Kej is a very important currency for professions and gold making in The War Within. It can be used to purchase knowledge points and recipes, and can be transferred between characters with the new currency transfer system.
If you’re unsure of how best to farm Kej, we have broken down below which activities reward Kej and how much you can expect to receive.
One Time Rewards
These are Kej Rewards that are awarded only once per account or character.
At Renown 4 with the Severed Threads, you can pick up a quest from Y’tekhi, in the Weavers Lair, which rewards 750 Kej.
At Renown 8 you get another similar quest that rewards an additional 750 Kej, and this continues at Renown 10, 14, 18 and 22 but with an increasing amount of Kej as a reward. All of these quests can only be completed once per account.

/way Azj-kahet 55.27 41.23
Delvers Call Quests
There are two Delvers Call quests that each reward 150 Kej:
- Delver’s Call: Tak-Rethan Abyss
- Delver’s Call: Spiral Weave
The Delver’s Call: Tak-Rethan Abyss quest is picked up in the Weavers Lair at the following coordinates:
/way Azj-kahet 56.70 40.69
The Delver’s Call: Spiral Weave quest is picked up in Faerin’s Advance at the following coordinates:
/way Azj-kahet 58.90 18.60
These quests can be completed once per character. This means once you have completed the leveling campaign on one character, you can jump straight down to Azj-Kahet and complete these quests on your alts.
There are a fairly large amount of one time treasures scattered around Azj-kahet. Each treasure will reward 45 Kej and can be obtained on multiple characters.
There are many quests that will reward Kej at the end of their chains. The list below are the quests that start a chain that rewards Kej.
- Advance to Faerin
- Tool of Attunement
- Social Clues
- Spiders!
- Searching the Web
- Unfulfilled Requests
- Loss of Limb
- Beautification Project
- A Fin of Every Kind
- Infested Infestation
- Absent Errand
- The Second Front
- Rules and Consequence
Severed Threads Pact
Severed Threads Pact is the weekly event for Azj-Kahet. You get to choose one of three leaders to form a pact with and farm reputation with them for the duration of that reset. Once you have chosen a leader, you finish the quest and get a reward of 250 Kej. This quest can be completed on all of your characters as well, and you will receive 250 Kej every time.

/way Azj-Kahet 52.29 41.14
Additionally, if you pick The Vizier as your leader, and have the Collaborator rank or better, you get a buff increasing your Kej gains by 10%.
Call of the Worldsoul
Call of the Worldsoul is a weekly quest that can be completed on multiple characters rewarding 450 Kej, it's accepted from Faerin in Dornogal and you will need to complete one of four activities such as completing world quests, a Heroic dungeon, Awakening the Machine and many more. This can be completed on all of your characters each week.

/way Dornogal 46.91 48.39
There are multiple rares around Azj-Kahet who when killed reward 45 Kej. The rares only drop loot once a week, so you can’t farm the same rare over and over, but you can kill them on multiple characters each week.
Rumors are small mini quests offered around Azj-Kahet. You can spot them by a small spider icon on your minimap. Completing rumors reward 50 Kej each, and they respawn daily.
Each character has their own lock out. Once you have reached Collaborator with any of the leaders you can purchase a Map Bundle from the Severed Threads quartermaster which will reveal the locations of all of the rumors for that character. Although this costs 125 Kej per character, it does make finding them a lot easier; and just completing three rumors you would have otherwise missed will give you all the Kej you spent on the map back.
Weaver-Rat Caches
Weaver-Rat Caches uses the same icon as rumors but will just require you to follow the small spider Thimble. He grants you stealth if you stay close to him.
Each cache rewards 50 Kej. Similar to rumors, these can be completed on every alt, once per day.
World Quests
Very rarely a world quest will offer Kej as a reward. When this is the case, the quest can be completed on multiple characters.
Disturbed Dirt and zone specific treasures contain 4-7 Kej each, and can be looted up to 500 times per character per day. While we don’t recommend doing all 500, these are a nice bonus while you are doing other farms.
Resonance Crystals
You can trade Resonance Crystals for Kej at Ka’Muko in the Weavers Lair once you reach Renown 8 with the Severed Threads. The base rate is 800 crystals for 100 Kej. This will be improved as you get more renown.

/way Azj-Kahet 56.66 43.02
If you don’t have time for every single thing on the list, we still hope you will be able to use the information above to farm your Kej more efficiently.