Raid Setup
![tank icon](/images/icons/role/tank-icon.png)
![healer icon](/images/icons/role/healer-icon.png)
![dps icon](/images/icons/role/dps-icon.png)
Single Target Fight (even though there are plenty of little adds)
Recommended Setup: 2 Tanks / 4 Healers / 14 DPS
Useful Utilities: Druid Roar/Shaman Totem, personal movement abilities, Warlock Gates, Knock-back prevention skills and Evokers Time Spiral talent
Mobile Immunities: Turtle, Bubble, Cloak (and Ice skates)
Easy Mode
- Tank swap every 5-8 stacks of Web Blast
- The Off-Tank should pick up Frostbreath Arachnid and face it away from the raid
- DPS need to kill Frostbreath Arachnid as soon as possible
- Spread for Chilling Blast circles and do not stand in Icy Ground (white puddles)
- Drop Enveloping Webs in between ranged and melee camps or to the side
- During Gossamer Burst, use movement abilities, stand far away from the boss at the assigned location and make sure you are healthy before it hits.
- If players are Wrapped in Web (8 stacks of Sticky Webbing), the tank should place a spiderling on them; when spiderlings die they explode and remove any form of Webbing. A Blessing of Protection will also remove it. Happens very rarely though, so players who get Webbed in Phase 1 really wanted to roleplay as Spiderman.
- Place the Sticky Webbing to the side of the stairs
- Use the Warlock Gateway when it's your turn (check strategy section)
- Dodge Tornadoes
- Dodge swirls
- Be ready for Gossamer Burst by getting to the top before the cast starts
Phase 2
- Interrupt Apex of Ice
- You will permanently slide in this phase because of ice, be careful
- Tank swap every 5-8 stacks of Web Blast
- Place the Chilling Blast circles to the side, for better Glacial Plume positioning
- Every player should soak the 1st set of Glacial Plume, Immune clear the 2nd and on the 3rd one place them apart and move the boss towards the stairs so there is an empty space, free of Glacial Plume.
- Suffocating Webs targeted players should get close to melee to get freed from Webs faster
- Repelling Burst will knock you away, don’t fall of the platform or hit a Glacial Plume
- Kill the boss before damage taken becomes too high
MRT Note Reminder
Platform 1-2-3 > Kill big Add asap, stack up at the start of the stairs for the grip
Stairs 1 > Ranged wait for Sticky Webb Cast, then instant Gate, Melees after Circles
Stairs 2 > Ranged run instantly after Grip, take gate, melees shortly after, before the circles
Stairs 3 > Ranged Instant gate after Sticky Webb Cast, Melees after Circles
Phase 2 > Soak 1st Puddles, Immune Clear 2nd, Move boss in empty space on 3rd, Survive 4th/5th
Speed Boost Tips:
- Druids should use Roars for Range group at the start of each Stairs Phase
- Shamans should use Totems for Melee groups when it's their time to move aggressively up the stairs
- Consider giving Tigers Lust to Paladin Healers during each of the stairs phases
- Priest should grip any players that is falling behind on stairs before the Gossamer Burst
Sticky Webbing
It now takes 8 stacks instead of 10 to wrap you in webs. You also can't really use it anymore to fight Grips and Knocks as the applications will slow you down too much and you will risk getting webbed.
Gusting Rime
Tornados that spawn randomly around the room and a lot of them on the stairs. Simply dodge them.
Dissolved Defenses
Debuff that is applied to players standing in the green swirl left by the small spiderlings when they get killed. Getting hit by this will increase Nature damage taken by 300% for 30 seconds and will most likely cause you to die since, guess what type of damage you take by all abilities… YES its Nature.
Avoid the green swirl triggered by the spiderlings when they die.
Just like on Heroic, you will have to play 3 Platforms, 3 Stair Phases, and Phase 2 (boss phase upstairs).
Opener Platform (Platform 1)
You want to start every Platform on the side you enter the platform, this lets you drop Icy Ground and Sticky Webbing there. As the room fills, you should slowly adjust towards the stairs. Each platform phase ends with a Gossamer Burst grip which always happens after you deal with the Frostbreath Arachnid (big spider add).
Dealing with Frostbreath Arachnid
On the opener, you will want to fully focus the boss with Hero/Lust and cleave down the Frostbreath Arachnid (big add). On every other platform, the big add is your highest priority and you need to make sure that every player has the add as their main-target.
The big add does raid wide damage that ramps up, people will mostly start dying after the third cast of Chilling Aura. Especially make sure that people do not stop damaging it when it reaches low HP, since this is where most of the players think the add will "die off" and then it gets another cast off that kills several players.
Platform 2 and 3 task order
Most players are at the platform starting area (top of the stairs). Players that get Sticky Webbing should drop it close to the stairs, since you won't be going down anymore. Every other Range player should loosely spread and wait till the boss starts filling up the side with Icy Ground before moving along the platform.
Soon after this, you will get a Frostbreath Arachnid spawn. Keep in mind that it has a very awkward spawn radius, so it can spawn all the way in front, back or next to the boss. This is fully random, so be ready.
By the time the Add has spawned, most of the ranged and melees should be around the middle of the platform. If you have players standing close to the stairs already, they are going too far ahead.
Kill the add quickly, you will get Chilling Blast (Circles) when the add is around 20-30% health left if you are doing proper DPS to it. Make sure that players do not get distracted by the circles and actually finish the add. If it does not die shortly after, the stacks will be too high and the next Chilling Aura cast will likely cause a wipe.
When the big add is dead, have your entire raid move aggressively towards the end of the platform to deal with the Gossamer Burst. Healers need to pay attention here since the raid is already damaged by the Chilling Aura and Circles, so players need to be healthy enough to survive the Grip Damage (around 150-200k).
The Stairs Phase always starts after that last Gossamer Burst cast.
Stairs 1 and 3
Note: Stairs 1 + Stairs 3 are the same, but Stairs 2 is a bit different.
You just finished dealing with the grip and the whole raid has a bit of a downtime now. Have your warlock place a Gateway from the start of the Stairs to the middle of the stairs. Try to aim for a gap between tornadoes.
Taking the gateway will make you immune to Tornado knockback in case you touch them during the gate, so even if there is a tornado on top of the gate, you can still press the item/gate to take it without getting knocked.
Range players should wait for the Sticky Webbing cast. The moment it goes out, the 2 players targeted should drop the webs on the side, and the entire range team should take the gateway. If players targeted by the web are also ranged, they take the gate after they finish dropping the puddles.
Quickly run up the stairs, and spread for Chilling Blast (Circles). Focus on dodging any tornadoes on the way.
Once the Chilling Blast is done, The Warlock should place another gateway for the melee’s, going from the top towards the middle of the stairs.
Melees are delayed because they are following the boss upstairs for a while to do extra damage and to create space for circles and such. Once their gateway is down, they should use it and meet up with a ranged team to deal with the Gossamer Burst. This marks the end of the stairs phase and the beginning of the platform phase.
Melees who struggle to prevent getting pulled off the platform (Holy paladin for example) should simply stack with the ranged in the back. Others can play around the stone, but be careful, sometimes it will grip you to the side or even above it. Just make sure you only do this if you are confident in your ability to stay on the platform there.
Note: After the last Stairs Phase, everyone should stack up in the back for the grip.
Stairs 2
The only difference between the 2nd stairs phase and the 1st and 3rd is that here you do not wait for the Sticky Web cast after the Grip, instead have your entire range team run up the stairs a little and take the gate. The gateway should be placed a bit higher up compared to the Gateway from 1st Stairs as this one will be used by both Melees and Ranged players (the Warlock does not need to replace the gate here).
Players who get marked by Sticky Webbing instantly move to the side of the stairs. Your goal here is to have everyone take the gate before the Chilling Blast circles cast. That way the ranged can spread on the top, and melee can spread in the stairs area. Then all stack back up at the edge for Gossamer Burst cast and Platform 3 starts.
Phase 2
The boss will slowly move into position, once it reaches it, it will cast Apex of Ice, make sure to interrupt it as it only happens once in the entire fight.
Chilling Blast 1
The first Chilling blast cast will happen very fast, players should just loosely spread for this one, it does not matter much where you drop it as you will be soaking these Glacial Plumes.
So as you drop it, if your HP is fine (60%+) just walk into the Glacial Plume that you spawned and take the damage (don’t get knocked off the platform).
Chilling Blast 2
The second Chilling blast will happen shortly after. This one you want to place to the side of the platform as much as possible and have players with mobile immunities (Rogues, Paladins, Hunters) clear the mines around the boss and in the middle of the room.
You will also get a Suffocating Webs cast here on the tank. I suggest using BoP on them to free them and buy you some time before you have to deal with the Webs the normal way.
Once cleared, have your entire Raid stack up in melee for Repelling Burst (that knocks players away).
Make sure you dodge any small add swirls on the way, and do not get knocked into a Glacial Plume on the side.
Chilling Blast 3
For the third Chilling Blast cast, you should place all the Circles as close as possible to the boss.
Once placed, have your Tank move the boss all the way until it is out of the minefield and everyone else stack up in melee for another Repelling Burst cast.
Chilling Blast 4 & 5
For The 4th and 5th Chilling Blast cast you will be in that small area at the back, close to the stairs. When here, you need to put all the Chilling Blasts to the side, and clear as much as possible with any immunities you have left. The boss should die, at the latest, after the 5th Chilling Blast cast, any longer and the damage done to the raid will be too much.
Healing Tips
- Make sure there are 2 healers for Melee group and 2 for the Range Group during Stairs phases
- Be ready for the large damage spike when the Frostbreath Arachnid (big spider add) is close to death
- Make sure that everybody is healthy enough for each Gossamer Burst cast
- Don’t hesitate to call for Healthstones/Pots and Personals during Stairs phases as random players might drop dangerously low and be out of range of most healers
- Assign your strongest Raid CD’s for the 3rd, 4th and 5th Chilling Blast casts in Phase 2