Preservation Evoker Talents Guide

Patch 11.0.7 Last Updated: 12th Jan, 2025
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Talent Builds

Preservation plays differently in raid and Mythic+. In season 1, there are several viable builds. The Echo build with Flameshaper talents is currently our best set of talents.


Class Talents

Class Tree Talents: Raiding

Preservation is a healing spec that has access to a lot of utility options. What you want to spec into will change depending on whatever is necessary for the encounter. For example, Time Spiral can be very useful to talent into on high movement fights or fights that need a specific reset of ally movement abilities at a point in the fight; however, many fights may not meet this criteria and as such Time Spiral loses value. Time Spiral shares a choice node with Spatial Paradox in The War Within.

This is another very good utility talent that lets you and a friendly healer of your choice, cast and move at the same time. It also increases your range by 100% for 10 seconds. This can also be used in fights, to heal hard to reach targets. If you don’t target anyone it will affect the nearest healer.

Another ability that is very useful in high movement fights is Rescue. Rescue is a particularly useful piece of utility that allows you to move yourself and an ally to a location, this can be used to help you avoid a particular mechanic or to fix poor positioning. This can also be paired with Twin Guardian to give you and your ally a 30% shield which can help on a heavy hitting mechanic or as just an extra defensive option.For defensive talents, there are a couple of good options in the class tree that have all seen their uses in the different raids.

Zephyr can be taken for an extra defensive option that also affects your 4 nearest allies for the same amount.

Cauterizing Flame is located in an easy to reach part of the tree and provides access to a Bleed, Poison, Curse and Disease dispel on a 1m cooldown, this can be very useful in fights with these mechanics. It is the only dispel in the game that works on bleeds.

Oppressing Roar can be an option for fights with a lot of CC as it increases the duration of the next CC on targets hit by 50%. This can be paired with Overawe to give an AOE enrage removal on targets, however this may have limited use in a raid environment. You can also pair Oppressing Roar with Landslide which will give you an AoE root that lasts 30 seconds to control adds in fights.Several talents are taken in every build, either due to their position within the tree allowing good pathing to later talents or the sheer value they provide in all encounters. These are as follows:Tip the Scales causes your next empower spell to be cast at its max rank with no cast time. This is a very strong talent and will be taken no matter the encounter.Lush Growth and Attuned to the Dream provide passive extra throughput.

Renewing Blaze is a strong defensive option that will heal back damage taken over time (If you use Flameshaper hero talents, this also gets turned into an external if you play Lifecinders). Aerial Mastery provides you with an extra charge of your movement ability Hover.

There’s also the Potent Mana talent which gives extra passive healing to the healer that’s targeted with Source of Magic. Pathing towards Regenerative Magic will also give you the interrupt: Quell. These should be taken in most cases for maximum healing output.

Class Tree Talents: Mythic+

In Mythic+, your talents do not change massively from raiding, however a few gain or lose value in the smaller group size. As was said in the raid section, most of the utility options in the class tree can be very situational and should be used on a dungeon by dungeon basis depending on the needs and wants of your group, and also what is missing from your comp.

Tip the Scales is a must have talent no matter the dungeon. Zephyr gains a lot of value in Mythic+ being able to give your group an extra defensive option before incoming AoE mechanics.

When it comes to CC in dungeons there is a good amount of utility talents. Oppressing Roar allows for longer CC providing extra control.

Overawe gives you an AoE enrage removal on targets, this can see use in general but rises significantly during weeks with the Raging affix.

Terror of the Skies provides an extra CC option to your group through your Deep Breath ability.

Landslide gives you access to a 15 sec AOE root that may be useful as an extra CC option to your group, it is also positioned at the start of the tree making it easy to pick up.

Sleep Walk is a hard CC option that lets you lock down a single target for as long as you need provided you continue recasting it before it expires.For flexibility you can look at swapping the following talents depending on the dungeon: Renewing Blaze, Terror of the Skies, Aerial Mastery, Rescue, Heavy Wingbeats, Clobbering Sweep.

If you don’t need extra defensive options you can choose to talent out of them for more utility and CC, and vice versa. Another good option for a talent in niche dungeon scenarios is Unravel. This is good in specific scenarios for damage on shields like in Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond’s Fall on the shield mechanic.

Spec Talents

Spec Tree Talents: Raiding

The raiding talent tree will look a bit different depending on what kind of build you’re looking to go for. Hero Talents add variety but there are still the different base builds of Echo and Emerald Blossom. Emerald blossom pairs best with Flameshaper Hero Talents, while traditional Dragonflight Echo pairs with Chronowarden. Echo with Flameshaper is currently our best set of talents.

In the Echo focused build you want to talent into Golden Hour because you need to get to Time Lord as it makes your Echo heal 50% more, and because you also cast Reversion.

You don’t play around the Cycle of Life as you don’t cast Emerald Blossom. You choose to talent into Stasis instead in this build as it allows you to set up for bigger ramps with Temporal Anomaly. It is recommended to play with Ouroboros but this talent is a fairly optional point as managing it and getting value out of it can be hard when you’re getting into the spec.

Some talents to consider taking instead are Spark of Insight, Exhilarating Burst and Flow State.

In Emerald Blossom builds you want to set up your essences so you can create big healing windows with your blossoms. A talent that works well with that is Power Nexus for example. Allowing you to get 6 essences and so 2 full blossoms.

You drop Time Lord in this build as you want to spend your essences on Emerald Blossom and not Echoes.

The build uses significantly more mana so you can opt to not talent into Temporal Anomaly and put them in Exhilarating Burst instead, if you feel like you need an easier time managing mana.

Spec Tree Talents: Mythic+

In Mythic+, it’s important to take Life-Giver’s Flame and Lifeforce Mender.They give you a large damage increase and it’s one of the only points in the tree where you can get talents that give you a damage increase.

This also leads into Lifespark which makes Reversion have a chance to give you an instant Living Flame that does 50% increased DPS or healing.

An important talent to get for healing is Punctuality as it is very strong with Golden Hour but it also allows you to get Stasis, which is a talent that you need to take.

Temporal Artificer, Energy Loop, and Time in Need are all somewhat okay options in different situations. Energy Loop isn’t that big of a dps upgrade over just casting Living Flame and it also costs essence, which you might need more of for healing at later points in a key.

Temporal Artificer is a talent that gives us more uses of rewind overall.

Time of Need can be very helpful in difficult situations making it good for higher keys. Any of these talents will do the job so pick whatever you think fits the dungeon the best or whichever you enjoy playing with the most.

Font of Magic is another point that’s fairly flexible. It’s a good talent but for Mythic+ the value is a bit less so. The talent allows you to get another empowered level on your empowered abilities. This is very nice for Spiritbloom in keys but you don’t gain any damage from the extra level on Fire Breath, you do gain an extra charge of leaping flames.

Dream Breath is cast on the lower ranks as well as the higher ranks on keys so it doesn’t really gain that much from Font of Magic compared to Spiritbloom.

Hero Talents


The Flameshaper hero talents introduce a new button to our rotation. This is also the main focus of the tree. The entire tree revolves around Engulf. It has a lot of throughput talents to buff Engulf and its capstone talent: Consume Flame. Engulf is a button that adds high single target healing on its own, but when paired with consuming Dream Breath it will add actual AoE healing as well.

Notable utility talents for this tree are Trailblazer: this makes Hover, Deep Breath and Dream Flight travel 40% faster and makes Hover travel 40% further.

It shares a choice node with Shape of Flame, which blinds enemies hit by Tail Swipe and Wing buffet. This makes them miss melee attacks. This node is pretty niche but might have its use in mythic plus.

Notable throughput nodes are Traveling Flame, this passive node helps Dream Breath passively by adding an extra duration on it and spreading it after casting Engulf. This does not increase the healing of Dream Breath.

Enkindle is a good talent node for Emerald Blossom builds. This talent increases blossom healing by 20%.

Expanded Lungs is a good talent to increase more of Dream Breaths healing. It’s also good for damage as it increases the DoT of Fire Breath.

Conduit of the flame is a small passive increase but you’ll likely not heal many targets below 50% HP.

Burning Adrenaline is a good node to make longer spells feel better to cast as it takes time off the cast time.

Titanic Precision helps us generate more Essence Bursts off Living Flames.

Then Red Hot buffing our Engulf healing and damage by 20% and adding an extra charge for more frequent ramps.

Lastly there is Lifecinders, this is a node that lets you cast Renewing Blaze on other targets, making it an external. If you don’t target this then it will automatically go on a nearby injured ally. It does 50% of your defensive but it is still a very strong node.


The Chronowarden Hero Talents focus on enhancing “Dragonflight’s greatest hits” Preservation Evoker gameplay. It feels like playing the same Preservation in Dragonflight but faster and stronger with some quality of life fixes.

The main focus of the tree is Chrono Flame. This talent transforms the current Living Flame into Chrono Flame.

This is basically an empowered version of Living Flame, which makes it so that when you cast it, it will first cast a normal Living Flame into a Chrono Flame.

Chrono Flame still benefits from all the Living Flame bonuses like Lifeforce Mender because it will hit with the Living Flame first. The Chrono Flame that comes after will still do 15% of that Living Flame plus any other damage or healing (this does have a cap).

The capstone for the tree is Afterimage. This node sends up to three Chrono Flames when you cast empowered spells. In practice this means that if you hit 3 people with your empowered spell, each person will get 1 Chrono Flame. If you hit less than 3 people, and one of them has an Echoed spell on them, they might get an Echoed version of Chrono Flame.

Notable utility in the tree is Warp which turns your Hover into a blink. You still get the effect where you can cast and move. This also reduces the cooldown of Hover by 5 seconds.

If you choose to take Temporality in the choice node below it will give you a damage reduction of 20% that decays over 3 seconds.

If you choose Motes of Acceleration, Hover leaves behind a trail of motes that let allies pick them up for a 20% movement speed increase for 30 seconds.

Notable throughput nodes are Reverberations, which makes Spiritbloom heal even more.

Golden Opportunity which makes some Echoes heal for 210% instead of their usual amount.

Temporal Burst, which makes Tip the Scales recharge your spells a lot faster by increasing your haste and cooldown recovery rate.

Besides those there is also Double-Time, which can extend your Dream Breath to an even longer HoT.

Instability Matrix is a node that gives even more cooldown reduction which means you can use your empowered spells even more often, this also synergizes well with Primacy.