interact with the NPC, you need to have the Worldbreaker Membership buff active.

As mentioned previously, you will loose the Worldbreaker Membership buff if you die. However, you can purchase additional memberships from Dealer Vexil for 20 Magmotes.

I recommend accepting a quest called Same as the Old Boss from Doventhal the Chosen, who is located right next to Igys to get 25 Magmotes and then purchasing an additional Membership in case you die.

/way The Waking Shores 32.28 52.48 Igys the Believer

Note: Magmotes are categorized as Crafting Reagents, so if you can't find them, they might be in your Reagent bag!

There are a few ways you can get Magmotes while having the Worldbreaker Membership buff active.

Scrappy Worldsnail map image Scrappy Worldsnail zone image
/way The Waking Shores 35.75 47.96 Cave Entrance
/way The Waking Shores 34.74 46.73 Dealer Vexil

After you have collected 1000 Magmotes, which took me approximately 3-4 hours, you can purchase the Slumbering Worldsnail Shell from Dealer Vexil inside the cave.

Congratulations on your mount!