The Mycomancer Cavern is a delve located in the north of Hallowfall, and is a cavern infested with Fungarians.
There are 3 versions of the Mycomancers Cavern which we cover in this guide:
- Missing Pigs
- The Great Scavenger Hunt
- Mushroom Morsel

/way Hallowfall 70.91 31.00
Mycomancer Cavern Delve Overview
Delve Mechanics
Explosive Spores is the consistent mechanic between all 3 versions of Mycomancer Cavern. Throughout the delve there will be Sporbit mobs floating just above the ground, patrolling in small areas. The Sporbits are attackable but can’t be killed. They are very fast and will chase you if you attack them or wander too close, and explode if you enter the circle around them.
The explosion takes a few seconds to go off, during which time the Sporbit is stationary. If you get hit by the explosion you take moderate damage, a large knockback, and get a damage over time disease. It’s best to avoid being chased by them altogether, but if you get aggro they will reset once you run out of their patrol area.
Delve Mobs
These are the mobs we felt were highlighting in Mycomancer Cavern.
Fungal Gutter is a melee mob with a frontal cone ability, which is fairly wide and deals significant damage. They also cast battle cry, which is interruptible, that will cause all nearby friendly targets to gain a 25% haste buff. The buff is purgeable, however we recommend interrupting the cast when in large packs.
Fungal Rotcaster is a caster mob that only casts Rotten Bolt, a heavy single target damage which should be interrupted unless it overlaps with Battle Cry.
Fungal Rotspreader is a caster who, like the Rotcaster above, casts Rotten Bolt. They will also channel an uninterruptible cast that spawns mushrooms on the ground that deal heavy ticking damage if you move near them.
Fungal Speartender is an elite mob, who deals significant melee damage and has a frontal spear attack which deals a large amount of damage in a straight line. This is shown by brown swirls on the ground and can be sidestepped. They also cast Battle Cry, identical to the Gutters above, which we recommend to interrupt as the buff will cause significant amounts of additional damage and make the spear cast faster.
Delve Boss
The Boss for Mycomancer Cavern is Bogpiper, a large mushroom infested moss elemental. He has 3 abilities you need to keep an eye on:
- Swamp Bolt: an interruptible cast which deals heavy damage to a single target and should be interrupted whenever possible.
- Muck Charge: an avoidable charge ability, which deals moderate damage and a small knockback to anyone caught in the charge. It will also leave behind small green puddles that deal a moderate amount of ticking damage if you stand in them.
- Sporesong: a short cast which will summon up to 5 Sporbit mobs. If he already has 5 Sporebits nearby they will begin to move closer to the boss. The boss will then begin a channel which deals a significant amount of group damage and causes the nearby Sporbits to chase players and potentially explode. We recommend making sure you have a defensive for this ability.
Missing Pigs
The Missing Pigs version of Mycomancer Cavern is to simply rescue 10 of the pigs scattered around the area. There are more than 10 pigs around the area and they are always surrounded by a group of enemies. When you rescue a pig it will either happily run off, or become a Shadow-Crazed Hog and attack you. The hogs have 2 abilities:
- Muddy Trotters: which deals significant damage to the current target of the hog.
- Enrage: at 30% health, increasing their damage dealt. Brann as a healer can soothe the enrage.

The Great Scavenger Hunt
The Great Scavenger Hunt is to simply collect some ingredients for Chief Dinaire. Talking to him at the start of the delve, he will grant you a buff that lets you breathe and swim faster underwater. This buff will help with the first objective of collecting crates of mussels from underwater.
The second task will be to find Sack of Spices. They are surrounded by enemies but are easy to locate on the minimap.
The third task will be to rescue a Hapless Contestant. They are located fairly high up, you just need to kill all the enemies on their platform
The final task is to find 4 Priceless Pumpkins, which can be easily located on your minimap. Be wary as there are usually elites patrolling near them.
Once done you speak to Chief Dinaire and then the boss will spawn on the same platform. If you are at low health and not ready to fight, just jump to a different platform as he does not automatically engage you.

Mushroom Morsel
The Mushroom Morsel version of the delve starts with you killing the boss. You then click on his mushroom, which will spray you with mushroom gas. Speak to Magni and a Pink Elekk, and get an extra action button that will cause all mobs to be unable to target you. You also get a movement speed increase which also lets you skim across the water.
The first objective is to use the extra action button and collect all of the small skyriding glyphs that are scattered around the room. Then exit the extra button vehicle, and move to a higher platform (you can not use the mushrooms to move to higher platforms when in the vehicle).
The second objective is to kill four Particularly Bad Guy, which look like gnolls. They have two abilities:
- Vicious Chomp: small amount of single target damage
- Hideous Laughter: a fairly short cast that will fear anyone within the circle for 3 seconds when the cast completes.
You will finally need to talk to the Elekk one final time to be free of the Mushroom effect and complete the delve.