Assassination Rogue Stats, Races and Consumables Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 25th Feb, 2025
Whispyr Author Avatar

Stat Priorities

Stat Ranking

All Content: Agility > Critical Strike > Mastery > Haste > Versatility

There are slight differences here to fully minmax your secondaries. Fatebound builds will want more Critical Strike than Deathstalker builds in order to leverage Deal Fate. Mythic+ builds also desire less Haste than usual. Versatility is not a “bad” stat, and having some in your gear is entirely normal. That being said, in most cases Versatility is considered a defensive secondary more than anything, especially in high levels of mythic+. This defensive value of Versatility is very subjective and I generally don’t recommend it.

Stat Outline

Critical Strike: Generates extra combo points from Seal Fate. Also generates some energy if Dashing scoundrel is used.

Mastery: Increases the damage of every important ability

Haste: Very slight energy increase (not noticeable), but will increase the damage of many damage over time effects.

Versatility: Overall damage increase and damage taken reduction


I always suggest playing the race you prefer visually over any min-max.

That being said, for the ultra-minmax, you should be playing either Orc for Horde, or Dwarf for Alliance. Orc provides good on-use burst, while Dwarf can use their racial to cheese debuffs in mythic+.

Night elf is also often recommended for Mythic+, but often for the wrong reasons. Many rogues will recommend Night elf for the perceived damage increase from Shadowmeld. Most of the time however, Shadowmeld has similar use cases to Stone Form from dwarves and should be used to cheese mechanics in most situations as the dps increase from shadowmeld is very small.


Cloak: Chant of Winged Grace

Chest: Crystalline Radiance

Bracers: Chant of Armored Leech

Boots: Defender’s March

Legs: Stormbound Armor Kit

Rings: Radiant Mastery (any non-cursed enchant is fine)

Mainhand: Authority of Radiant Power (Authority of the Depths for pure Single Target)

Offhand: Authority of Radiant Power (Authority of the Depths for pure Single Target)


Culminating Blasphemite, then fill the rest of your slots with Deadly Onyx, Masterful Ruby, and Deadly Emerald. Using the Special bonus Crit Blasphemite is only a minor gain and can be avoided if you so choose. Simulate yourself to optimize it correctly.


Food: Feast of the Divine Day

Phials: Flask of Tempered Versatility (to leverage the potion)

Potions: Tempered Potion

Health Potions: Algari Healing Potion

Weapon Oil: Ironclaw Whetstone

Runes: Crystallized Augment Rune