Sco, Hotted and Whaazz Battle for Azeroth Interview on PCGamesN

Sco, Hotted and Whaazz Battle for Azeroth Interview on PCGamesN

One of the bigger PC gaming sites, PCGamesN, has taken a few of our Method family members aside and talked to them about Battle for Azeroth, focusing on the pro aspect of the game. With the latest expansion topping even Fortnite on Twitch and being the fastest selling expansion to date, showing that WoW is as active a game as ever, Method co-owner Scott "Sco" McMillan, chief business development officer Alan "Hotted" Widmann and Method Black Rogue Oscar "Whaazz" Wulff, all avid streamers, went over the preparations before the expansion itself, for the raid race and more.

Here are a few excerpts from the interview, and you can read the full thing here.

“I guess you could say preparations started at BlizzCon in November 2017,” Sco tells me, ”that’s when I first got access to actually playtest the beta. Before the game was even released I’d already seen all the new zones, gone through all the quests, all the dungeons. Come game release I knew exactly what kind of path I was going to take, and precisely how I was going to level.”

“New expansion releases are the most important events for our careers pretty much,” Hotted explains. “We start planning months ahead of the event, thinking about who to partner up with and how to create content around it. Making sure that launch event is up to par with the viewer’s expectations.”

“If you’re PvE you try to find out the fastest possible levelling methods,” he says. “If you’re PvP like us it’s all about balance changes. When you go into a new expansion there’s always the risk of your class getting completely dumpstered by nerfs.” - Whaazz

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