The Sinkhole is a delve located in central Hallowfall, east of Mereldar. You will have to fly down a deep hole in order to find the entrance, we have included the Coordinates for the hole so you can easily locate it. Once you are finished with the delve there is a camp just outside with an NPC who will teleport you to the top if you wish to save your vigor.
/way Hallowfall 50.75, 50.38
There are 3 version of this delve which we cover in this guide:
- Illusory Rescue
- Raen’s Gambit
- Lurking Terror

The Sinkhole Delve Overview
This section will cover things that are relevant to all versions of the delve.
Delve Mechanic
The mechanic of The Sinkhole is Aquatic Curse (same as in Tak-Rethan Abyss delve), which despite being called a curse is not actually dispellable by decurse abilities. The curse prevents you from swimming, and considering the whole delve takes place underwater this seems like a big difficulty! However the delve is designed such that you are meant to walk around on the bottom.
One potential issue is the breath bar, which gives you 2 minutes before you start drowning. You do not however have to complete the delve in 2 minutes, instead you will find air bubbles. Stepping into an air bubble will grant you a buff allowing you to breathe underwater and have 100% increased movement speed for 5 seconds. It will also refill your breath bar completely.
Delve Mobs
These are the mobs that we felt were worth highlighting in The Sinkhole. If you have already done the Tak-Rethan Abyss delve you recognise all but the last elite shark from there.
Korbyss Witherer is a caster who has 2 abilities: Abyssal Surge, which is a single target cast that deals moderate damage and can be interrupted, and Curse of the Depths, which applies a curse to the target reducing haste by 5% and movement speed by 30%. You can have multiple applications of this debuff making you very slow.
Korbyss Spearfisher is a melee mob who periodically swims away from you to cast Spear Fish. When the cast finishes they will grip you to them. This cast can be extremely frustrating to deal with, and can be interrupted, but unfortunately these mobs are usually in packs with casters who have higher priority interrupts.
Korbyss Trickster is a melee mob who has two main abilities to worry about: Cleave is exactly what it sounds like. It locks on to a target and cleaves everything nearby, and you should make sure to spread out from other players and Brann. Illusive Step is a short cast where the mob will teleport behind their target, dealing a small amount of damage and summoning a low health copy.
Korbyss Necromancer is a caster who casts Necrotic Bolt, which is a heavy single target damage hit. They also cast Defiling Breath, a frontal cone which is fairly easy to avoid, but deals moderate damage if stood in.
Wandering Gutters are large elite sharks who wander in the nearby area. They deal heavy damage and should be avoided as much as possible.
Delve Boss
The Boss for The Sinkhole changes depending on which version of the delve is active and is explained separately in each section.
Illusory Rescue
The Illusory Rescue version of the Sinkhole is about rescuing NPCs. The first objective is to rescue 8 Arathi, which seems simple as when you first zone in you will see up to five directly in front of you. However some of the Arathi have a faint blue line coming out the back of them, which means that clicking on them will not actually rescue them, ergo they do not count towards the objective. Instead clicking these Arathi spawns a mob. This means you should ignore all Arathis with a blue line and only try to rescue ones without.
The second objective is to destroy 12 Illusory Clones. These will run at you in packs of 4 accompanied by a Drowned Arathi as you approach the final boss. They do not have any special attacks and die easily.
The boss for this version of The Sinkhole is Mirror Master Murkna. He has two abilities:
- Drowned Illusions is a short cast which will summon several Drowned Arathi, who don't really do much other than just die to AoE or cleave.
- Illusionary Bolt is an interruptible single target cast which deals moderate damage. As there is nothing else to interrupt, we recommend interrupting as many as you can.
Raen’s Gambit
In the Raen’s Gambit version of The Sinkhole you will be assisting Raen, who is an Arathi Lamplighter. She will give you the Light’s Boost extra action button, which launches you into the air, or rather water since the delve is underwater. But since you can only walk on the bottom, the feature is as if getting launched into the air. While in the air you will fall slowly towards the bottom, and can use the extra action button again to target a location you want to leap to. If you land near enemies you deal AoE damage to them.
The objectives will be to collect 8 relics, destroy the Korbyss by killing mobs to fill up a bar, then kill the boss at the delve. All objectives are given to you at the start of the delve, so you can technically do them in any order, although you won’t really get to the boss until the other objectives are done.
The boss in this version of The Sinkhole is Cragpie.
He has 2 abilities:
- Swiftness is an interruptible cast which will apply a 20 % haste buff to the boss.
- Electric Cataclysm is a cast the boss does on himself, right after a small knockback. It will deal heavy damage to anyone near him. This means that every time the boss does the knockback, you should stay away until the Electric Cataclysm cast is finished.
Lurking Terror
In the Lurking Terror version of The Sinkhole you will have to deal with the Korbyss who are controlling a massive leviathan.
The first objective is to kill 5 Levithan Manipulators throughout the delve. These are identical mobs to the Korbyss Necromancers mentioned above. Once you are done, you will need to destroy 7 Levithan Bait, which you do by clicking on them. The destruction has a long cast time which will be interrupted if you take damage so make sure to kill enemies nearby before starting the cast.
One major change through this delve is the introduction of purple circles. If you step in one of these circles, the big leviathan will launch a rapid barrage of water attacks.The barrage deals heavy damage if caught in, and happens very fast, and over a large area. For that reason it’s good to avoid the circles altogether. However, it deals heavy damage to everything caught within, so with some skill, you can use the circles to kill mobs. Because of how rapid the barrage lands, err on the side of caution.
The boss for this version of The Sinkhole is the Levithan Caller.
He has two abilities:
- Call of the Abyss is a short cast which puts swirls on the ground and summon tentacles at those locations. The tentacles will slam the ground in front of them, dealing heavy damage. Avoid getting hit.
- Abyssal Bolt is an interruptible single target cast which deals moderate damage. As there is nothing else to interrupt, we recommend interrupting as many as you can.
- Periodically he will summon a Guardian Tentacle, which will cause him to become immune to all damage until you kill it.