With Mythic Castle Nathria raid progress starting on Tuesday 15th in the US region, guilds have been preparing by running Heroic raiding splits. This first tier has been particularly interesting already as there are currently only two guilds, Complexity Limit and Echo, that have defeated Sire Denathrius on Heroic difficulty.
Congratulations to Complexity Limit for claiming the World First kill of Heroic Sire Denathrius!
Check back for coverage of the Mythic Castle Nathria raid race starting Tuesday 15th.
Happy RWF Day 1! US realms have maintenance scheduled until 7:00PM GMT/11:00AM PST. I don't know about you guys, but the suspense is killing me and we haven't even started yet. While we wait, pop on over to Twitter and enter the Method Giveaway for a chance to roll need on our Legendary loot drop.
Be sure to check here frequently for the latest RWF updates.
Looks like Mythic Castle Nathria gets a 1 hour stay of execution. Blizzard has extended US maintenance by an hour.
[#Warcraft] Current maintenance has been extended until 1:00 PM (PST). We apologize for any disruption and hope to restore service quickly.
— Blizzard CS - The Americas (@BlizzardCS) December 15, 2020
Be sure to check here frequently for the latest RWF updates.
US realms are a go. I repeat, US realms are a go. The mythic race as officially begun!
BDGG has taken first blood in the Mythic Race to World First Castle Nathria, claiming the World First kill of Shriekwing!
Interestingly, some guilds (including Complexity Limit) are doing 4x M0 dungeons for a weekly quest before entering the raid on Mythic. This weekly quest rewards each player with a Heroic item level piece of loot from Castle Nathria.
Other guilds, namely BDGG and Lazarus Imperative opted to go straight into the raid, both having downed the first boss, Shriekwing.
BDGG downs Huntsman Altimor on the 4th pull starting a streak, taking Mythic World First.
Quick kill recap on Boss #1: Shriekwing
1st - BDGG
2nd - Lazarus Imperative
3rd - Blood Legion
4th - Vision
5th - Complexity Limit
Looks like a split path for 4 guilds. Lazarus Imperative & Blood Legion are going for Hungering Destroyer and BDGG & Complexity Limit are taking on Sun King's Destroyer.
As Lazarus Imperative & Blood Legion focus on the Hungering Destroyer beat down, Lazarus is at about 50% for best attempt while Blood Legion is close to about 70%. In equal measure, the Sun King's battle with BDGG and Complexity Limit is also at about 70% for best attempt on Kael'Thas. Definingly wondering which path will prove the better choice!
Quick kill recap on Boss #2: Huntsman Altimor
1st - BDGG
2nd - Blood Legion
3rd - Lazarus Imperative
4th - Complexity Limit
5th - Vision
Securing the third boss kill is proving to be a challenge compared to a lot of previous 3rd bosses. Limit is inching closer on Sun King and Imperative making good progress at about 15% on Hungering Devourer.
Lazarus Imperative devours the Hungering adding World First Hungering Destroyer kill to their collection!
As Limit prepares to come back from a 45 minute break, BDGG inches closer to killing Sun King with a best a 2% wipe. Lazarus is making steady progress on Lady Inerva Darkvein at about 50%. The US guilds really showed up today with their Wheaties and A game, which makes this race so much run to watch.
Sun King's Salvation meets its maker in BDGG, World First kill with 29 wipes. The last 5 or so have really been close so it was only a matter of minutes.
Limit pushing progression forward at 4/10 with Imperative and BDGG close to follow is certainly bringing the heat. A few more hours for US to keep gaining a lead before the EU comes out swinging. So far, we have about 13 US guilds with at least 2 Mythic bosses killed and 20 with at least 1 kill. Now is the time to grab a power nap, some tacos, a coffee and have a stretch while you can.
Lady Inerva pushed it to the Limit but nothing could save her from Complexity Limits clutches. Limit secures the World First kill despite the bosses best efforts after 15 wipes.
Artificer Xy'Mox falls to Complexity Limit for World First! That puts Limit at 6/10.
Looks like Complexity Limit is doing some off stream The Council of Blood pulls in for practice while BDGG has packed it in for the US night as well.
In the wee US hours as EU is coming online to start their push, Limit takes World First Council of Blood which happened offline. What a great first US day!
Multiple EU guilds have now entered the raid, whereas others (e.g. Method) have opted to secure their free piece of Heroic loot from the weekly quest first before heading in to Castle Nathria.
We have a few recorded EU kills already, with Casual Raiders claiming EU 1st on Mythic Shriekwing! We know Echo have also secured their Shriekwing kill and are awaiting news of others.
Echo have dismantled Huntsman Altimor in quick time, killing the boss on their first pull! We do not yet know which boss they will go for third, but it will be interesting to see how fast the EU guilds progress through these early bosses in comparison to other regions.
We have our answer, Echo have killed Hungering Destroyer and have broken into the World top 10, claiming EU First for another boss and making speedy progress already.
The EU guilds are mixing it up slightly further with Pieces and Aversion opting to earn Conquest through Arenas before entering the raid.
Pieces and Method have now entered Mythic Castle Nathria and are working on taking down Shriekwing.
Pieces and Method have both defeated Shriekwing, killing the boss almost at the exact same time.
Both guilds move onto Huntsman, it will be interesting to see which guild breaks ahead.
Ahead of the EU pack, Echo are preparing to do their second pull, with their first attempt seeing the boss get down to around 60% health.
The guilds Endeavør, Exorsus and Bloom have downed Shriekwing, rounding out the top 5 EU kills on the first boss of Mythic Castle Nathria.
Exorsus, Method and Pieces have all defeated Mythic Huntsman Altimor, locking in EU second, third and fourth respectively.
Method and Pieces are still neck and neck, with Pieces killing the boss moments after Method.
Pieces have broken ahead, defeating Hungering Destroyer, claiming EU second.
Taking note of some other EU guilds; Aversion have entered the raid and have downed Shriekwing, Method and Exorsus continue to work on Hungering Destroyer.
The current EU leaders, Echo, are making good progress on Artificer Xy'mox, with their latest pull seeing the boss at 28%.
Echo further their lead in the EU and jump to second place in the world rankings, defeating Artificer Xy'mox World Second, closing the gap between themselves and the current front-runners, Complexity Limit.
Interestingly, Echo have yet to craft their legendaries, looking to optimise their gearing for the later bosses.
Echo is now taking a break to craft legendaries, do Torghast, PVP and what have you for the next bosses.
Scripe said (on stream) that he thought Artificer would be the hardest boss because of the gear.
After a series of breaks, with some guilds opting to finish up their Conquest caps and Torghast runs, we have a number of the top EU guilds back in the raid.
Echo is working on the Sun King, Pieces are pulling the Artificer, and Exorsus have claimed the EU 3rd kill on Hungering Destroyer. Both Method and Aversion are hot on their heels, working their way through the Hungering Destroyer with 10% and 60% pulls respectively.
Method have claimed the EU 4th kill on Hungering Destroyer!
Meanwhile Pieces come close on Artificer with a 5% wipe.
Echo take one step closer to catching Limit, downing the Sun King and moving to 5/10 in the process. Next up, Lady Inerva Darkvein!
Meanwhile Aversion are coming pretty close to a kill on Hungering Destroyer with a heartbreaking 0.5% wipe. Method and Pieces continue to work on Artificer Xy'mox.
Aversion claim their third kill with the EU 5th on Hungering Destroyer! Downing the boss after only 11 pulls. They will now advance to join Pieces, Exorsus and Method on Artificer Xy'mox.
Pieces have downed Artificer Xy'mox, claiming EU 2nd after 19 pulls! They are now 4/10 and will likely move to progressing the Sun King as they try to chase down Echo.
Echo secure their kill on Lady Inerva Darkvein, EU 1st and World 2nd! They now move to 6/10 and on to the Council of Blood.
Sludgefist left the Castle without a mask and appears to have come down with a bug. Due to Chain Slam hitting twice when anyone uses an immunity ability, Method is going to take a break, eat some tacos and do some heroic splits.
Which reminds me, if you are interested in helping out the Method raiders, we have an opportunity for you to play alongside the raid team! The guild is looking for willing heroes to join them in Heroic split runs for this first week of raiding.
BDGG has decided to skip Lady Inerva Darkvein for now and instead focus Artificer Xy'Mox. Meanwhile, Method wiped on Artificer at 0.24%! For the mathematically challenged like me, that about only 60k hp left on the boss. I see a kill in the immediate future, what about you?
Method showed Artificer whose in charge after 45 pulls, taking the World 4th and EU 3rd spot and the Twitch chat crowd goes wild! This puts them at 4/10 for Mythic bosses as they move on to tackle Sun King.
Aversion scoops up World 5th kill for Artificer Xy'Mox putting them at 4/10 kill for Mythic Castle Nathria. 38 wipes for this feat moves them to World Rank 6th!
Pieces claims World 3rd Lady Inerva Darkvein, giving them a 6/10 Mythic kill count. Their tenacity is holding them firmly in World 3rd rank!
Method takes Sun King after 19 pulls for World 5th and EU 3rd! This puts them at 5/10 for kill count Way to go!
While the US and EU is taking a much needed rest in terms of Mythic raid activity, Korean guild AFK R grabs a KR 1st Shriekwing and Hunstman take down.
BDGG night creep kills Lady Inerva coming in hot with World 4th for this boss. This buys them entry to the 6/10 kill count club. Shh BDGG, the EU is sleeping.
Blizzard has hotfixes rolling today to fix the Sludgefist bug. Phew, now we can move to the Upper Spire. The hotfixes for Castle Nathria hotfixes include:
Lady Inerva Darkvein
- Fixed an issue that prevented the UI Widget from displaying how many Anima Containers are open.
- Fixed an issue where Chain Slam would sometimes hit players twice.
- Fixed an issue where Giant Fists would sometimes not hit the closest player to Sludgefist’s melee target.
Sire Denathrius
- Fixed an issue where Druids could cancel their shapeshift forms to escape the reduced movement speed effect from March of the Penitent.
Watching Limit go hard in the paint on Sludgefist and I can say one thing: this boss has chained my heart. Ok, I admit that was terrible. However, even with the double Chain Slam hotfix deployed, he refuses to budge. This fight is not melee friendly, comes complete falling rocks of death and chains for your comfort. This is definitely going to be a blocker for many guilds.
Limit finally called it around 21 wipes with their best pull at 51.7%. With little to no percent progression each pull combined with the late US hour, calling it was a good idea.
Lazarus Imperative at 41% and Blood Legion at 34% best attempts for Artificer, though they are looking pretty tired.
Good morning EU fans! The top EU guilds are underway already this morning. Echo have begun pulling Sludgefist again for WeakAura and positioning testing, but have already improved on their best with a 53% pull! Meanwhile Method are working on Lady Inerva Darkvein and record their new best pull as well at 30%.
We have more EU guilds in the raid, so we will likely start to see some movements in the ranking before the morning is over.
Aversion have opted to do Heroic splits, having just killed Sire Denathrius.
Pieces continue to work on The Council of Blood, with 29 pulls for this fight their best attempt is 2/3 dead and 90% health on Niklaus.
We've also seen another new best from Echo on Sludgefist, with a 38.9% wipe, currently with 27 wipes. Comments were being made regarding making space for more Warlocks in the raid setup for this fight, reducing the number of melee DPS to do so.
Pieces are dancing for their lives, continuing to make great movement on The Council of Blood progress. Their new best is 2/3 dead, wiping on Niklaus at 17% health.
They have voiced being overrun during the fight, and that they will be potentially looking to bring in more boomkins to help handle this better. Increasing to two Boomkins in the raid and have picked up a few BOE items (with sockets) from the Auction House.
A few more tactics are being discussed before they continue.
So far today, we haven't seen any bosses falling for the EU guilds, but we are seeing steady progress from each guild on their respective bosses they're working on, with quite a few very close attempts.
- Echo with 18.6% on Sludgefist
- Pieces best on The Council of Blood of 2/3 dead and the final boss at 1%
- Exorsus with an 8.7% wipe on Artificer Xy'mox
- Method's best of 6% on Lady Inerva Darkvein
It also seemingly looks like Aversion is one of the only guilds to be utilising their Heroic splits, with the rest opting to hold onto them.
We have an EU Top 5 kill! Practice take down Artificer Xy'mox as EU 5th, World 8th, and are now 4/10.
And ANOTHER Artificer Xy'mox kill secured by an EU guild, this time by our Alliance representatives Exorsus! EU 6th, World 9th. They too move to 4/10 and will join the other guilds progressing the Sun King.
We have an Asian 1st kill on Sun King's Salvation by AFK R as they move to 4/10.
Pieces have killed the Council of Blood, World 3rd and EU 2nd! After impressive progress made all morning they finally secure their kill and move on to 7/10, joining Complexity Limit and Echo on Sludgefist.
Plenty of progression being made across the board by the EU guilds. Whilst Echo are well in to their Sludgefist progression now, Pieces are looking to get theirs kickstarted soon. Meanwhile elsewhere both Method and Aversion are working their way through Lady Inerva Darkvein, with best pulls of 6.1% and 2.4% respectively! Exorsus are also actively pursuing their kill on Sun King's Salvation, with the Shade healed over 40% in their best attempt.
We are still waiting for Complexity Limit and BDGG and the rest of the NA guilds to get underway again today.
A very, very heartbreaking 0.2% wipe from Method on Lady Inerva Darkvein. The kill has got to be coming soon surely?!
It seems Method may well be considering doing some Heroic Split runs. Speaking of which, if any of you readers are able to trade loot from Heroic Sire Denathrius this reset (Mythic Week), you can apply for your chance to be invited to one of Method's Split runs. If you attend and trade a weapon token to one of our raiders, you will receive 1 million gold on any EU server of your choice!
As the US guilds start to wake up and enter the raid again, namely Complexity Limit, the current leaders in the Race to World First Castle Nathria the pressure is on again. Complexity Limit have started to pull Sludgefist again, looking to regain their lead with a full day of raiding ahead of them.
Their current competitors on Sludgefist are still Echo and Pieces. Echo, having had the most pulls on the boss so far, with their best attempt being 17% and Pieces with fewer pulls on the boss, reaching 62% on their best attempt.
Meanwhile, it appears Method and Aversion are neck and neck, both having multiple sub 10% wipes on Lady Inerva Darkvein.
Method have defeated Lady Inerva Darkvein, achieving the World 5th and EU 3rd kill on this boss. They are now 6/10 Mythic and move onto The Council of Blood.
With Method and Aversion being neck and neck, both having multiple sub 10% wipes on Lady Inerva Darkvein, we should expect Aversion to be close to a kill, so keep an eye on them for that.
Practice has defeated Sun King's Salvation and jumped into 7th position, with 5/10 Mythic kills they now move onto Lady Inerva Darkvein.
As Method intensely focuses down Council heading into the EU evening, with current best of 16 pulls at 0% Frieda | 73.4% Niklaus | 0% Stavros, Upper Sire competition is heating up!
Upper Spire progression sees Echo is really ticking down Sludgefist with 11.4% for best pull. On their tail, Limit so closing in on 16.3% with 57 attempts so far and Pieces holding steady at 43% for best attempt. Echo, Limit and Pieces fighting for 8/10 kill count begs the question - who is it gonna be?
Chinese guild Skyline grabs seat 8 at the World top 10 table. Tagging along for the ride, Exorsus rises to 9th place showing the world that when we say Global RWF, we mean it!
Lazarus Imperative pushes Instant Dollars out of the top 10th spot, killing Artificer and adding a 3rd US guild to kill this boss. I have been getting a little nervous with the lack of US guilds at 5/10 kill count this far in.
Echo and BDGG are breaking on Sludgefist to knock out some heroic splits. The splits should help give a boost considering once the boss is under 16%, hps pressure crushes pretty quickly. Limit is still chipping away at 71 pulls with a best attempt at 14% so far.
For Council, Method refuses to let up, with 2/3 of the council bosses killed. Niklaus is inching at 53.9% with 30+ pulls, trying to get their footing with the adds.
Skyline jolts past Aversion and Practice sniping the top 6th spot, crushing Lady Inerva with a 6/10 kill count.
An interesting possible reason for this guilds extreme push today, according to this tweet, it looks like they are raiding not just for Mythic WF, but for their careers.
Skyline has gone all-in this tier. Not only have they recruited most of the best m+ and MDI players in CN but they were also told by their CEO, whose name is actually Skyline, that the guild might be disbanded unless they get at least top 2 spots in China this tier. 1/2 pic.twitter.com/Y03lDSRTgC
— NasDa (@nasdalolx) December 17, 2020
Method takes a quick pizza break, they have some great progression on Niklaus, with a best attempt 34.2%! I have a feeling the pizza is going to be just the surge of willpower they need to conquer Council before they are done for the day.
Limit has a new best attempt on Sludgefist the World First Equalizer, inching closer to Echo at 12.2% for best pull with 78 pulls behind them. As we saw last night, Limit got several hours of heroic split runs enabling them to meet some gear gaps while Echo and most of the EU were fast asleep dreaming of world first domination. That certainly helped give them an edge going into this morning's start.
Aversion sees Skyline's 6/10 and answers their call, killing Lady Inerva to keep a stronghold on their World 7th spot.
Method packs it in for the night, with 34% on the 3rd Council boss. Biff predicts they will down Council on first pull of the morning, though that may be lack of sleep induced.
Exorsus may have showed up late to the party, but they brought the boom! Lady Inerva finds death at their hands putting Exorsus 6/10 and World 8th. Lazarus Imperative still working Lady down with a best try 5.1%.
Limit is absolutely refusing to say die. They are now on pull 133 and have finally pushed past their 6% barrier to 2.1%. If I did not know any better I would say these guys are insane. Ok yeah, they are still probably insane. However, much respect to their resolve to see Sludgefist dead tonight.
Limit is STILL making attempt after attempt on Sludgefist. Sinking 155 pulls reaching .9% x 2. Over the last few hours while Limit is living on Monster and fumes, several US guilds have been catching up on bosses. Here is a quick call out of the US guilds that have increased their kill count:
- Strawberry Puppy Kisses > 5/10
- Vesper > 4/10
- Club Camel > 5/10
- xD > 5/10
- Midwinter > 4/10
- Instant Dollars > 5/10
- Intern Made This Boss > 4/10
- vodka > 4/10
- Blood Legion > 4/10
I have said it before and I will say it again - my new name for good ole Sludgie is, Sludgefist the World First Equalizer. Slowing down the race so the world can catch up. Though he does remind us of a certain wizard screaming, "You shall not pass!"
After 159 wipes with no end in sight, Limit has shut down for the night to get some sleep. Given Sludgefists difficulty, I don't suspect we will see an easy kill from EU when they wake up. Truth be told, Pieces and Echo do have the skills to pay the bills. So it is anyone's game.
The early bird catches the worm, or so the saying goes. At least, Method are hoping so as they are currently the only top EU guild already back in Mythic Castle Nathria, with pulls on the Council of Blood underway!
Meanwhile Echo look to be setting up for Heroic Split runs as they aim to boost their raid DPS. This is of course in an attempt to secure a world first Sludgefist kill and to take the lead in the race for the first time, after Limit came excruciatingly close to a kill last night, but ultimately came up just (0.9%!) short.
Method defeat The Blood Council, securing the World 4th kill, EU 3rd and move to 4th position in the race, showing off their Dance moves in the process.
Method is now moving to the maw, some PvP, a high M+ key and then into Heroic split raids to prepare their characters for their next challenge, Sludgefist.
Echo is preparing to return to pulling Sludgefist. With a best of 11.4%, they are eager to get going and have started summoning raiders to get ahead of the two other guilds currently on the same boss.
Pieces started up at 10am CET and went straight to Sludgefist. They currently stand at 103 pulls with a best of 26%, so they have some catching up with both Echo and Limit, but are definitely one to watch.
Practice have defeated Lady Inerva Darkvein and move onto The Council of Blood.
Pieces with a new best pull on Sludgefist, wiping at just over 25%. Their team comms would suggest they are highly confident the boss is killable today - but will we see a world first Sludgefist kill today? And if so, from who? ...
Complexity Limit are surely favourites with multiple single-digit wipes, but these EU teams still surely have a few more hours of trying before Max and the team come back online.
Aversion come so so close to their kill on Council of Blood! Wiping with just 686k HP left on Castellan Niklaus, roughly 7.65% of his HP. That means the boss is very much in kill range for them and could go down any pull now.
Pieces with ANOTHER great pull on Sludgefist, this time wiping on just 9%! Considering they still have not done their full complement of Heroic Splits, they are looking really good right now.
The decision on whether or not to go and do those Splits now is crucial. Typically guilds delay them for as long as possible to get as much information on the raid as possible, preferably on the final boss to discover which classes are going to be best to stack, and thus funnel gear to in the Split runs. However, with Sludgefist seeming like such a wall due to very very tight DPS checks, it's likely Pieces will opt to do them as Echo, Limit and Method have done.
Aversion continue to edge closer to a kill, with just 3.3% left on the boss, we could expect a kill on any pull. They appear to be taking a short break to regroup, then we should expect to see them pushing hard for the kill to secure the world 5th kill of The Council of Blood.
Currently we have the following guilds on Sludgefist: Limit, Pieces, Echo and Method. Best of these 4 guilds is Limit with a 0.9% wipe, followed by Pieces with 9%, Echo with 11.4% and finally Method who have yet to pull the boss.
The following guilds fighting to take world 5th for The Council of Blood are Aversion, Exorsus, Practice and Skyline.
Pieces is back from their break, currently the EU guild with the best pull of 9% on Sludgefist, so it will be interesting to see if they close the gap before Complexity Limit start their raiding day.
Method are working on their HC splits now after finishing some PvP, Torghast and M+ keys.
Over in the Pieces camp, they seem more hyped than ever after doing HC splits, checking over tactics and they are determined to get Sludgefist down tonight, "before dinner!!", they claim. No dead Sludgefist - no dinner.
Aversion, now at 46 pulls on The Council of Blood, still with a best at 1.1% have returned from a break to do a couple of high keys M+, ready to finish the job.
Exorsus have also recently returned from a break, and they look ready to get the party started once again.
Another 3 Chinese guilds have entered the top 20: Chao Jie (17th), JinLing (19th) and Alpha (20th).
Honestly is representing for OC guilds, remaining among the top 20 (18th).
Aversion defeat The Council of Blood, downing the boss World 5th and EU 4th. A well deserved kill, moving them to 7/10 Mythic bosses defeated. Next up, Sludgefist.
Speaking of Sludgefist being next, Complexity Limit are awake and entering the raid as we speak! With their best attempt of 0.9%, will should see the Mythic Sludgefist World First claimed today.
Lazarus Imperative, Skyline and FatSharkYes sure are making sure they are not forgotten in this increasingly competitive race! All 3 have increased their kill count to 7/10. This puts Skyline at World #6 and FatSharkYes at World #7 for Castle Nathria.
Can this get anymore exciting?
Sludgefist, the World First Equalizer has fallen to Complexity Limit after 167 pulls! This WF feat puts Limit at 8/10. Huge congratulations for the bean cleaners on this achievement because this boss is TOUGH.
Echo is back in full take down Sludgefist mode, looking to beat their best pull of 11.4%. They need to catch up to Limit, who is hard at work trying to break the Stone Legion Generals.
BDGG have defeated The Council of Blood achieving the World 8th kill and US/OC 2nd kill. They move forward to Sludgefist with 7/10 Mythic progress.
As we settle in for what could be a long weekend of raiding competition, Club Camel joins the Lady Inerva kill club, pushing them 6/10.
It's quiet. Too quiet... Be careful, it's a trap! Sadly, it's not a trap, but that would be a great plot twist for this Castle Nathria am I right? Some US guilds are taking advantage of the EU sleeping giants and focusing on making as much headway as possible. Let's see what some of these guys working on.
BDGG find themselves the star of the Sludgefist live-lord show, closing in 24.1% for best attempt, 37 or so pulls in. Limit struggled hard on this boss (167 or so pulls) after sliding through previous bosses in a comparatively easier form. Several guilds will likely be stuck in this damage intensive fight for a while. Remember, Echo ended their run bringing Sludgefist 3.9% 115 pulls in. BDGG needs to make as much progress as possible to avoid being too far behind. Mainly because the probability Echo kills Sludgefist early on when the EU starts their day, is pretty high. Echo is seasoned, precise and possess the skills born from many World First competitions.
Limit is on boss 9, the Stone Legion Generals. This fight totals 3 phases with General Kaal and General Grashaal fighting from either the ground or airborne depending on the phase. Currently, Limit is about 108 pulls in, 83.3% of phase 2. There is a ton of interesting mechanics, no doubt designed to prepare these Mythic raiders r the red-eyed, obviously psychotic, Denathrius.
Blizzard posted the following hotfixes for Castle Nathria about 5 hours ago which addressed a few issues Limit has called out for the Stone Legion Generals fight. Specifically, with Wicked Blade.
Huntsman Altimor
- Fixed an issue that caused Huntsman Altimor to not be afflicted with Broken Bond after Hecutis was defeated.
Sun King’s Salvation
- Smoldering Remnants now wait 1.5 seconds before starting to inflict damage on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
- Reduced the damage of Smoldering Remnants by 10% on Normal difficulty.
Council of Blood
- Fixed an issue that would prevent Veteran Stoneguard from being attackable during Danse Macabre.
Stone Legion Generals
- Anima Infusion, Anima Infection, Volatile Anima Infusion, and Volatile Anima Infection can no longer be removed by immunities.
- Fixed issue that caused Wicked Blade to sometimes hit moving players twice.
- Fixed issue sometimes causing 2 Wicked Blades to be launched simultaneously.
BDGG and Limit have called it a night to get some beauty sleep for tomorrow's progress. BDGG passed their 48% wall and ended with a 24.1% attempt on Sludgefist.
Limit seems to be stuck in phase 2 with their best pull moving from 83% to 81%. They always do better on the morning following a long day of attempts, so I am sure they will hit phase 3 tomorrow. Lazarus Imperative is working hard on Council as Echo and Pieces prepare start their raid day.
Fairly quiet now while waiting for the EU guilds heading into Castle Nathria and start Day 4 of RWF.
Last night we saw Limit take down Sludgefist, will we see Echo, Pieces, Method and Aversion to the same today? Echo is the first EU guild this morning, getting ready to start hammering. Feasts, cauldrons and candy is being shared among the raiders, whilst Method is about to come online.
If we take look at the scoreboard, only small changes since yesterday, as we see that Skyline (6th), FatSharkYes (7th) and BDGG (8th) have all been dancing their way through to Sludgefist.
If you are a data nerd, be sure to checkout Warcraft Logs.
Method has fired up the stream and is ready to start their day. They are heading into Heroics to get some gear for the days work ahead. Below I have outlined my battle plan for them today and it seems pretty solid.
- Step 1= Kill Sludgefist
- Step 2 = ?
- Step 3 = Profit
Head over for good morning hugs and get settled in. It's cosy, fresh coffee and we always leave the light on!
Echo with a new best on Sludgefist, wiping at just 2.61%! They lost a DPS at around 20% which surely would have made a big difference. It is very much in kill range now!
AND SLUDGEFIST GOES DOWN FOR ECHO! With just three people alive at the end that was incredibly dramatic, but the boss did indeed go down for Echo who claim World 2nd, EU 1st. They are now 8/10 and will progress to Stone Legion Generals.
Whilst Echo start to familiarise themselves with Stone Legion Generals, the other EU guilds have been coming online. Method were in the Maw early this morning and have now continued with their Heroic Splits as they gear up to tackle Sludgefist.
Pieces have opted not to go in to Splits yet and are continuing with their Sludgefist pulls. They are the only EU guild on Sludgefist not to have gone to Heroic Splits yet - a brave choice that it is definitely a gamble, but one that could pay off in the long run if they are able to focus their Splits around classes that are preferred on Sire Denathrius rather than Sludgefist.
Meanwhile Exorsus continue to seek their kill on the Council of Blood and we are anticipating Aversion will start up again soon.
EU guilds are still pushing forward. Echo is working on Stone Legion Generals.
Over in the Sludgefist camp:
- Pieces has decided to pause on Sludgefist and run HC splits on Sire Denathrius to squeeze on that small DPS that they miss to kill the boss.
- Aversion are at 35 pulls with a best of 42.6%
- Method are still early in their Sludgefist with 6 pulls and a best of 71% health.
Jitianhong have killed the Council of Blood, taking World 9th, Asia 2nd! They will now join the six other guilds working on Sludgefist.
The Council of Blood goes down for Exorsus! World 10th, EU 6th. They squeezed in under the 100 pull count with 99 exactly, and now look to be heading straight to Sludgefist!
With Limit and Echo both at the Generals, we now have 8 guilds locked into Sludgefist progression. The top 10 guilds currently consists of 2 US teams, 6 EU teams and 2 Asian teams all looking to snag a World 3rd kill on the giant.
Right now Pieces have racked up the most pulls on the encounter, and have now finally resigned to Heroic Splits to find the extra throughput they need to secure the kill. Method opted to spend most of yesterday and this morning completing Heroic Splits of their own, which has allowed Aversion to overtake them slightly in terms of number of pulls and lowest percentage. Method have 34 pulls on Sludgefist with a best of 44%, whereas Aversion have over 60 pulls with a best of 40%.
In Asia the day is drawing to a close, whereas in the US it is just starting. Whilst we're unsure if Skyline or Jitianhong will be able to down the giant before going to sleep, it is possible BDGG can do it today upon waking up.
Swedish guild Practice
Pieces is one crit away from killing Sludgefist with a .8% wipe after 264 pulls!
Pieces joins Limit and Echo in the Sludgefist slayed club after 270 insane attempts, putting them at 8/10 for Mythic Castle Nathria firmly clutching the World #3 spot.
Lazarus Imperative send the council packing, moving them up to 7/10 after 68 pulls. With so many hours left in the US raid day, they are in excellent position to work Sludgefist to catch up with Limit, Echo and Pieces.
US guilds are getting some alone time with these Mythic bosses while EU is fast asleep, dreaming of sugar plum WF fairies. Club Camel brings their kill count to 7/10 moving from Council to Sludgefist while Elicit pops up to say hello downing Lady Inerva, bringing them to 5/10.
Limit is working over the Stone Legion Generals with 217 pulls so far and a best attempt wall 49.7% when they ended for the night.
BDGG is dancing with the Sludgefist devil, hitting a best attempt of 8.5% with 135 wipes.
These US contenders have a few more hours before our EU compadres come out swinging at 8/10.
Arise champions! EU is starting their day of with battle cries and Mythic World First dreams. Echo and Method have come online and ready to go! Pieces should also be coming along shortly as well.
Method is currently 7/10 and working on closing that gap on Sludgefist, with about 95 pulls so far and a best attempt of 38.1%.
Echo is currently 8/10, with the bulk of today's focus on progressing through the Stone Legion Generals. At 97 pulls for far, they have a best attempt of 55.3%.
Pieces is also currently 8/10, riding on the same Stone Legion General train as Echo. They only had two attempts before calling it night after they downed Sludge, which means they have some pulls ahead of them.
These guys have about 7 to 8 hours of one on one time with all you awesome raid enthusiasts before US comes online, so take advantage and get in those streams!
As we settle in to what is Day 6 of the Race to World First Castle Nathria, things are becoming very tense at the top. Complexity Limit, Echo and Pieces are all working on the Stone Legion Generals, a fight that is widely reported to have numerous bugs and issues that is causing the top guilds much frustration. Complexity Limit thus far have pulled the boss 217 times with a best attempt of 49.4% in to Phase 2. Echo's best on the other hand is 49.8%/48.6% during 2nd intermission after a total of 117 pulls. Lastly Pieces, who have only pulled the boss 21 times, have a best of 61% on Phase 1.
Elsewhere in Europe, Method, Aversion, FatSharkYes, Exorsus and Practice are working very hard to break through the wall that is Mythic Sludgefist. Aversion is slightly ahead with 126 pulls with a best of 17.7%, followed closely by Method who sit at 111 pulls with a best of 21.4%.
Of the Asian guilds Skyline (6th) and Jitianhong (9th) are among the top 10 in the worlds, whilst Alpha (16th) is climbing steadily. Both Skyline and Jitianhong, together with nine other guilds, are hoping to get that world 4th kill on Sludgefist.
Meanwhile over in the Oceanic region, Honestly are leading the race having defeated the Sun King encounter, taking World 30th, US/OC 10th.
Information has come to light (thank you NasDa and Zarraxia) that would seem to suggest that in addition to Skyline and Jitianhong, three other Asian guilds have also conquered the Council of Blood and have now joined the myriad of other teams looking to defeat Sludgefist. Alpha, Chao Jie and Jin Ling have all reached the 7/10 stage, although we are not yet able to confirm the order in which these guilds killed the boss.
Aversion and Method seem to be the two guilds edging closest to securing World 4th on Sludgefist. After 144 pulls Aversion have a current best of just 11.6%, whilst Method are not far behind with a new best just recorded of 14.6% after 139 pulls. Both guilds face tough competition from Asia, with Skyline also recording a new best of 18%!
Skyline have recorded a new best pull on Sludgefist at 14%. Meanwhile Method and Aversion are both well over the 150+ pull mark now, with either yet to bring the giant below the 10% mark.
Over on Stone Legion Generals we have a new recorded best attempt from Pieces, reaching 50% (& 100%) and the first intermission after 55 pulls. Echo are now sitting at 131 pulls, with 49.8% & 48.6% still their recorded best.
We now have confirmation on the Asia Top 5 kill order on the Council of Blood:
- Skyline progressed past the Council as World 6th, Asia 1st.
- Jitianhong took World 9th, Asia 2nd.
- JinLing snagged World 14th, Asia 3rd.
- Alpha got the kill as World 15th, Asia 4th.
- Finally Chao Jie were World 16th, Asia 5th.
All five guilds are either now progressing through the Sludgefist encounter, or gearing up their characters through Splits and M+ runs ready to do so.
As Europe moves into the early evening, Asia into a very late night/morning hours, and America waking up, many of the top guilds are now online at the same time. Over in Asia, JinLing ended the day with Heroic Splits and Mythic+ in hopes of getting some gear to help. They are offline, getting a few hours of much-needed rest, while Chao Jie, Alpha, and Skyline are still working on Sludgefist. As far as we know Skyline is currently the best of the Asian guilds with a best pull of 14%.
In Europe we have both Echo and Pieces who have spent the entire day, working hard to figure out the best strategy against the Stone Legion Generals. Currently, Echo has 148 pulls this far, with a best of 49.8% - 48.6% during 2nd intermission. Pieces tallying 69 pulls with best being 50% First intermission.
Method, Aversion, FatSharkYes, Exorsus (RU), Banhammer (RU), Practice, and the latest edition of top 20 EU guilds; Zero Empathy (FR) are all at Sludgefist. Aversion and Method are still head to head, where Aversion has a small lead of 11.6%, and Method at 14.5%. As you can see from above, the Chinese guild Skyline has advance just slightly head of Method. Exorsus went for heroic splits most of the today but is now back in the chamber with Sludgefist, whilst Practice has been practicing most of the day on Sludgefist trying to get those tactics down.
The US is already awake with Complexity Limit being first online going straight to the Stone Legion Generals where they have 47.1% Kaal - 47.9% Grashaal beginning of phase 3 with 231 attempts so far. BDGG have booted up their stream, ready to keep progressing on Sludgefist, while we wait for Lazarus Imperative to get started.
After 15 hours of hard-fought attempts on Sludgefist, Method packs it in for the night to rest up and energize. 221 pulls so far on good ole Sludgie, bringing their best attempt to 10.3%. As we have noted before, Upper Spire is no picnic. Sludgefist slowed down and continues to slow down some of our top Mythic raiding guilds across the globe. The positive for today's progression is the % attempt per wipe remained relatively consistent. The team has all the ingredients to turn the Hateful Gaze on Sludge, with a little bit of tweaking, a little bit of cleaning up some mechanics, and a whole lot of patience. This entire fight is extremely unforgiving, requiring flawless execution x 20 raiders. No better way to refine a new team than banging your head against a difficult boss while adjusting strategy and a healthy diet of Chicken Wraps. Seriously though, who doesn't love a good wrap?
Echo is also offline for the night, sitting at 169 wipes with a best of 48.9% on the Stone Legion Generals.
Pieces end their day with 71.6% best attempt of 105 pulls.
For the rest of the night, we have Limit trying to show these Stone Legion Generals who to bow to, nearing 257 attempts. Holy cow, I got tired just typing that pull count.
BDGG and Lazarus Imperative are currently working up the courage to ask Sludgefist for a dance, but find themselves in the friendzone for a little bit longer. BDGG is pretty close, with their best attempt at just 3% with 179 pulls. Imperative is nearing 58 attempts, sitting pretty at 38% BDGG looking good to end their night with a +1 kill count.
After 15 hours of hard-fought attempts on Sludgefist, Method packs it in for the night to rest up and energize. 221 pulls so far on good ole Sludgie, bringing their best attempt to 10.3%. As we have noted before, Upper Spire is no picnic. Sludgefist slowed down and continues to slow down some of our top Mythic raiding guilds across the globe. The positive for today's progression is the % attempt per wipe remained relatively consistent. The team has all the ingredients to turn the Hateful Gaze on Sludge, with a little bit of tweaking, a little bit of cleaning up some mechanics, and a whole lot of patience. This entire fight is extremely unforgiving, requiring flawless execution x 20 raiders. No better way to refine a new team than banging your head against a difficult boss while adjusting strategy and a healthy diet of Chicken Wraps. Seriously though, who doesn't love a good wrap?
Echo is also offline for the night, sitting at 169 wipes with a best of 48.9% on the Stone Legion Generals.
Pieces end their day with 71.6% best attempt of 105 pulls.
For the rest of the night, we have Limit trying to show these Stone Legion Generals who to bow to, nearing 257 attempts. Holy cow, I got tired just typing that pull count.
BDGG and Lazarus Imperative are currently working up the courage to ask Sludgefist for a dance, but find themselves in the friendzone for a little bit longer. BDGG is pretty close, with their best attempt at just 3% with 179 pulls. Imperative is nearing 58 attempts, sitting pretty at 38% BDGG looking good to end their night with a +1 kill count.
BDGG just might go to bed with a Sludgefist kill as they have a best attempt of 1.6% with 216 pulls! It is getting insanely close, though there have been a few guilds that wiped the .8% mark and it still took a few pulls after that. Make sure you head over to the stream and give them some support!
Checking in with Lazarus Imperative who is now at about 25.5% of 99 pulls on Sludgefist. So close, yet still far in raid years. It would be really cool if both these guilds can kill him tonight to add a little spice to this Mythic Castle Nathria WF race.
Lady Inerva has fallen under Midwinter's death storm, bringing them to 6/10 for bosses killed.
Limit has done it again, ending the night with a hard fought Stone Legion General World First kill, putting them at 9/10 for this race! The total pull count was an insane 292. Great job Limit!
Looking at the scoreboard this morning, Limit getting WF on the Stone Legion Generals has been the only major change at the top of the scoreboard. Now at 9/10 bosses defeated they are ready for some serious Sire Denathrious progress when the US raiding starts up again today. So far they have had 1 pull on him, resulting in a wipe at 86%.
Overall, we now have 19 guilds trying to grab that world 4th kill on Sludgefist; 11 EU guilds, 3 US guilds, and 5 Asian guilds. Although the guilds are likely getting tired of hammering away on Sludgefist, we are seeing some great progression and it's an exciting day for all of these guilds trying to secure their position in the race and their ranking on Sludgefist.
Then we have Echo and Pieces on Stone Legion General. Echo, only moments ago made huge progress making far into phase 3 on their 175th pull, with a new best of 19.6 / 23.1 %!! Pieces do not have as many pulls on Stone Legion Generals as Echo, but they certainly feel the pressure.
Pieces have also just started up for the day, heading straight to Stone Legion Generals.
Method have seen their new lowest pull of 5.4% on Sludgefist. With the raid looking healthly there, it seems they now need to turn their attention to hitting that point at a lower % if they are to get a kill before the AoE damage from the wall charge wipes them (as seen with the kills from Complexity Limit, Echo and Pieces). Discussion in the raid quickly turned then to composition, with them potentially looking to swap some of the DPS classes to get the boss low enough for that tight kill window. With some players weighing up the DPS increase of changing to Troll for Berserking.
They are now splitting into Mythic+ to target some DPS gear.
Taking a look at the two EU guilds working on Stone Legion Generals; we have seen another new best in Echo's camp, with 183 pulls they got 17.7% / 18.3% - Phase 3! Over in the Pieces' camp, there has also been some progress, with 121 pulls and the best of 50% Kaal / 81% Grashaal - 1st intermission!
Aversion are back in the raid, starting their day of progress with more pulls on Sludgefist. With their best pull of 9.9% and a wipe just now of very similar health, we should see some interesting progress today.
Honestly just rocked the dance floor, defeating The Council of Blood, making them the 20th guild to move on to fight on Sludgefist. They killed the boss OC 1st, US/OC 5th and World 23rd!
Echo come close again to a kill on the Stone Legion Generals, wiping with General Kaal on 18% and Grashaal on 19%.
Pieces have also recorded a new best, with Kaal at 50% and Grashaal now down to 72%.
Echo come so so SO close to a kill on the Stone Legion Generals, wiping with Kaal on 6.3% and Grashaal even lower at on 3.8%.
Elsewhere we have sub-30% wipes on Sludgefist by both Aversion and Exorsus. Method are still farming additional DPS gear from Mythic + before heading back in to Castle Nathria to tackle the giant themselves.
Stone Legion Generals goes down for Echo! After 199 pulls, the EU front-runners have claimed World 2nd, EU 1st and will now advance to the final boss of Castle Nathria.
The Race to World First is certainly going to go down to the wire, as Complexity Limit will now be waking up to discover they are not alone in progressing Sire Denathrius.
We have a Korean 1st kill on The Council of Blood, as Right have defeated the encounter, claiming KR 1st, Asia 6th and World 24th.
It looks like Echo have taken their streams offline as they look to make early progress through the Sire Denathrius encounter. Meanwhile Pieces are still working their way through the Stone Legion Generals, with discussions between the raiders seemingly focused on learning how Echo were able to overcome the parts of the fight they are most struggling with currently.
Method are still farming M+ in an attempt to gear up their DPS players to make the final push on Sludgefist. Aversion have been actively progressing the encounter today, having recently secured a new best pull at 9.6%. Exorsus are also making steady progress, with several pulls under the 30% mark.
Method is taking a 30 minute refuel break for food, then they will resume reading Sludgefist his last rights. They will be back to it at 5:30PM GMT/9:30AM PST.
While we wait, Bookmark has the intermission entertainment covered: https://www.twitch.tv/sco
BDGG downs Sludgefist after 242 pulls. This brings them to World 4th overall, US/OC 2nd, with a 8/10 kill count.
Method is hard focused on killing Sludgefist before the day is over, with a new best attempt of 3.5% with 235 pulls and counting. Head on over to the stream and give them some energy in chat: https://www.twitch.tv/sco
What a day for Mythic Castle Nathria RWF progression. Limit and Echo are on the last boss, though plot twist alert - they dropped stream mid pull on the Sire Denathrius when they hit 70%.
Limit is currently at 26 pulls with a best attempt of 54.5% and we are in the dark on how many pulls Echo is on as they turned off Warcraft Logs competition mode.
Let's have a quick catch up on Sludgefist, where BDGG and FatSharkYes have made some waves by downing Sludgefist, taking the World 4th and 5th spot overall bringing them both to 8/10.
The rest of the top 10 is looking to kill Sludgefist so they can move to the Stone Legion Generals.
Aversion getting some great pulls, with a best attempt of 5.4% of 276 pulls. While Method just hit a best attempt of 2.6% of 254 and going pulls.
The intensity of these these guilds pulling out all the champion energy they can to stay in this race, quickly turning this into a "miss a minute, miss alot," Mythic World First Race.
As the US day comes to an end, let's have a quick recap.
Vesper, xD and Midwinter joins the #Sludgefistorbust ranks, killing Council and bringing their kill count to 7/10.
It is US reset day, which does put US at a slight advantage for potential gear to help give a little boost. Limit and Echo are the obvious and most likely Sire Denathrius WF kill candidates however, let's be real - it's anyone's game at this point. We have seen some seemingly impossible feats this first raid tier of Shadowlands, so join me in throwing out the rule book, textbook and well all the books.
Pieces, BDGG and FatSharkYes have much Stone Legion Generals work to handle today before they can begin the Sire Denathrius dance. Meanwhile many other guilds still need to break through the wall that is Sludgefist, including Method who are starting out today after a best attempt of 2.5% shortly before stopping yesterday.
I know things earlier were getting a little spicy, sometimes that is needed to keep the blood pumping. In the fun, teasing that some turn into toxic though, it's important to remember we have a job to do as a community. Yes, I am talking to you! Every one of us RWF enthusiasts have one of these two jobs to do - either kill Mythic bosses or support those who are. Each of these jobs comes with its own ups and downs, ultimately both jobs end with the same achievement. Sharing a passion for World of Warcraft, helping it continue to thrive.
Will the next Sludgefist kill come from Asia? Whilst we wait for the EU guilds to come online, we are seeing Sludgefist actively being pulled by Skyline, Alpha, Chao Jie and JinLing.
Method finally defeat Sludgefist. After a nerve racking grind and hours or wiping Method take the 6th kill in the world, EU 4th. Stone Legion Generals are up next.
The competition for Sludgefist is tough, with 24 guilds working to defeat him, representing all regions in the world it was clear that a kill was in the air. Just minutes before Method got the kill, Skyline had their best pull (as far as we are aware of) of 6%. Aversion in Europe is also fighting hard with a new best of 1.7% just moments ago!
Following Method's kill on Sludgefist, there are now over 25+ guilds vying for the World 7th kill, reinvigorated by news that Method have downed the giant. Whether it will be one of the EU or Asian guilds, we are expecting more teams to secure their kill and move on to Stone Legion Generals today. From EU Exorsus and Aversion look most likely, with best pulls of 1% and 1.7% respectively, meaning a kill could come any pull now. Over in Asia, we believe Skyline have the best recorded pull at 6%, followed by Alpha who have a best of 16%.
Meanwhile over on Stone Legion Generals we have both Pieces and FatSharkYes continuing to make progress. Pieces currently sit at 185 pulls with a best of 50% Kaal/68% Grashaal. Method have opted to head to the Maw to complete their dailies ahead of starting their progress on the encounter after lunch.
We do not currently know how Echo are progressing on Sire Denathrius, however they have announced on Twitter that they intend to stream at 16:00 CET.
With today being reset day in NA, both Complexity Limit and BDGG are likely to be heading in to their Mythic re-clears very soon as they look to gear up and tackle Sire Denathrius and Stone Legion Generals respectively.
The race for World 7th Sludgefist is really heating up! Skyline have recently wiped on 3%, whilst Jitianhong have wiped on 4%.
With Aversion and Exorsus also having recorded sub-2% pulls, the next kill on the giant should be coming any minute!
Method's Stone Legion Generals early progress is underway now, whilst Pieces also continue to pull the boss.
Over in Oceania, Ethical recorded the OC 2nd, US/OC 9th, kill on the Council of Blood and will now join the myriad of guilds attempting to take down Sludgefist. Will be a tall order for them to chase down OC leaders Honestly, but anything can happen between now and Sire Denathrius going down.
As we move later in to Day 8 of the race, we have multiple guilds edging closer and closer to downing Sludgefist. There are multiple Chinese guilds within kill-range, in addition to Aversion and Exorsus who are neck-and-neck to claim the next EU kill on the giant. There are at least five guilds that we know of that have recorded at least one sub-10% wipe from across these regions, and all will be hoping to get this boss down before the day is out.
Pieces, FatSharkYes and Method are all working their way through Stone Legion Generals, trying hard to move to 9/10 before their weekly reset tomorrow morning, when they will all likely re-clear for additional gear.
Echo are due to be going live any minute and fans are eagerly anticipating seeing where they have gotten up to with their Sire Denathrius progress.
Over in NA the guilds will slowly start to come online, including Complexity Limit and BDGG who will have the chance to start their re-clears today, potentially followed by Heroic Splits.
Echo have now announced that they will not be streaming any of their Sire Denathrius progress today. Instead fans will have to wait until EU reset tomorrow morning, when they apparently will turn their streams back on again for their Mythic re-clear. It is unknown whether or not they will then keep their streams on or turn them off again once they reach Sire Denathrius for a second time.
Elsewhere both Pieces and Method are still live-streaming their Stone Legion Generals progress. Pieces are up to 209 pulls with a best of 50% Kaal/62% Grashaal, whereas Method have thus far mustered 30 pulls with a best of 48.6% Kaal/100% Grashaal.
Skyline pulls ahead of Aversion taking World #7th, downing Sludgefist putting them at 8/10.
Echo has Scripe and Rogerbrown on the stream to give some additional context on why they were not streaming Sire so far.
Echo says they are ahead, and jested at unleashing a secret Feral Druid strat. Their game plan is Mythic + runs, PvP for conquest, the Maw and Torghast to prepare before tomorrow's reset. Extra sleep will round out their end of day as they are starting slightly earlier tomorrow, around 7:00AM GMT/8:00AM CET/11:00PM PST or right after reset.
Echo's current plan is to reclear the raid tomorrow. They have confirmed they will be streaming everything, including Sire Denathrius.
US reset is well underway and Limit are working on a reclear, having just killed Huntsman. It will be interesting to see how quickly they return to Sire Denathrius and the impact gear will have to how quickly a few previous boss walls can be defeated this time around.
When the Mythic race continues into a weekly reset, reclearing in hopes of additional gear can mean the difference in pushing through a difficult phase or finally killing a boss after many close wipes. Full reclears also help tighten the team skill set for a particular tough boss or blocker. For bosses like Sludgefist and Council, where all the crit stars align, resulting in a kill after much struggle before the win, reinforcement by way of reclear only help these raiders as a whole.
With many EU guilds packing it in to get ahead start for tomorrow's reset, the US made the most of their day so far. Limit did a full Mythic re-clear up to Sire. With quick precision and no real struggle for bosses like Sludgefist and Stone Legion Generals. Their efforts were rewarded with a nice little ilvl bump, priming them to get back to the anima stealing diva Denathrius. Here is a quick overview of where some of our top 10 stand with the Upper Spire bosses for Castle Nathria.
Sire Denathrius - 9/10
- Limit - Best Attempt: 29.3% | Pulls: 82
- Echo - Best attempt and pull count are unknown however, they stated this morning they are making good progress.
Stone Legion Generals - 8/10
- Pieces - Best Attempt: 50.9% | Pulls: 229
- BDGG - Best Attempt: 74.7% | Pulls: 65
- FatSharkYes - Best Attempt: 55% | Pulls: 69
- Method - Best Attempt: 74.3% | Pulls: 78
- Skyline - Best Attempt: 74.4% | Pulls: 44
Sludgefist - 7/10
- Aversion - Best Attempt: 1.75% | Pulls: 524
- Lazarus Imperative - Best Attempt: 19.1% | Pulls: 133
- Exorsus - Best Attempt: 1% | Pulls: Exact count unknown
In the 2 hours I have been busy digging into some raid comp data out of curiosity, Limit has made HUGE progress on Denathrius. They have got a best attempt of 16.2% and relatively small number of pulls compared to the previous two bosses at only 94 and counting. Is it the reset allowing for additional gear? Is Sire not as difficult has we expected? Did Limit have their Wheaties?
As I type this, Echo and Method are both reclearing the Mythic raid. Echo have so far spent around 30 minutes and are preparing to pull Hungering Destroyer, Method have more recently entered and have pulled Shriekwing.
Aversion, Exorsus and Pieces are outside of the raid preparing, finishing up some M+ and PVP before starting their reclear.
Exorsus have already entered the raid and are moving on to Huntsman Altimor.
Echo are working on Artificer Xy'Mox.
Method have just defeated Hungering Destroyer, moving onto Lady Inerva Darkvein next. With a new addition to the team (Cruelladk), they are taking a little time before each boss to run through tactics.
Aversion and Pieces are both still finishing preparations outside of the raid (M+, Torghast and Arena).
JinLing, ChaoJie and Alpha are still working on Sludgefist, with Alpha having achieved a new best of 5%. Skyline continue progressing on the Stone Legion Generals.
Jitianhong (CN) have defeated Sludgefist, World 8th and Asia 2nd. Moving them onto Stone Legion Generals, racing against Skyline ahead of their weekly reset.
Pieces is ready to enter Castle Nathria and have started their re-clear. It will be interesting to see how their reclear pull counts compare to the current EU guilds in the raid so far. They have started to engage Shriekwing already.
Echo is going for Sun King next after defeating Artificer Xy'mox on their 8th pull.
Method have defeated Lady Inerva Darkvein and move to Artificer Xy'mox.
Alpha, ChaoJie and JinLing continue on Sludgefist. They appear to have very high pull counts on Sludgefist respectively based on the rate at which they reset after a wipe! And we know these three guilds have done HC splits, M+ and PVP.
Method have temporarily halted their Mythic reclear to head in to Heroic Sire Denathrius splits for (hopefully) some weapon token trading.
Despite some earlier wipes, both Aversion and Pieces have caught up to Exorsus on their Mythic re-clears, with all three now on the Artificer having recently downed Lady Inerva Darkvein.
Echo meanwhile are working on their Council of Blood re-kill, with a few wipes so far.
The EU Mythic re-clears continue. Exorsus, Aversion and Pieces are all currently on the Sun King, although Pieces are technically one boss behind as they opted not to kill Artificer Xy'mox beforehand, whereas the others did.
Echo are ahead of the pack, having downed the Council and are now preparing to pull Sludgefist again on their re-clear through the raid.
Method are completing their Heroic Splits before presumably heading back in to the Mythic raid themselves.
Over in Asia, whilst Skyline and Jitianhong work on their Stone Legion Generals progress, there are a number of guilds looking to join them soon. Alpha have recorded a new best on Sludgefist of 1.7%, whereas Chao Jie got him as low as 3.4%! We know Jin Ling are edging closer to a kill also, with a previous best from yesterday of 4%.
Sludgefist goes down for Alpha! In slaying the giant, the guild have claimed World 9th, Asia 3rd, adding them to the list of teams that have impressively overcome the encounter before their weekly reset.
The Mythic re-clears continue for our EU guilds. Echo are in the lead, having worked their way back to Stone Legion Generals as they attempt to reach Denathrius again.
Pieces, Exorsus, Aversion and practice are all working on their Council of Blood re-kills. We do not currently know how FatSharkYes are doing with their re-clear.
Over in NA, Complexity Limit are back online now and progressing Sire Denathrius. Will it be long before we have a winner in this race? With Christmas just around the corner, it will be interesting to see if Sire Denathrius goes down by the end of tomorrow.
As news of Complexity Limit's 4.7% wipe on Sire Denathrius has reached the Echo camp, they have opted to abandon their Split runs and head straight back in to Mythic to start pulling the boss themselves. The Race for World First is incredibly tight at the top now, as we all eagerly await to see who will ultimately triumph.
Complexity Limit just hit a new best on Mythic Sire Denathrius at 4.72%! Perhaps the Race to World First will be over today?!
Echo's best pull on Sire Denathrius currently sits at 25.9%, quite some way off the 4.7% recorded by Complexity Limit earlier, but not so far behind that you can count them out of a first-place finish yet.
Elsewhere Method have finished up their Heroic Splits and will now look to resume their own Mythic re-clear, starting with Artificer Xy'mox.
Pieces are working on their Sludgefist re-kill, whereas Exorsus have literally just downed The Council of Blood and will soon move on to the giant themselves.
Aversion have opted in to doing their Heroic splits now, whereas Practice have siphoned off in to groups to cap their Conquest through some PvP.
Sire Denathrius is in big trouble. The bounty hunters are closing in as Limit hits 2.87%, while Echo refuses to surrender with a 13.5% attempt. One thing is clear, this boss is dying today.
Limit is currently 123 pulls in on Denathrius, reaching 1.9% for a best attempt. Echo gains some ground with a 12.4% pull. This is pure insanity!
Practice, Exorsus and Aversion is working on Heroic splits, looking to gain favor with the RNG gods for gear blessings to defeat Sludgefist.
Pieces is back after a quick dinner break, progressing the Stone Legion Generals down to 50%.
Limit pauses for a fast lunch break. With a 1.9% wipe, a Sire Denathrius kill in their sights and Echo hot on their trail, time is of the essence.
While Limit and Echo continue a no holds barred battle for Sir Denathrius domination, BDGG moves to Sludgefist for their Mythic reclear, eager to return to gaining ground on Stone Legion Generals that saw a best attempt of 74.7% previously.
Echo sees glory in their sights, wiping at 7.1% on the final boss for the RWF. With Limit desperately trying to pass this 1.9% wall.
Just when I think it is safe to take a quick shower, the universe laughs and Echo pushes Sire to 4.4%.
Another look at progress and reclearing we have some movement:
- Ji Tianhong have re-killed Sludgefist and move back onto progressing Stone Legion Generals.
- Exorsus are still in the raid, working on Stone Legion Generals.
- Alpha are still working on re-killing The Council of Blood.
- Skyline continue with their HC splits.
- Jinling are doing Mythic+
HOLY COW THAT .9% WIPE FOR LIMIT. BRB, I need to lower my heart rate.
Echo is giving it everything they got with a 4.25% pull while Limit is close to victory with pretty consistent 1% wipes.
Let's have a moment of silence of Sire Denathrius, for he has fallen to Complexity Limit after 143 relentless attempts. This feat grants Limit the World First Mythic Castle Nathria title and a seat in the Shadowlands hall of fame on day 9.
What a wild ride tier this has been with Echo on their heels, imploring raid spectator's across the globe to hear their echo. Limit answers their call with a sound all their own. Huge congratulations to Complexity Limit on this well earned win!
Side note, RIP no mount for this boss.
Aversion snipes Sludgefist after 331 attempts while Echo decides it's time for some Heroic splits.
With the bulk of the Mythic progression pressure being lifted by Limit crushing all 10 bosses and probably a few dreams, as we head into the holidays we expect to see the remaining raid teams pushing to close out this tier in top 5/10 club.
- BDGG is doing the Stone Legion Generals tango at 49%/100%, 97 wipes in.
- Exorsus and Lazarus Imperative looking to finish Sludgefist with Imperative sitting at about 18.4% for best attempt so far.
- Aversion, Pieces and Echo are done for the day, with plans to get back to it tomorrow. Remember, Echo was closing in on Limit fast, ending their day with with a best attempt of 4.25%
Method ended today with Council left to kill for the reclear. The team will be taking tomorrow, the 24th off as many celebrate Christmas a day early. The team will return to Mythic progression on the 25th, but with an extended dinner break for team members that celebrate Christmas on the 25th.
Though we have 10/10 Castle Nathria bosses killed, 4 spots for top 5 are open for the taking.
Echo are all online and are starting the day with HC Sire Denathrius splits to acquire more weapons for their main team.
Other than Echo, we don't see many of the other frequent names, although that is to be expected as many EU guilds will be offline for some, most or all of today.
Checking in with the guilds that had their weekly reset today, we can see the top guilds are actively preparing to push their own progress further.
Jinling are ready to pull Mythic Artificer Xy'mox and Chao Jie are pulling Hungering Destroyer. Alpha seem to be taking a break after a few pulls on Mythic Artificer Xy'mox. Skyline and Ji Tianhong were last seen doing HC splits.
Echo have entered Mythic Castle Nathria once again and start their next sprint of pulls on Sire Denathrius.
After doing HC splits, they were discussing raid setup, a few adjustments of classes/specs being in the raid and reassignment of cooldown usage, dps target assignment and interrupt orders.
Based on their low close pulls yesterday on the boss, it's very likely we could see a kill for them today!
Exorsus are the next guild to defeat Sludgefist, World 11th, EU 6th.
Echo are incredibly close to a kill now, wiping at 2%, with confidence flowing, they have their sights set on a kill!
We are getting close to a World second kill of Sire Denathrius Mythic. Echo have had two increasingly low wipes of 0.7% and just now 0.1%.
With a quick look at the guilds reclearing, Alpha and Ji Tianhong are working on their re-kill of The Council of Blood. Choe Jie are just clearing the trash before The Council of Blood now and will join the others on the boss very soon.
Echo have defeated Mythic Sire Denathrius, World 2nd, EU 1st!
The EU are back into the raid.
We see Exorsus and Method back to progressing on Stone Legion Generals. With their kill shortly before this update, the guild, Банхаммер (Banhammer) have also joined the 9 other guilds working on the Generals, defeating Sludgefist World 12th, EU 7th.
Practice are also back into the raid, pulling The Council of Blood, looking to get back to progressing Sludgefist.
Alpha are also working on Stone Legion Generals, whilst Chao Jie are doing Heroic splits.
With no new major boss kills today, we can check-in on progression by some of the 10 guilds currently on Stone Legion Generals. Below is a breakdown of the best attempts from these guilds, showing how close a lot of them are to each other.
- Pieces - 50% Kaal and 47% Grashaal (an average of 48.5%)
- FatSharkYes - 50% Kaal and 49.8% Grashaal (an average of 49.9%)
- Method - 50% Kaal and 55.3% Grashaal (an average of 52.7%)
- Skyline - 50% Kaal and 61.6% Grashaal (an average of 55.8%)
- BDGG - 50% Kaal and 82.2% Grashaal (an average of 66.1%)
- Exorsus - 50% Kaal and 86.6% Grashaal (an average of 68.3%)
Chao Jie defeat Sludgefist, World 13th and Asia 4th. They now move onto Stone Legion Generals.
Practice defeat Sludgefist, World 14th and EU 8th.
This now means there are 12 guilds progressing on Stone Legion Generals.
Memento defeated Sludgefist, World 16th and EU 9th.
Lazarus Imperative defeated Sludgefist, World 17th and US/OC 3rd.
There are now 14 guilds at Stone Legion Generals.
MNM defeated Sludgefist, World 18th and EU 10th.
This puts the total to 15 guilds at Stone Legion Generals.
JinLing have defeated Sludgefist, World 15th and Asia 5th.
Club Camel have defeated Sludgefist, World 19th and US/OC 4th.
Method and Pieces are back online.
- Pieces currently have 346 pulls and a best of 48% Kaal and 48% Grashaal.
- Method have had 241 pulls and a best of 50% Kaal and 48.1% Grashaal.
Checking-in on some of the CN guilds; only Skyline is working actively on the Generals, Chao Jie is taking a food break and reviewing WoTLK kills, JinLing is doing Torghast runs and Alpha are in the maw.
Pieces are making some serious progress on Stone Legion Generals. Now at 350 pulls and new best of 30% Kaal and 33% Grashaal.
Alpha is also now back into the raid and putting more progress into Stone Legion Generals.
Pieces have defeated Stone Legion Generals, World 3rd and EU 2nd! With 382 pulls, they now move on to Sire Denathrius!
Pieces are working on their last Heroic splits before heading into their first progression on Mythic Sire Denathrius.
FatSharkYes are close behind Pieces, defeating Stone Legion Generals World 4th and EU 3rd in 184 pulls!
Pieces have defeated Sire Denathrius, World 3rd and EU 2nd in 132 pulls.
Jitianhong have defeated Stone Legion Generals, World 5th and Asia 1st.
Skyline have taken down Stone Legion Generals! World 6th and Asia 2nd. They join FatSharkYes and Jitianhong on Sire Denathrius.
Method have defeated Stone Legion Generals. World 7th and EU 4th.
Exorsus have defeated Stone Legion Generals. World 8th and EU 5th.
FatSharkYes have defeated Sire Denathrius, World 4th and EU 3rd!
BDGG have defeated Stone Legion Generals, World 9th and US/OC 2nd.
Today we have the battle to secure the top 10 ranking this tier. With BDGG killing SLG earlier today, there are now 5 guilds looking to down Sire Denathrius next.
JTH and Skyline are head-to-head in getting the Asia 1st kill and World 5th, as both guilds are on Sire Denathrius with JTH having a best attempt of 34% and Skyline with a best of 36% (57 pulls). Unlike all other guilds so far, Skyline have extended their lockout (possibly with JTH doing the same). They have taken a short break to head into Mythic+ and Torghast, but should both be back in the raid soon.
In the EU, Method have started early this morning with Sire Denathrius. After 38 pulls their best is 55.1%.
We have two CN guilds closing in on a Sire Denathrius kill! Jitianhong has their best pull at 0.4% and Skyline has their best at 1.2% (142 pulls). With pulls this low, we could see World 5th and 6th kills of the end boss today.
It currently looks that Method is the only other guild currently pulling Sire Denathrius, with a best of 36.8% and 75 pulls so far.
Taking a look at some CN guilds just behind the front of the pack, Chao Jie and Alpha are working on Stone Legion Generals.
Skyline and JTH both seem to be taking a break, before pushing to secure that World 5th ranking.
Jitianhong took a break from Mythic to do HC Sire Denathrius splits, now returning to Mythic, whilst Skyline continue to pull Mythic Sire Denathrius.
In the EU, we have Exorsus entering the raid, joining Method on Mythic Sire Denathrius. Today will be the start of progress for Exorsus, so it will be interesting to see how far they get!
Method's new best today has been 30.1%, and have had 84 pulls on the boss so far.
Skyline have defeated Mythic Sire Denathrius and claim World 5th and Asia 1st!
Jitianhong have defeated Mythic Sire Denathrius, World 6th and Asia 2nd!
Chao Jie have defeated Stone Legion Generals, World 10th and Asia 3rd!
Aversion have defeated Stone Legion Generals, World 11th and EU 6th!
Exorsus hit a new best of 41.9% today and have called it for the night.
After Aversion killed Stone Legion Generals, they had one pull Sire, getting the boss to 91.2% before logging off and calling it a day.
Method look to be pushing forward for a last push before stopping for today, having had the boss at a lowest of 3.3%, they are close to a kill!
Method having multiple low health attempts on Sire Denathrius yesterday has them determined to secure the kill today. They are inside the raid, on their first pull wiping at 4% and at 10% on their second pull.
Chao Jie are also actively pulling Sire Denathrius, with a recent 53% wipe they are getting further into the fight. They currently appear to be taking a quick food break.
Taking a look at the guilds also on Sire Denathrius that are currently offline: Exorsus has a best of 41.9% and BDGG has a best of 32.3%.
Exorsus have loaded up their streams and are preparing to start pulling Mythic Sire Denathrius.
Method have hit their new best with a 0.8% wipe!
Method has another 0.4% wipe! They could kill this boss on any pull now.
Chao Jie look to have finished their break and will continue pulling Sire Denathrius shortly.
Method have also taken a quick break to reset themselves after now multiple less then 1% wipes.
Method have defeated Sire Denathrius, World 7th and EU 4th!
Exorsus are pushing forward, achieving a new best of 22.4% on Mythic Sire Denathrius today.
Chao Jie have also made progress on Sire Denathrius, achieving a new best of of 53%.
Exorsus have just wiped on Sire Denathrius at 0.69%, so they are close to taking that World 8th ranking.
Alpha have killed Stone Legion Generals.
Chao Jie are now getting into Phase 3 of Sire Denathrius, with a new best of 24%.
Exorsus have defeated Mythic Sire Denathrius, World 8th and EU 5th!
Lazarus Imperative have defeated Stone Legion Generals, World 18th and US/OC 4th!
BDGG defeated Sire Dentathrius, World 9th and US/OC 2nd!
It looks that there is a head-to-head, seen multiple times during this tier so far, between Alpha and Chao Jie.
Both with low best % attempts on Sire, Chao Jie with a best of 1% and Alpha slightly behind with a new best of 22% (just now).
Chao Jie have defeated Sire Denathrius, World 10th and Asia 3rd!
With Chao Jie defeating Mythic Sire of Denathrius earlier today, we have the top 10 kills locked in.
Although the top 10 are in, there are many guilds still progressing. We want to wish them all the best and we look forward to covering the next race!
Three more EU guilds have taken down Mythic Sire Denathrius! Defeating him respectively:
- Memento World 11th and EU 6th!
- Aversion World 12th and EU 7th!
- Practice World 13th and EU 8th!
Club Camel have defeated Mythic Sire Denathrius World 17th and US/OC 3rd.