Raid Setup

4-Target Cleave fight and the bosses do not share a health pool
Recommended Setup: 2 Tanks / 4 Healers / 14 DPS
Useful utilities: Immunities
Easy Mode
- Tank swap each Crush cast
- Avoid standing in front of the Embar boss (frontal cleave)
- Interrupt Frost Spike / Lightning Bolt
- Spread for every Conductive Mark cast (5 yards) and do not touch other players with it
- Stand close to Earthen Pillar to remove Conductive Mark
- Destroy Earthen Pillars with Meteor Axe to reduce damage from Quaking Pulse
- Several players should help soak Meteor Axe
- When you reach 4-6 stacks of Primal Blizzard, touch Scorched Ground to remove it.
- Get all bosses to around 5% and kill them roughly at the same time
Primal Blizzard
On Mythic, clearing stacks of Primal Blizzard will consume the fire on the ground. Early into the fight that could become problematic if all players soak the same puddle. The best way to deal with this is having Melee players soak the closest fire puddle, and Range players the one in the back. This will ensure that there is enough fire for all players.
Conductive Mark
On Mythic, the marks will not expire unless removed by getting close to an Earthen Pillar. Additionally, the damage taken by it is increased by a lot, so it's very important that players spread properly for each application of Conductive Marks to avoid heavy damage spikes.
This fight behaves exactly like it does on Heroic but forces you to play it much cleaner.
Suggested Positioning
General Tips
- Properly spread each time Conductive Mark is cast and remove it with Earthen Pillar
- Kill as many of the Earthen Pillars as possible with each Meteor Axe Cast
- Range players, do not clear in Fire puddles close to melee when removing Primal Blizzard stacks. It will force melees to run into far puddles or freeze them if they do not clear on time.
- Ensure all 4 bosses die roughly at the same time, as this is much more punishing on Mythic.
- If you are struggling to stay alive, you may add another healer or get one of your DPS players to spec into heal. It will help a lot with out-healing clumsy plays.