Tour Krasarang Wilds Achievement Guide (MoP Remix)

Tour Krasarang Wilds Achievement Guide (MoP Remix)

Written by Roguery - 17th May 2024

In this guide we are going to take you through what you need to do in order to complete the Tour Krasarang Wilds achievement in WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria. Tour Krasarang Wilds is a meta achievement that requires the completion of three other achievements: Explore Krasarang Wilds, Elusive Foes: Krasarang Wilds and Hidden Treasures: Krasarang Wilds.

The achievement involves fully exploring, killing rares and collecting hidden treasures in Krasarang Wilds; our guide provides the Krasarang Wilds Rare and Treasure locations to help you complete this achievement quicker.

There is a similar achievement for each of the Pandaria zones:

By completing this achievement you will also complete the Krasarang Wilds achievement rewarding you with the Chen Stormstout’s Keg cloak appearance.

Explore Krasarang Wilds

The Explore the Krasarang Wilds Achievement simply requires you to fly around the zone and uncover every area of the map, the locations can be tracked on the achievement. It’s likely that you will have already discovered some of these locations whilst leveling or looking for rares and treasures, so you will just need to find the ones you are missing.

With Dragon Riding being available from the very beginning, it's very easy to explore the whole map. One thing to note is that it’s pretty easy to accidentally bypass the Southern Isles which are located just west of Cradle of Chi-Ji.

Elusive Foes: Krasarang Wilds Rares Locations

This achievement will require you to find and defeat three of the eight rares located around Krasarang Wilds. All of the rares are fairly easy to solo.

We have included a map and coordinates to help you locate all the rares in Krasarang Wilds.

  • Arness the Scale is a Saurok located in the south of Krasarang Wilds, on the coast surrounded by treasure. He has 2 neutral elite crabs nearby so be careful with AoE when you engage him.
  • Gaarn the Toxic is a Mogu located in the east of Krasarang Wilds, in the ruins of Dojan.
  • Qu’nas is a Mogu that spawns in the east of Krasarang Wilds, near the path down from Valley of the Four Winds.
  • Spriggin is a Hozen located on the southernmost island of Krasarang Wilds.
  • Cournith Waterstrider is a Jinyu located just outside Fallsong Village in Western Krasarang.
  • Go-Kan is a Yaungol located on a small boat north of Crane Wing Refuge.
  • Ruun Ghostpaw is a Pandaren located in central Krasarang Wilds in the Temple of the Red Crane.
  • Torik-Ethis is a Mantid located on the western part of Krasarang Wilds.

krasarang wilds rares location map

/way #418 56.10 46.90 Arness the Scale
/way #418 56.20 35.20 Gaarn the Toxic
/way #418 70.40 18.20 Qu’nas
/way #418 54.10 89.00 Spriggin
/way #418 31.30 34.43 Cournith Waterstrider
/way #418 40.60 26.78 Go-Kan
/way #418 41.55 55.38 Ruun Ghostpaw
/way #418 45.55 17.18 Torik-Ethis

Completing this achievement will also reward a Lesser Bronze Cache.

Hidden Treasures: Krasarang Wilds Treasure Location

This will require you to find the Saurok Stone Tablet in Krasarang Wilds, as it is the only treasure within Krasarang Wilds.

We have included a map and coordinates to help you locate the treasure.

krasarang wilds treasures map

/way #418 70.50 9.49 Saurok Stone Tablet

The coordinate above is the entrance of the cave. The treasure is located just inside on the right. You can also use /way 75.1 55.1 once you are inside the cave, if you are having trouble locating it.

Completing this achievement will also reward a Lesser Bronze Cache.

For the next achievement guide in this Mists of Pandaria Remix series, you can read our guides on how to complete the Tour Kun-Lai Summit and Tour Valley of the Four Winds achievements.

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