Profaned Tinderbox is a material used for many enchants and crafts. The drop rate however appears to be quite low, resulting in currently very high prices on the auction house. Because of this, we have listed a couple of good ways to farm Profaned Tinderboxes, either to use for your crafts or to make some gold with.
Disturbed Earth
Disturbed Earth is found throughout Khaz Algar, and has a small chance of rewarding a Profaned Tinderbox. While the chance of finding a Profaned Tinderbox is low, the Disturbed Earth is plentiful, and will drop a large variety of other materials. During our testing we did not find any particular zone or area where the Disturbed Earth rewarded more Profane Tinderboxes than other areas, so we have included a couple of farming spots, depending on which zone you prefer to farm in.
Isle of Dorn
To the north of the Isle of Dorn there are mountains called Dhar Kazhad. This is a great spot for farming Disturbed Earth, as there are many spawns and they are all close together.

/way Isle of Dorn 57.30 19.06
Following the rivers of Hallowfall and keeping an eye out for Disturbed Earth is also pretty decent, as there are quite a few spawns.
An added bonus of this farm location is that if you have a gathering profession on the character, you will also find a lot of nodes for herbalism or mining along the rivers. You can also collect any treasures you see, which also have a small chance of containing a Profaned Tinderbox.
Delves are a great way to get more Profaned Tinderboxes. They drop in all delves with different rates depending on difficulty.
Heavy Trunk
Delves have a small chance on completion to reward you with one or more Profaned Tinderbox.
Which tier delve you do affects the amount of rewards from the chest at the end:
- Tiers 1-5: Chance of 1 Profaned Tinderbox
- Tier 6: Chance of 1-2 Profaned Tinderbox
- Tier 7: Chance of 1-3 Profaned Tinderbox
- Tier 8: Chance of 2-3 Profaned Tinderbox
Which tier you want to run will depend on how fast you can clear the different difficulty delves, but for this farm there is no reason to ever do tier 2-5, as they reward the same amount as tier 1.
You also have a chance to receive Profaned Tinderboxes from Brann in Nightfall Sanctum. Brann can fish, mine and herb; and whenever he gets close to a fishing pool, an ore or a herb and is out of combat he will gather the node for you. Whenever Brann gathers materials in Nightfall Sanctum, he has a chance to also gather a Profane Tinderbox, from any of those nodes. You do not need to have those professions for Brann to start gathering the materials, but having the profession will make it easier to see the nodes with tracking.
While the Profaned Tinderbox drop rate is low, both for the nodes and the chest at the end of the delve, our testing rewarded about 3-4 Profane Tinderboxes per hour, with a clearing rate of about 15 tier 1 delves per hour. With the right spec and class you can probably be faster than that.
There is also a guaranteed, one time only, Profaned Tinderbox from the Sturdy Chest near the end of the Nightfall Sanctum delve. This chest can only be looted once per account. We have included the waypoint to help you find it.

/way 39.12 74.33
Fungal Folly
Fungal Folly is a great delve to farm materials from. It can easily be completed at higher difficulties using any class with pretty minimal gear. To do this all you need to do is use the Sporebits to deal damage to nearby mobs. The boss of Fungal Folly also has no unavoidable damage meaning you can easily survive it and just kite the boss until it dies. Fungal Folly can be found in the center of the Isle of Dorn.

/way Isle of Dorn 51.90 65.51
Best of luck with your Profaned Tinderbox Farming! Whether you go for the treasures or delve method, we hope you get lucky with the drops and can either craft with them or make some gold selling them.