Elemental Shaman Gearing Guide

Patch 10.2.6 Last Updated: 29th Apr, 2024
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Tier Sets

Elemental gains a very powerful new tier set with Amirdrassil that shifts the focus back to Primordial Wave and Lava Burst.

2 Set: Primordial Wave also casts an Elemental Blast at the target at 70% effectiveness, and grants you all three Elemental Blast bonus effects for 10 seconds.

This 2 set is incredibly strong, the free Elemental Blast triggers everything that a normal cast would, such as Surge of Power, Windspeaker’s Lava Resurgence and it can overload with Mountains Will Fall. Being given all three of the buffs at once is a large amount of free stats that you normally have nowhere near full uptime on.

4 Set: Lava Burst burns your target for 10% additional damage over 4 seconds, and after consuming Primordial Wave, your next 2 casts of Lava Burst also hit up to 3 additional targets affected by your Flame Shock for 65% of normal damage

This basically makes Lava Burst deal 10% more damage as a DoT that behaves like Fire Mage’s Ignite. It also gives you a few more AoE-Lava Bursts after a Primordial Wave which helps reduce the cooldown of said ability because of Rolling Magma.

Elemental Shaman Best in Slot Gear

You should still prioritize the gear you use by running a sim for your character, but the lists below will give you a good idea of what items are considered good for Elemental Shaman, and help you target the right content for each piece of loot.

Keep in mind that Elemental has a cap of 88% Mastery from gear, do not surpass this as it will be entirely wasted once you get the buff from Elemental Blast.

Overall Best Gear

Slot Item Source
Head Gatecrasher Giant’s Coif Assault of the Zaqali
Neck Elemental Lariat Crafting
Shoulders Greatwolf Outcast’s Companions Smolderon, Neltharion, Diurna, Catalyst
Cloak Voice of the Silent Star Scalecommander Sarkareth
Chest Greatwolf Outcast’s Harness Nymue, Zskarn, Kurog, Catalyst
Wrist Adaptive Dracothyst Armguards Crafting
Gloves Greatwolf Outcast’s Grips Igira, Experiments, Dathea, Catalyst
Belt Jeweled Sash of the Viper Volcoross
Legs Greatwolf Outcast’s Fur-Lined Kilt Larodar, Rashok, Sennarth, Catalyst
Boots Lightning-Charged Striders The Nokhud Offensive
Ring Seal of Filial Duty Broodkeeper Diurna
Ring Seal of Diurna’s Chosen Eranog
Trinket Belor’relos, the Suncaller Tindral Sageswift
Trinket Ominus Chromatic Essence Forgotten Experiments
Main Hand Vakash, the Shadowed Inferno Fyrakk
Off Hand Broodsworn Legionnaire’s Pavise Broodkeeper Diurna

Best Gear from the Raid

Slot Item Source
Head Gatecrasher Giant’s Coif Assault of the Zaqali
Neck Eye of the Rising Flame Tindral Sageswift
Shoulders Greatwolf Outcast’s Companions Smolderon, Neltharion, Diurna, Catalyst
Cloak Voice of the Silent Star Scalecommander Sarkareth
Chest Greatwolf Outcast’s Harness Nymue, Zskarn, Kurog, Catalyst
Wrist Surging-Song Conductors Kurog Grimtotem
Gloves Greatwolf Outcast’s Grips Igira, Experiments, Dathea, Catalyst
Belt Jeweled Sash of the Viper Volcoross
Legs Greatwolf Outcast’s Fur-lined Kilt Larodar, Rashok, Sennarth, Catalyst
Boots Crechebound Soldier’s Boots Scalecommander Sarkareth
Ring Seal of Filial Duty Broodkeeper DIurna
Ring Seal of Diurna’s Chosen Eranog
Trinket Belor’relos, the Suncaller Tindral Sageswift
Trinket Ominous Chromatic Essence Forgotten Experiments
Main Hand Vakash, the Shadowed Inferno Fyrakk
Off Hand Broodsworn Legionnaire’s Pavise Broodkeeper Diurna
Staff Dreambinder, Loom of the Great Cycle Nymue

Best Gear from Mythic+

Slot Item Source
Head Blazebound Lieutenant’s Helm Ruby Life Pools
Neck Ukhel Ancestry Beads The Nokhud Offensive
Shoulders Greatwolf Outcast’s Companions Catalyst
Cloak Fireproof Drape Ruby Life Pools
Chest Greatwolf Outcast’s Harness Catalyst
Wrist Shikaar Ranger Bracers The Nokhud Offensive
Gloves Greatwolf Outcast’s Grips Catalyst
Belt Azure Belt of Competition Algeth’ar Academy
Legs Greatwolf Outcast’s Fur-Lined Kilt Catalyst
Boots Lightning-Charged Striders The Nokhud Offensive
Ring Bloodied Wedding Ring Brackenhide Hollow
Ring Thunderous Downburst Ring The Nokhud Offensive
Trinket Umbreskul’s Fractured Heart Azure Vault
Trinket Tome of Unstable Power Azure Vault
Main Hand Koroleth’s Crackling Dagger The Nokhud Offensive
Off Hand Drake Rider’s Stecktarge Ruby Life Pools
Staff Final Grade Algeth’ar Academy


Adaptive Dracothyst Armguards offer both a Haste/Mastery buff when dealing damage, as well as a Crit/Vers buff when taking damage. These bracers get better the more difficult content you engage with, where you're able to reach upwards of 35-40% uptime on both buffs, providing a massive amount of stats.

Elemental Lariat is a good choice as the second embellishment, just need to make sure to sim it properly in order to not have the proc go to waste if it chooses mastery.

Blue Silken Lining is a solid choice for the second embellishment, offering a large amount of mastery at times. It’s not incredible, but the remaining choices are even more underwhelming.

Acidic Hailstone Treads will give slightly more damage than Blue Silken Lining but at the loss of 10% movement speed. Use at your own risk, not recommended in most cases.


Elemental has a fair few options this tier, make sure to sim yourself to find the best combination for you.

Belor’relos the Suncaller offers the most amount of damage but has a downside of both being limited to only 12 yards around you as well as doing a non-insignificant amount of damage to yourself.

Umbreskul’s Fractured Heart performs very well in single target situations and doesn’t have the downsides that Suncaller does.

Tome of Unstable Power is also a good choice for a passive damage trinket that scales into AoE situations.

Pip’s Emerald Friendship Badge, Whispering Incarnate Icon and Ominous Chromatic Essence are all solid trinkets that just provide a bunch of stats and don't require you to play around them. Ominous Chromatic Essence is the best of the three by a large margin and should be preferred.

Vessel of Searing Shadow does damage and provides a good amount of haste that doesn’t fluctuate too much and benefits the rather flat damage profile of the spec.