While playing The War Within you may have reached renown 21 with The Severed Threads, this has a special unlock called Cornering the Market. This unlock lets you trade 100 resonance crystals for 100 Kej.
Where to trade Resonance Crystals for Kej
The vendor Ka’muko is located in The Weaver’s Lair in central Azj-Kahet.

/way Azj-kahet 56.63 42.94
He sells the Silk Kej Pouch which costs 100 crystals or the Silk Kej Purse which costs 1000 crystals.
Where to Obtain Resonance Crystals
Resonance crystals can be obtained from doing most daily/weekly content. We have included a list of some that we think are particularly good for resonance crystal:
- The weekly quest The Key to Success rewards 300 crystals per week, this quest is obtained from the Archaic Cipher Key which drops at the end of a delve.
- Skyriding Courses are a great source of resonance crystals. Completing them on their 3 difficulties (Normal, Reverse and Advanced) at gold will reward 95 resonance crystals. There are 6 races per zone so you can earn 6840 crystals per character by just doing these races.
- World Soul remnants are a repeatable but low amount of crystals, these are the orbs that are floating around Khaz Algar. Each orb gives a few crystals.
- Collecting Disturbed Earth grants a few crystals every time and can be a great way to farm materials and crystals at the same time.
Trading Kej for Eggs
This is one of the reasons you are going to want to trade your Resonance Crystals for Kej. By going to Izkrk'tkrzn in the city of threads, you can purchase eggs used to obtain and craft the Secret Sauce Recipe, these eggs can also be sold on the auction house.

/way City of Threads 59.86 31.57
The reason you want to purchase them from Izkrk'tkrzn and not one of the other egg vendors is because his prices change and can be significantly cheaper than the other vendors.
Below is a table showing which eggs Izkrk'tkrzn sells and their minimum and maximum price, while we don’t think you should wait for the cheapest price the table should inform you if the price is closer to the cheapest or more expensive.
Item | Minimum Kej Price | Maximum Kej Price |
Cracked Weavershell | 24 | 133 |
Sticky Gossamer Sac | 24 | 150 |
Jostling Ovoid | 24 | 175 |
Suspiciously Heavy Egg | 24 | 149 |
Yesterday’s Eggs | 24 | 129 |
We hope this article helped you spend your overflowing resonance crystals. We also have more information on the secret sauce and how it works in cooking.