Esports News UK Interviews Method Black's Whaazz

Esports News UK Interviews Method Black's Whaazz

The "arguably world's best Rogue in Arena right now", as per Esports News UK, and Method Black team captain, Whaazz, had a chat with the publication earlier today, covering some tips for the class, how he got into competitive Arena and the state of the competition, how Battle for Azeroth changed the PvP landscape and whether it will affect the esports side's popularity and more .

Here are a few excerpts from the interview, as well as the accompanying video, but you should definitely read the whole thing over on Esports News UK.

Tell us about the competitive WoW scene and how you got into it.

It's like any other esports game, it's super competitive - maybe not as big as other games but it's following through really good.

I got into WoW as I had a football injury, so that made me sit at home and I played every day. I learned that playing a lot made you do well and become super consistent. It soon became my goal to win tournaments.

I've been playing competitive WoW for about four years now.

What are your thoughts on the new Battle for Azeroth expansion? Will it change the PVP environment?

For sure. Going into a different expansion is always weird, you have to learn everything super quick. I already have a tournament coming up in a month and BfA just got released this week, so I have to do a lot of hard work.

There's the levelling of course but that's the easy part. Then you have to do all the theorycrafting and just playing together is super-important at the start of a new expansion, so you learn everything together and not just individually.

If you could give a few tips to help competitive players improve, what would you say?

Consistency is the key to doing well in anything you do. Whether it's esports, sports, or anything you're into.

Playing a lot made me good, playing a lot could make anyone good. Always looking to improve is one of the biggest issues for many people. If you don't look to improve, you won't improve, and if you think the game you're playing is bad, then you'll automatically have a bad mindset, which is a big thing in PVP.

So keep a good mindset, maybe do some workouts IRL to stay healthy.

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