Destruction Warlock Talents Guide

Patch 10.2.7 Last Updated: 8th May, 2024
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Talent Builds


You play 3 minute infernal when the fight time gives you the same amount of infernals as if you were playing 2 minute infernal, for example a 3:30 fight time will give you 2 infernals regardless of if you play the 2 or 3 minute cooldown.

Another thing to consider is the damage profile of the fight. If you are holding your cooldowns to line up better with a damage amp or lust, then it may be better to consider playing 3 minutes to have better fight timings.

Another thing to consider is Internal combustion instead of reverse entropy. It is a very small gain in sim dps, however, this requires you to cast immolate significantly more vs playing reverse entropy. You can try it out and see if the playstyle suits you.

This build has a lot of built-in synergies:

  1. Roaring Blaze increases the damage of your Fire spells and its applied through Conflagrate. I recommend refreshing this debuff as late as possible with Conflagrate to keep 100% uptime.
  2. Eradication increases all the damage taken by the target you hit with your Chaos Bolt. This is one of the essential debuffs, so try to keep it up on the target while weaving in other spells between chaos bolt casts.
  3. Burn to Ashes buffs your Incinerate after a Chaos Bolt
  4. With the removal of Madness of Azj'Aqir this build is fairly easy to play, having one less thing to worry about
  5. If there are adds in the fight that spawn later, make sure to Immolate them for extra soul shards and Flashpoint uptime.
  6. Shadowburn is selected to reach the minimum amount of points to unlock the bottom section of the tree. Shadowburn is not used.

Make sure you get the most out of burn to ashes with this build, try to not over-cap if it can be avoided. Casting as many incinerates between chaos bolts is very important, but prioritize not over-capping soul shards.

Rolling Havoc makes the build really strong, giving you 10% more damage once fully stacked. Make sure whenever you press Havoc you can keep casting for its entire duration to maximize this buff.


With this setup, the main thing to keep in mind is to keep up your Immolate on as many targets as possible without overcapping on shards.

Class Talents

There are a few DPS increases in our class tree: soul conduit, grimoire of synergy, demonic inspiration, wrathful minion, and inqusitor’s gaze, Sargerei Technique, Socrethar’s Guile. All of these should be taken in any build.

We have many options for defensive talents, and I mean a lot. Some must-picks for defensives are dark pact, dark accord / strength of will, soul link, and fel armor.

The remaining talents are mostly about cc/utility, such as mortal coil, shadowfury, and banish. You might want to consider those for mythic+ fights or raid fights with stunnable / cc-able adds.